Is the 512G iPhone Xs really worth it?

Of course it's not worth it. The gold 512G XS to 11,899, gold 64G XS only 8,699. difference of 3,200 can buy a with the current Android strongest chip Snapdragon 845 Android flagship However, from the style is impossible to let others know at first glance that you use 512G or 64G XS, rather than so, it is better to buy the gold XS MAX, after all, 6.5-inch big screen! iPhone others will more or less still feel that this iPhone is so big, it should be the most expensive one iPhone XS Max. Of course, I recommend even more, 3200 difference, you can spend about 1500 to buy two Android mid-range machine filial piety parents, after all, 1500 Android machine is already enough for parents to use smoothly.