Forty years old want to fitness is not too late, you can first slow walk to fast walk, gradually adapt to jogging, dry night two best each three to four kilometers for the benefit. After warming up, on the equipment section of the practice of pull-ups and other physical adaptation, gradually increase the strength, expand the lung capacity to do suitable for their own strength of the movement, you can quickly achieve the effect of fitness. The first thing you need to do is to get a strong body, and you will be able to do good deeds for a hundred years.
Hello, everyone, I am the cat teacher fitness!
First, 40 + men why start fitness?
According to the 2008 Guide to Physical Activity for Americans, proper weekly exercise fitness, especially resistance training can increase muscle mass, improve hormone secretion, delay aging, and improve physical fitness.
Two, the benefits of resistance training are truly amazing as we age.
Science has shown time and time again that weight-bearing resistance exercise is critical if one wishes to slow down the aging process and maintain youthful vitality in one's 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.
Resistance strength training improves brain function, health, metabolism, blood sugar control, increases muscle mass, and slows down the aging process for optimal living.
The 10 golden rules of resistance training:
Avoid injuries during training: Incorporate more variety into your workouts to make recovery time longer: Reduce the frequency of spinal loading:Grouping intensive lower back exercises throughout the day is a good way to rest and recover the muscles of the lower back.
For example, when doing a hard pulling workout, do a set of hard pulls followed by a set of horizontal rope rows and then a set of hard pulls, alternating.
Focus on core stability training:40 + men in the strength training, should be more core stability of functional training, such as: one-legged squat, stability bench press, etc., in the proprioceptive rich environment (controlled, unstable) stability strength training.
Focus on warming up and stretching:As we age, synovial fluid production in the joints decreases and the time it takes to get the body warmed up grows, so it's important to spend 10 to 15 minutes a day on mobility and flexibility prior to strength training, which can prevent injury during strength training.
Fourth, what strength training is suitable for 40 + male muscle training?
Data from scientific studies show that resistance training is extremely beneficial for middle-aged and older adults in terms of physical health, brain function, mobility, muscle mass and strength, and overall health.
So what strength resistance training is suitable for 40+ men?
(a) Compound movements are preferred: Multi-joint, multi-muscle group training is preferred to achieve an overall increase in muscle and strength.
(b) must be leg training: "people before old legs first decline," indicating that leg training is essential for anti-aging.
(C) pay attention to hip training : hip the body's main support of the power parts, hip muscle weakness will lead to lumbar and knee compensation, will let the lower back and knee injury.
(4) must be small weight shoulder deltoid training: shoulder muscle group is very fragile, but very important, basically the rest of the body training action to use the shoulder muscle group.
The first item: immediately you want to 40-year-old man, how to fitness, this is a very clear sense of the topic, approaching the age of 40 years old man, is walking in the peak and valley of life, the cause of the need for hard work and struggle, especially the important position of the family, the parents are getting old and need to be taken care of, but also to complete, cultivate the children to grow up the mission of the man of 40 years of age, more confident, must be physically healthy and strong, and the body is strong, and the body is strong. The 40-year-old man is more confident, must be healthy, strong body, and meet the challenge of each day oh!
The second item: all know ...... "life goes on and on, more than sports", 40-year-old man, more physical fitness, fitness is very important:
① Fitness: sports ... ... aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise, such as: running, walking, climbing, cycling, swimming, in situ pull-up jumping, curling, flat support, deep squatting, to the gym card fitness ...... and so on, fitness time ...... each time! 1 hour, 5 to 6 times a week exercise, exercise time is squeezed out (the use of fragmented time, but also to exercise), must complete each exercise!
② fitness sports: for example, ...... running, running is easy to do sports, put on the right shoes clothing pants, to familiar with the venue to run, step by step running, sports sweat from the inside, outward penetration out sweaty, and constantly consume the body's excess heat, get rid of the whole body accumulation of fat, the body bloated flab in the reduction, the loose skin, through the fitness campaign, the body is not only a good place to run, but also a good place to run. The slack skin, through the fitness movement, gradually become firm and shapely, the body is more and more dashing!
③ 40-year-old man, through the fitness movement, the physical quality is getting better and better, drive away the body's sub-health ...... such as: fat sunset no, high blood fat down, ...... all cut sub-health symptoms, in the change off, fitness movement is the best recipe. A dose of the best prescription, conditioning their own body health Oh!
The third item: 40-year-old man ...... when the fitness campaign to become a daily habit, the spirit of self-discipline in the extension, perseverance and perseverance in the fitness campaign, 40-year-old man, with the increase in the amount of movement, time is the best witness officer, 40-year-old man, to achieve the clothes have a type, undressing have meat! ...... dashing charming body oh! Is a solid mountain, protect their loved ones, happy and happy to live a good happy days!
So, no matter how old you are, as long as you officially start to pay action to fitness, everything is not too late, are your new beginning.
As for how to fitness, 40-year-old body function in all aspects has declined, if there is no previous sports foundation, you can start from the slow walking and jogging, on the one hand, let their bodies slowly adapt to the rhythm of the movement, on the other hand, also exercise their own cardiopulmonary ability, enhance physical strength.
My suggestion is that anaerobic exercise can start with standard push-ups, self-weighted squats, etc. If you have the conditions to go to the gym, you can start with the gym's stationary equipment, and don't put too much weight on in the early stages, so you can find the feeling of exercise and let your body adapt to it.
After the body slowly adapted, you can increase the weight, in accordance with the order of the chest, shoulders, back and legs to exercise the muscles, there may be a lot of small partners said that the age of 40 years old, the body must be blossoming, it is recommended to go to do aerobic exercise, but my advice is to do more anaerobic do less aerobic, you can do a certain amount of preliminary aerobic exercise, but later, with the accumulation of experience, as far as possible, go to do more anaerobic exercise. I'm not sure if you're going to be able to do that.
Because of the age of 40 years old, the body's muscle loss has been a lot, and at any time at any moment in the loss of muscle, the reason why people get older, the body's various functions decline, low immunity, a large part of the reason is that the loss of muscle mass is too high, so for the age of people, my advice to him is to practice more strength, and then increase the body's muscle content.
The body's muscle content went up, the metabolic rate will increase, then our body organs will also improve the function, a little simpler to say, if your body's muscle content to improve your anti-aging is very helpful, which is a lot of 40 to 50 years old fitness professionals, and even 60 to 70 years old fitness professionals, you don't know whether to call him brother or call him uncle or call him grandpa? Because you can't even guess his age.
Today's forty-year-old man should still be considered a young man, to do more exercise exercise is still possible. For example, it is still possible to go to the gym to build muscles and shape your body beautifully.
If the beer belly has come out, then seize the time to first big belly to practice down. Belt long life is short but people's general experience ah!
If there has been a basic disease such as 'three highs' and so on, this time the exercise body should pay attention to. The first thing that you need to do is to get your hands dirty. Aerobic exercise, such as walking, aerobics, square dancing, playing tai chi, practicing qigong, etc. are good choices.
Exercise should be consistent, not three days of fishing two days of sunshine net, so exercise will not have the desired effect.
Keep a good mood, do not be depressed because of the disease, forget about the disease, optimistic life, which is more conducive to their health level.
To have a regular life, no smoking, less alcohol, reasonable nutrition plus suitable for their own exercise, I believe that your health level will be improved.
If you are fat, you need to lose weight to improve your health.
It is recommended to combine aerobic exercise and machine training. Aerobic exercise includes jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, three times a week for 30 minutes each time, and machine training can be placed in the aerobic exercise before, and do 30 to 40 minutes, which can improve the lean body weight, increase the basal metabolism, and make you look more energetic.
Men to the age of forty years old body is not as good as before, the body's various functions have begun to gradually downhill, the metabolism slows down, the loss of bone density, less muscle, a series of body indicators began to be less than normal, I was surrounded by friends with what fatty liver, mild hypertension, and blood sugar are high. Really "three high", occurring in the age of more than forty years more and more. Mainly because of the improvement of living conditions, high-calorie and high-fat food, go out and drive, to the company always sitting, go home and is lying down, less exercise to accelerate the body is not as good as before. But we do not have to worry too much, regular exercise can improve these physical problems, forty years old to go to the gym exercise is particularly important, the first, can improve by high calorie and high fat caused by obesity, keep fit, away from the three highs, the second appropriate exercise can reduce the pressure brought about by life, so that they relax their mind, and then can better work and study, the third, the exercise can make the body functions to maintain a good state, to postpone the The third is that exercise can keep the body's functions in good condition and slow down the labor of mourning. So how should a forty-year-old man work out? Adapt to do some aerobic exercise, proportion of running, walking, plus some strength training, squatting, etc. ... their favorite sports, try to be able to adhere to the right amount, according to their own physical condition, according to their own physical condition, to achieve my own preset goals, fitness is valuable in persistence. Forty-year-old man to cheer for themselves!
Although fitness is beneficial to physical health, but if the movement is not appropriate, the body will also produce some damage. Therefore, after 40 years old, men should pay more attention to the common law of fitness.
First of all, do not underestimate your own athletic ability, you can properly do a large intensity exercise. Don't think that after 40, athletic ability will be a drop in the bucket. Studies have found that men's athletic ability only declines by 3.4% per year in the 50-75 age group. Therefore, do not be afraid of basketball, soccer and other high-intensity sports, appropriate participation can not only improve physical fitness, but also help reduce stress and relaxation.
Pick what makes you comfortable. If you often experience some physical discomfort while playing a certain sport, then it means you are not suitable for it.
Adjust the pace to interval training. As an example, if you are walking, you can combine brisk walking, slow walking and jogging in your exercise, which will help you burn more calories in your body in a shorter period of time and eliminate your beer belly.
Just start exercising, don't seek too fast. If there is no previous exercise habits, you can start from the simplest walk. If you're not used to it, you can start with a simple walk, and then increase the amount of exercise you do after you've formed a habit.
Increase strength, flexibility and balance exercises. As we age, our organs age. Therefore, it is important to perform 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, but more appropriate to increase strength, flexibility and balance exercises.
Exercise diversification. Doing the same exercise every day is both tiresome and prone to injury, especially for men over 40. Therefore, it is recommended to do cross-exercises, such as running combined with cycling, swimming combined with strength equipment exercises.
Exercise with everyone. It is very important to get support from family and friends to encourage each other and train together for better results.
Watch out for old injuries. It's important to be aware of old injuries. If your knees have been injured before, running is not the best option.
Said so much to summarize, even if it is usually a common way of exercise, in the exercise is also to pay attention to. If you want to make yourself more healthy, you must pay attention to reasonable exercise on weekdays.
Four words gradually.
40-year-old people's physical function is not as good as young people, if before this often do not exercise, I think the body's functions have declined a lot, at this time more should go to learn the scientific exercise methods, to avoid unscientific fitness brought about by the body's injuries.
There is good news is that even 40 years old before the start of fitness people, as long as you can suffer, practicing down the body is absolutely not bad. Even a 60-year-old woman can improve her hunchback and herniated discs through fitness. So everyone should stay optimistic and positive about fitness.
For people who start working out at age 40, the approach I suggest is gradual.
First, from the warm-up practice, to adapt to the main.
Many newcomers who go to the park to practice running set small goals for themselves at the beginning, such as running 3 kilometers in 15 minutes today; jumping rope 180 times in 1 minute, and so on. For newcomers these exercise intensity may be a bit too much, the final result may be unable to persist and want to give up.
Give a few tips: don't drive to work, ride a bike instead; go to the neighborhood mall and choose to walk; choose to get off one stop earlier when you get off work, and walk around a bit more. Don't underestimate these exercises, it will quickly improve your physical fitness.
Second, more stretching to increase flexibility.
For older athletes, flexibility is the most important thing to emphasize, followed by strength and fitness. Without flexibility, a lot of simple turn movements can not do, let alone to fitness.
Third, practice strength.
Before practicing strength, you should already be in a good state of fitness through warm-up and flexibility training.
So now it's time to work on strength training. After forty a person's muscle mass decays at a faster rate than when they are younger, and strength training keeps the muscle and ensures fitness. In addition strength training helps prevent osteoporosis.
Summary: For people who just started working out in their 40s, don't be in a hurry, start with basic physical training and flexibility stretching, and then choose to go to high-intensity, large-weight strength training after your body adapts so you can reach your initial fitness goals.
Thirty past the point, fitness this thing is expensive in persistence, is a pay a sure return on things,