How to Praise the Lord
Seven Ways to Praise the LordThere are different ways to praise the Lord. Praise is an important part of our relationship with God. God dwells in the midst of our praise - so praise should not be subtle because it brings glory to God. Many people do not understand the different ways of praising, and some are more critical. Here we will explain the seven Hebrew words translated as praise. "Let us offer unto God a sacrifice of praise always by Jesus, which is the fruit of the lips of him that confesseth the name of the Lord." Heb. 13:15 "I will offer unto thee a sacrifice of a willing heart.... I will praise your name, O LORD. This name is good." Ps 54:62. Yadah expresses our love and obedience to the Lord by lifting our hands high. "Let us lift up our hands in sincere prayer to the God of heaven." Lamentations 3:41 "Lift up your hands to the sanctuary and praise the Lord." Psalm 134:2 "This is how I will praise you while I am still alive. I will lift up my hands in your name." Psalm 63:43. barouch means to bend down and prostrate oneself In the presence of the Lord, because of His glory and exclusivity, we bow down to show submission and honor. "Wherefore I beseech you, be not dismayed at the affliction which I have suffered for you; for this is your honor. This is your glory. Therefore. I bow my knees before the Father" Eph 3:13-15 "It is written, 'I swear by my eternal life, saith the Lord, that every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue confess to me.'" Rom. 14:11 "Come, let us bow down and worship, and kneel before the LORD who made us." Psalm 95:64. shabach means to shout. It means to praise the Lord with a loud cry for what He has done and the great things He will do. "May the sea and the surges that fill it... And the world, and they that dwell therein, make a noise." Psalm 98:7 "They sang with one another, and praised and gave thanks to the LORD, saying, He is good, and he hath shown everlasting kindness to Israel. And when they praised the LORD, the people cried with a loud voice, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid." S 3:11 "Lift up your voice and shout for joy, O inhabitants of Zion. For the Holy One of Israel, who is in your midst, is the greatest." Isa 12:65. Zamar plays musical instruments to glorify the Lord. "Praise the Lord, praise him in the sanctuary of God, praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty works, praise him according to his greatness. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet, praise him with the drum, praise him with the lyre Praise him with drums and dances; praise him with instruments of silk and strings, and with the voice of the piper; praise him with cymbals of great sound; praise him with the voice of the priest. Praise him with loud cymbals; praise him with loud cymbals. Praise the LORD, all that have breath. Praise ye the LORD." Psalm 1506. Halell means to praise the Lord's marvelous works with a dance of enthusiastic boasting. "May they dance and praise his name, and beat their drums and sing his praises." Psa. 149:3 "When the ark of the covenant of the LORD came into the city of David, Michal the daughter of Saul looked out of the window and saw King David dancing enthusiastically in the presence of the LORD" 2Sa. 6:16 "Thou hast turned my weeping into dancing, and hast stripped me of my linen garments, and hast clothed me with gladness. " Psalm 30:117. Tehillah This is singing, shouting, dancing, clapping and rejoicing all at the same time before the Lord. "Clap your hands, all ye nations. Shout to God with a voice that boasts of victory." Psalm 47:1 "Sing ye praises and songs of praise to God, and songs and praises to our King." Psalm 47:6 "I will sing a new song to you, O God. Sing praises to you with a ten-stringed psalter." Psalm 144:9