mirror gardenia snow 123

in "greater than or equal to" option, in the box after the input value "2000". Click the "format" button, open the "cell format" dialog box, the "font" of the "color" settings for "red".

2. Press the "Add" button, and follow the above operation set up other conditions (greater than or equal to 1500, the font is set to "blue"; less than 1000, the font is set to "brown"). ").

3. After the completion of the settings, press the "OK" button.

Take a look at the payroll, payroll data is not according to your requirements to show up in different colors.

Second, the establishment of a drop-down list of categories to fill the item

We often have to enter the name of the enterprise into the form, in order to maintain the consistency of the name, the use of "data validity" function to build a drop-down list of categories to fill the item.

1. In Sheet2, the business name by category (such as "industrial enterprises", "commercial enterprises", "individual enterprises", etc.) were entered in different columns.

2. Select Column A ("Industrial Enterprises" name of the column), in the "Name" column, enter the "Industrial Enterprises" characters, press the "Enter" button. "Enter" key to confirm.

Imitate the above operation, will be B, C...... columns were named "commercial enterprises", "individual enterprises" ... ...

3. Switch to Sheet1, select the need to enter the "business category" of the column (such as column C), the implementation of the "Data ?ú Validity" command, open the "Data Validity" dialog box. Data Validity" dialog box. In the "Settings" tab, click the "Allow" drop-down button to the right, select the "Sequence" option, in the following "Source In the "Source" box below, enter "industrial enterprises", "commercial enterprises", "individual enterprises"... ... sequence (separated by English commas between the elements), determine the exit.

Then select the need to enter the name of the enterprise column (such as column D), and then open the "Data Validity" dialog box, select the "Sequence" option, in the "Source" box. Enter the formula: = INDIRECT (C1), determine the exit.

4. Select any cell in column C (such as C4), click the right drop-down button, select the appropriate "business category" fill in the cell. Then select the cell corresponding to the D-column cells (such as D4), click the drop-down button, you can choose from the corresponding category of business names in the list of business names need to fill in the cell.

Tip: In the future, when printing reports, if you do not need to print the "business category" column, you can select the column, right-click the mouse, select the "Hide" option, the column will be hidden.

Third, the establishment of a new menu "Frequently Used Documents"

In the menu bar, a new "Frequently Used Documents" menu, will be commonly used to add the workbook documents to which it is convenient to call at any time.

1. Right-click the mouse in the empty space on the toolbar, select "Customize" option, open the "Customize" dialog box. In the "Command" tab, select "Category" under the "New Menu" item, and then "Command" under the "New Menu" item. New Menu" under "Commands" and drag it to the menu bar.

Press the "Change Selection" button, in the pop-up menu "Name" box, enter a name (such as "Common Documents").

2. And then in the "Category" under any one (such as "Insert" option), in the right "Command" under any one (such as "Hyperlink" option), drag it to the new menu (Common Documents), and modeled after the above operation to name it (such as "payroll", etc.), the establishment of the first workbook document list name.

Repeat the above operation, add a few more document list name.

3. Select the "Common Documents" menu in a menu item (such as "payroll" and so on), right-click the mouse, in the pop-up shortcut menu, select "assign hyperlinks ?ú open! " option, open the "Assign Hyperlink" dialog box. By pressing the "Find the scope" drop-down button on the right, locate the corresponding workbook (such as "salary.xls", etc.) folder, and select the workbook document.

Repeat the above operation, the menu item and its corresponding workbook document hyperlinked.

4. In the future, you need to open the "Frequently Used Documents" menu in a workbook document, as long as the expansion of the "Frequently Used Documents" menu, click the appropriate option can be.

Tip: Although we drag the "Hyperlink" option to the "Common Documents" menu, but does not affect the "Insert" menu. "Hyperlink" menu item and "Common" toolbar "Insert Hyperlink" button function.

Fourth, the production of "professional symbols" toolbar

In the editing of professional forms, often need to enter some special professional symbols, in order to facilitate the input, we can create a "professional symbols" of their own toolbar.

1. Implementation of the "Tools ?ú Macro ?ú Record a new macro" command, open the "Record a new macro" dialog box, enter the macro name? such as "fuhao1"? and save the macro in the "personal macro workbook", and then "OK" to start recording. Select "Record Macro" toolbar "relative reference" button, and then the need for special symbols entered into a cell, and then click "Record Macro" toolbar on the "Stop" button to complete the macro recording.

Imitate the above operation, one by one to record other special symbols of the input "macro".

2. Open the Customize dialog box, in the "Toolbars" tab, click the "New" button to bring up the "New Toolbar" dialog box. Toolbar" dialog box, enter the name - "Professional Symbols", OK, that is, there is a toolbar in the workspace.

Switch to the "Command" tab, select "Category" under the "Macro", "Command" under the "Macro", "Command" under the "Command", "Command" under the "Macro", "Command" under the "Command".

Switch to the "Commands" tab, select "Category" under the "Macros", "Commands" under the "Customize Button" item dragged to the "Professional Symbols" column (as many special symbols on how many buttons to drag).

3. Select one of the "custom buttons", following the first point of the second secret technique to name them.

4. Right-click on a named button, in the subsequent pop-up shortcut menu, select the "Assign Macro" option, open the "Assign Macro" dialog box, select the appropriate macro (such as fuhao1, etc.), determine the exit.

Repeat this step to link the button with the appropriate macro.

5. Close the "Custom" dialog box, you can later use the ordinary toolbar, as well as the use of the "Professional Symbols" toolbar, to the cell quickly enter professional symbols.

Fifth, with the "View Manager" to save multiple print pages

Some worksheets, often need to print different areas of them, with the "View Manager" it.

1. Open the worksheet you need to print, use the mouse in the rows (or columns) do not need to print the label drag, select them and then right-click the mouse, in the subsequent shortcut menu, select the "Hide" option, you do not need to print the rows (or columns) to hide.

2. Implementation of the "View ?ú View Manager" command, open the "View Manager" dialog box, click the "Add" button to pop up the "Add View" button. "Add Viewport" dialog box, enter a name (such as "on the statement"), click "OK" button.

3. The hidden rows (or columns) to show up, and repeat the above operation, "Add" a good view of the other print.

4. In the future, when you need to print a form, open the "View Manager", select the name of the form you need to print, click the "Show" button, the worksheet is instantly set up in advance to show the interface, simple settings, layout, and so on. Press the toolbar on the "Print" button, everything is OK.

Six, so that the data on-demand sorting

If you want to sort employees by their departments, the names of these departments both the relevant information is not in the order of pinyin, not in the order of strokes, how to do? You can use a custom sequence to sort.

1. Execute the "Format ?ú Options" command, open the "Options" dialog box, enter the "Custom Sequence" tab, in the "Input Sequence" box below. Input Sequence" below the box, enter the sequence of departmental sorting (such as "organs, fleet, a workshop, two workshops, three workshops", etc.), click "Add" and "OK! "button to exit.

2. Select "Department" column in any one cell, the implementation of "Data ?ú Sort" command, open the "Sort" dialog box, click the "Options" button. "Options" button, pop-up "Sort Options" dialog box, according to which the drop-down button, select the sequence just customized, press the two "OK" button to return to all the data according to the requirements are sorted.

Seven, the data is completely hidden

Some of the cells in the worksheet do not want to let the viewer to access the contents of the cell, had to hide it.

1. Select the need to hide the contents of the cell (region), the implementation of the "Format ?ú Cell" command, open the "Cell Format" dialog box, in the "numbers". Tagged "Classification" below the selection of "custom" option, and then in the right "type" in the box below enter ";;; " (three semicolons in the English state).

2. Then switch to the "Protection" tab, select the "Hide" option, and press the "OK" button to exit.

3. The implementation of the "Tools ?ú Protection ?ú Protection Worksheet" command, open the "Protect Worksheet" dialog box, set a good password, "OK" to return.

After such a setup, the contents of the above cells are no longer displayed, that is, the use of Excel's transparent function can not be made to appear.

Tip: In the "Protect" tab, do not clear the "Lock" in front of the check box in the "∨" sign, which prevents others from deleting your hidden data. This will prevent others from deleting your hidden data.

Eight, so that the Chinese and English input method intelligently appear

In the editing table, there are cells to enter English, some cells to enter Chinese, repeatedly switching the input method is really inconvenient, why not set up, so that the input method to intelligently adjust it?

Select the need to enter Chinese cells region, the implementation of "Data ?ú Validity" command, open the "Data Validity" dialog box, switch to the "Input Method mode". tab, press the "mode" right drop-down button, select the "open" option, "OK" to exit.

In the future, when elected to the need to enter Chinese in any one of the cells in the region, the Chinese input method (the first Chinese input method in the list of input methods) is automatically turned on, when elected to other cells, the Chinese input method is automatically turned off.

Nine, so that "AutoCorrect" to enter a unified text

Are you often for the input of certain fixed text, such as "Computer News" and worry about it? Then look down.

1. Execute the "Tools ?ú AutoCorrect" command to open the "AutoCorrect" dialog box.

2. In the "Replace" box below, type "pcw" (can also be other characters, "pcw" in lowercase), in the "Replace with" box. "Replace with" the following box, enter "Computer News", and then click "Add" and "OK" button.

3. In the future, if you need to enter the above text, just enter the "pcw" character? At this point, you can not take into account the case of "pcw"? Then confirm that it is done.

Tenth, custom functions in Excel

Excel function is rich, but does not meet all our needs. We can customize a function to complete some specific calculations. Below, we come from the definition of a trapezoidal area of the function:

1. The implementation of the "Tools ?ú Macro ?ú Visual Basic Editor" menu command (or press "Alt + F11" shortcut), open the Visual Basic editor window.

2. In the window, the implementation of the "Insert ?ú Module" menu command, insert a new module - module 1.

3. In the right side of the "Code Window In the "Code Window" on the right, enter the following code:

Function V(a,b,h)V = h*(a+b)/2End Function

4. Close the window, customizing the function is complete.

From now on, you can use custom functions just like built-in functions.

Tip: Functions customized in the above way can usually only be used in the corresponding workbook.

Eleven, the table header lined with a picture

Add a background for the worksheet, is lined with the entire worksheet below, can not just lined with the table header below it?

1. Implementation of the "Format ?ú Worksheet ?ú Background" command, open the "Worksheet Background" dialog box, select the picture you need to use as a background, press the "Insert" button, the picture will be lined with the entire worksheet. button, the picture will be lined with the entire worksheet below.

2. While holding down the Ctrl key, use the mouse to drag in the cells that do not need to be lined with pictures (region), while selecting these cells (region).

3. Press the "Format" toolbar on the "fill color" right drop-down button, in the subsequent appearance of the "color palette", select the "white". After such a setup, leaving the cell below the picture lined, and the above selected cell (region) below the picture is not lined (in fact, is the picture was "white" cover up).

Tip? Lined in the cell below the picture is not supported for printing.

XII, with a hyphen "&" to merge the text

If we want to merge the contents of multiple columns into one column, do not need to utilize the function, a small hyphen "&" will be able to take care of it ( This assumes that columns B, C, and D are merged into one column).

1. In the D column behind the insertion of two empty columns (E, F), and then in cell D1 enter the formula: = B1 & C1 & D1.

2. Select cell D1 again, with the "Fill Handle" will be the above formula copied to the D column below the cell B, C. The contents of the D column that is merged into one, D that is, the contents of the columns were merged into the corresponding cell in the E column.

3. Select the E column, the implementation of the "Copy" operation, and then select the F column, the implementation of the "Edit ?ú Selective Paste" command, open the "Selective Paste" dialog box. Select the "value" option, press the "OK" button, the contents of the E column (not the formula) that is copied to the F column.

4. Columns B, C, D, E deleted, to complete the merger.

Tip: the completion of the first two steps of the operation, the merger effect has been achieved, but at this time, if you delete the B, C, D columns, the formula will be an error. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the third step of the operation, the formula will be converted to an unchanged "value".

Birth results

Often friends ask "how to print the results of the bar" such a problem, there are many people to take the method of recording macros or VBA to achieve, which is difficult for beginners. For such considerations, I am here to give a function to achieve an easy way.

This assumes that the student results are saved in the Sheet1 worksheet A1 to G64 cells in the region, where the first line is the title, the second line is the name of the subject.

1. Switch to Sheet2 worksheet, select cell A1, enter the formula: = IF (MOD (ROW (), 3) = 0, 〃〃, IF (0 MOD? ROW (), 3 (= 1, sheet1!A ū, INDEX (sheet1!$A: $G, INT (((ROW () + 4)/3) +1). COLUMN()))).

2. Select cell A1 again, with the "fill handle" to copy the above formula to B1 to G1 cells; and then, at the same time, select the A1 to G1 cell area, with the "fill handle" to copy the above formula to A2 to G185 cells.

So far, the results of the basic molding, the following simple modification.

3. Adjust the row height and column width, while selecting the A1 to G2 cell area (the first student achievement bar area), according to the "Format" toolbar "border" right drop-down button, in the subsequent appearance of the list of borders, select the "All Borders". "All lines" option to add a border for the selected area (if you do not need a border, you can not carry out this step and the following operations).

4. At the same time, select the region from A1 to G3 cells, click on the "Frequently used" toolbar on the "Format Brush" button, and then hold down the left mouse button, since the A4 drag to the G186 cell region, for all the results of the bar to add a border.

Press the "Print" button, you can print out the results.

XIV, Excel to help you choose the function

In the function of data processing, often do not know what function is more appropriate. Excel's "Search Function" function can help you narrow down the scope of the selection of the appropriate function.

The implementation of the "Insert ?ú Function" command, open the "Insert Function" dialog box, in the "Search Function" below the box, enter the requirements (eg. "Count"), and then click the "Go" button, the system will instantly with the "count" of the function selected, and displayed in the "Select Function in the list box under "Select Function". Combined with a look at the relevant help files, you can quickly determine the function you need.

XV, at the same time to see the data in different worksheets in multiple cells

Sometimes, we edit a worksheet (Sheet1), we need to see the other worksheets (Sheet2, Sheet3 ......) the contents of a cell, you can use Excel's "Watch Window" feature to achieve.

The implementation of the "View ?ú Toolbar ?ú Monitor Window" command, open the "Monitor Window", click the "Add Monitor" button, expand the "Add Monitor" button. "Add monitoring point" dialog box, select the cell you need to view with the mouse, and then click "Add" button. Repeat the previous operation to add other "monitoring point".

In the future, no matter which worksheet, as long as you open the "Watch Window", you can view all the monitored points in the cell data and related information.

XVI, for the cell quickly draw a border

In the previous version of Excel 2002, the operation of adding a border for the cell region is more cumbersome, Excel 2002 has a new expansion of this feature.

Click the "Format" toolbar "border" on the right side of the drop-down button, in the subsequent pop-up drop-down list, select the "Drawing Borders" option, or the implementation of the "View ?ú Toolbars ?ú Borders" command, expand the "Borders" toolbar.

Click the toolbar on the left side of the drop-down button, select a border style, and then need to add a border in the cell area drag and drop, you can quickly draw a border for the corresponding cell area.

Tips: ① If you draw the wrong border, it does not matter, select the toolbar "erase the border" button, and then drag the wrong border, you can clear the wrong border. ② If you need to draw a different color border, you can first press the toolbar on the right side of the "line color" button, then pop-up color palette in the selection of the desired color, and then draw the border can be. ③ This feature can also draw diagonal diagonal lines in the cell.

XVII, control the length of the text entered in a particular cell

You can imagine when you enter a four-digit cell but filled in a two-digit number, or in the cell where the text you enter the number of times, Excel will be able to automatically determine the instantaneous analysis and pop-up warnings, that's how good it is! To achieve this feature, for Excel, it is not difficult.

For example, we will position the cursor to a registered "year" in the cell, in order to enter the unity and ease of calculation, we hope that the "year" with a four-digit representation. Therefore, we can click the "data" menu "validity" option. In the "Settings" card "validity conditions" of the "Allow" drop-down menu, select "text length". Then in the "Data" drop-down menu, select "equal to", and "length" for "4". At the same time, we come back to the "Error Warning" card, set "Error Warning Displayed when Invalid Data is Entered" to "Stop", and set the "Title" and "Error Warning" to "Stop". Title" and "Error Message" column, respectively, fill in "Input text is illegal!" and "Please enter four digits". and "Please enter a four-digit year." in the "Title" and "Error Message" columns, respectively.

Obviously, when if someone in the cell is not a four-digit number, Excel will pop-up warning dialog box to tell you the reason for the error, and until you enter the correct "style" of the value before you can continue to enter. Magic, right? In fact, in Excel's "data validity" judgment, there are many special types of data formats to choose from, such as "text type" ah, "sequence size" ah, "time near" ah. "time near" ah, such as you are interested in, why not take the initiative to design their own testing standards, so that your Excel show a different luster it.

XVIII, into groups to fill multiple forms of fixed cells

We know that every time you open Excel, the software always opens multiple worksheets by default. From this, we can see that Excel has a strong single form in addition to the ability to deal with, more suitable for multiple interrelated forms in the coordination of work. To coordinate the association, of course, the first need to synchronize input. Therefore, in many cases, there will be a need for multiple forms at the same time in the same cell to enter the same content.

So how to edit the table as a group? First of all, we click the first worksheet label name "Sheet1", and then hold down the Shift key, click the last form of the label name "Sheet3" (if we want to associate the form is not together, you can hold down the Ctrl key for pointing). At this point, we see the title bar of Excel's name appeared on the "Working Group" words, we can carry out the editing of the work of the Working Group. In the need to enter the contents of multiple forms at a time in the cell to write something, we found that the "Working Group" in the same location of all the forms are displayed in the corresponding content.

However, synchronized input is not enough. For example, we need to change the formatting of the data in the same place in multiple forms. First of all, we have to change the format of the first form of data, and then click the "Edit" menu "Fill" option, and then in its submenu, select "to the same group of worksheets. At this point, Excel will pop up the "fill into a group worksheet" dialog box, where we choose "format" one, point "OK" after the same group of all forms in the position of the The data format has changed.

XIX, change the case of the text

In Excel, for the form processing and data operations to provide the most powerful support is not a formula, not a database, but a function. Do not think that Excel function is only for digital, in fact, as long as it is written into the form of content, Excel has a special function to edit it. For example, change the case of the text.

In Excel 2002, provides at least three kinds of text case conversion function. They are: "= UPPER (source data grid)", the text will be converted to all uppercase; "= LOWER (source data grid)", the text will be converted to all lowercase; "= PROPER (source data grid)", the text will be converted to the "appropriate" case, such as the first letter of each word for the upper case. For example, we have a form in cell A1 enter lowercase "excel", and then in the target cell type "= UPPER (A1)", enter after the results will be "EXCEL". EXCEL". Similarly, if we enter "mr.weiwei" in cell A3, and then we enter "=PROPER(A3)" in the target cell, then we get the result will be "Mr. Weiwei". Weiwei".

XX, extract the specific characters in the string

In addition to direct input, from the existing cell content to extract the specific characters to enter, it is definitely a time-saving and trouble-saving method, especially for some of the style of the same information is more, such as the list of employees, such as the place of origin and other information.

If we want to quickly extract the title from the A4 cell, it is best to use the "= RIGHT (source data grid, the number of characters extracted)" function, which says "from the right-most characters of the A4 cell to start extracting the two characters". Input to this position. Of course, if you want to extract the name, then you have to use "= LEFT (source data cell, the number of characters extracted)" function. There is another situation, we do not start from the left and right ends, but directly from the middle of the data to extract a few characters. For example, we want to extract from the A5 cell "Wuhan" two words, it is only necessary to enter the target cell "= MID (A5, 4, 2)" can be. Meaning: in cell A5 to extract the fourth character after the two characters, that is, the fourth and fifth two words.

Twenty-one, the base word into the ordinal word will be converted to the English base word into the ordinal word is a more complex problem. Because it does not have a very fixed pattern: most of the numbers into the ordinal number of words are used in the "th" suffix, but most of the "1", "2", But numbers ending in "1", "2", and "3" end in "st", "nd", and "rd", respectively. Moreover, the numbers "11", "12" and "13" are different, but they still end in "th". ". Therefore, the realization seems to be very complicated. In fact, as long as we clarify the ideas, find the right function, only to write a formula, it can be easily converted. If you don't believe me, please see: "=A2&IF(OR(VALUE(RIGHT(A2,2))={11,12,13}),〃th〃,IF(OR(VALUE(RIGHT(A2))={1,2,3,},CHOOSE(RIGHT(A2),〃st〃,〃nd〃,〃 rd〃),〃th〃))". The formula is a long string, but the meaning is clear: ① If the number ends in "11", "12", "13", then add If the first principle is invalid, check the last digit and use "st" to end with "1", "2" to end with "2", and "st" to end with "1". end with "1", "nd" with "2", and "rd" with "3"; (iii) if both principles 1 and 2 are invalid, then use "th". Thus, the conversion of base and ordinal words is realized so easily and quickly.

Twenty-two, with special symbols to make up the number of digits

and finance have dealt with the people know, in the accounts to fill in when there is an agreed "safe filling method", that is, the amount of empty space in the fill, or in the amount of data in front of the addition of "$" and other symbols. " and other symbols. In fact, there are similar input methods in Excel, that is, "REPT" function. Its basic format is "= REPT ("special symbols", fill in the number of digits)".

For example, we want to fill the end of the number in cell A2 with "#" to 16, just change the formula to "= (A2 & REPT (〃#〃,16-LEN (A2)))" can be; If we want to fill the number in cell A3 from the left side with "#" sign to 16 digits, we have to change it to "=REPT(〃#〃,16-LEN(A3)))&A3"; In addition, if we want to fill the number in cell A3 from the left side with "#" sign to 16 digits, we have to change it to "=REPT(〃#〃,16-LEN(A3)))&A3"; In addition, if we want to fill the number in cell A3 with "#" sign to fill the value in A4 from both sides, then we need to change it to "=REPT(〃#〃,8-LEN(A4)/2)&A4&REPT(〃#〃)8-LEN(A4)/2)"; if If you are still not professional enough to add the "$" sign at the top of the number in cell A5, then it will be changed to "=(TEXT(A5,〃$#,##0.00〃(&REPT(〃#〃,16-LEN(TEXT(A5,〃$#,##0.00〃)/2))"; if you are still not professional enough to add "$" sign at the top of the number in cell A5, then it will be changed to "=(TEXT(A5,〃$#,##0.00〃(&REPT(〃#〃,16-LEN(TEXT(A5,〃$#,##0.00〃)/2))". 0.00〃))))" will surely meet your requirements.

Twenty-three, the creation of text histogram

In addition to repeated input, "REPT" function is another derivative of the function can be directly in the worksheet to create a histogram composed of plain text. Its principle is very simple, it is the use of special symbols of intelligent repetition, in accordance with the results of calculations in the specified cells to show the length of the comparative effect.

For example, we first create an annual balance sheet, and then the "E" as a histogram of the "budget" in the month of the display area, the "G" as a histogram of the "over budget" in the month of the display area, the "G" as a histogram of the "over budget" in the month of the display area. Column "E" will be used as the display area for the "on-budget" months in the histogram, and column "G" will be used as the display area for the "over-budget" months. Then according to the table has been the result of "column D" value, with "Wingdings" font "N" character performance. Specific steps are as follows:

In cell E3, write the formula "= IF (D30, REPT (〃n〃, ROUND (D3 * 100, 0)), 〃〃)", and also drag the fill handle to G14. We see that a chart does not use Excel charts function of the text-only histogram has been shown! In front of us, it is convenient and intuitive, simple and clear.

Twenty-four, calculate the total number of words in the cell

Sometimes, we may be interested in the number of characters in a cell, the need to calculate the total number of words in the cell. To solve this problem, in addition to the use of the "SUBSTITUTE" function of the virtual calculation, but also to use the "TRIM" function to remove spaces. For example, cell A1 now entered in the word "how many words?", then we can use the following expression to help:

"=IF (LEN (A1)=0,0,LEN (TRIM (A1)) - LEN("). SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(A1),〃,〃,〃〃))+1)"

The meaning of this formula is to create a new string by using the "SUBSTITUTE" function and delete the characters between them by using "TRIM "function to delete the space between the characters, and then calculate this string and the original string of the difference between the number of characters, so that the number of "spaces", and finally the number of spaces +1, the number of characters in the cell.

Twenty-five, on the conversion of the euro

This is a new tool in Excel 2002. If you install Excel 2002 when you choose the default method, then it is likely that you can not find it in the "Tools" menu. However, we can first select the "Tools" menu in the "Load Macro", and then in the pop-up window to check the "Euro Tools" option, "OK! "Excel 2002 will be installed on its own.

After the completion of our re-open the "Tools" menu, click the "euro conversion", an independent specializing in the euro and the European Union member states to convert the currency of the window has appeared. As with other Excel function window, we can use the mouse to set the currency conversion "source area" and "target area", and then select the conversion before and after the different currencies can be. Shown is the "100 euros" were converted to other currencies of EU member states than the list. Of course, in order to make the euro show more professional, we can also click on the Excel toolbar "euro" button, so that all the converted currency values are the style of the euro.