It depends on what the call was about. If I had just told him I was rejected and he called me drunk, I would have answered, but I can't guarantee what would have happened. It depends on what he said on the phone and how he acted when he sobered up.
If what he said on the phone was that he wanted to keep you, then let him talk about it when he sobers up. When he sobers up, ask him if he remembers what he said when he was drunk, and if he says no, then give up. Just as nothing has happened, he called you again do not pick up. And then and you take the initiative to talk to you, the mood is good to take care of it, the mood is not good, do not have to take care of him. This kind of person subconsciously take you as a fuck buddy, don't get into trouble. I was once young and ignorant, I have suffered ah. I was so naive that I thought I was being drunk, and then I got hit on for a long time, but I didn't have a name for him. I wanted him to go out drinking so I could wait until he asked me out. It was just silly. Luckily nothing substantial was lost, just a lesson learned.
So remember, stay away from the kind of scumbag who just wants to use you as a fuck buddy.
If he sobers up and admits what he said. And expresses it again and again, then don't be in a hurry to say yes. You can politely stall for a bit. A little test, in case it is a scummy disguise. In today's world you are afraid to meet a scummy guy. Be careful.
If he is drunk call about you, just find a reason to refuse, don't be impulsive. Don't make naive and stupid things, rationally think about it, he just rejected you, and then call about you, so quickly back to the heart? Or after getting drunk, which is so good. Drinking the truth, do not easily believe, unless you know enough about the person.