~Ranch Story Ore Town Companions~ Raiders ask


Birthday: 3rd (10th) of summer

Address: Chicken Ranch

Relationships: Lilia's daughter, Rick's sister

Rivals: Kaye

Brief introduction:

A sentimental girl whose dream is to leave Ore Town soon and find a new world. Also seems to hate kids bothering ......

※Raise 8 chickens and add 2500 to the love degree when the chickens' average heart count reaches 5, 8, 9, or 10.

Love Incident

Time: Wed, Fri AM11:00 to PM6:00

Location: Chicken farm (from the The Chicken Farm (occurs when you walk out of the Forge)

Choice: Choose "Like" and Purbly's love level will be +3000, choose "Dislike" and Purbly's love level will be -2000

Time: Thru Fri AM6:00 to PM1:00

Time: Thru Fri AM6:00 to PM1:00

Time: Thru Fri AM6:00 to PM1:00 :00

Location: Your own ranch

Selection: Choose "Yes", Purbly's love rating is +3000, choose "Busy, can't", Purbly's love rating is -2000

Time: Outside of Summer Day AM10:00 to PM1:00

Place: Church

Choice: Choose "Play Together", Purbly's love level +3000, Yu's favorability -10, May and Carter's favorability +20, there is a space in the backpack to get "Purbly's Little Clay Cluster", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something", choose "Something". "Something's up", Purbly's love level remains the same, Yu and Carter's favorability -10, May's favorability +20

Time: Outside of Summer II, Outside of Day

Location: Chicken Farm

Selection: choose "Purbly's right! ", Purbly's love +3000, Rick's favorability -10, Lilia's favorability +20; choose " Rick is right ", Purbly's love -2000, Rick's favorability +20, Lilia's favorability -10; choose " Lilia is in a difficult situation ", Lilia is in a difficult situation. difficult", Purbly's love level +3000, Rick and Lilia's favorability +20

Likes and Dislikes

Special Likes: wow! I love it so much. Thank you.

Scrambled Eggs, Vegetable Omelet, Egg Scrambled Rice

Liked a lot: wow, thanks. (name of protagonist) I love what you sent me.

Strawberries, Apples, Eggs (Regular, High Quality, Extra, Gold, P, X), Chocolate, SUGDW Apples, HMSGB Apples, AEPFE Apples, Sandwiches, Juice, Strawberry Sauce, Strawberry Milk, Hard-boiled Eggs, Pudding, Apple Pie, Apple Sauce, Apple Roast, Eggs on Rice, Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Hot Cake, Spend Time Tea, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds

Likes: wow, thanks

Pineapple, honey, mayonnaise (S, M, L, G, P, X), milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), grape juice, wheat flour, bread, stews, pot roast, baked potato, ketchup, popcorn, roasted corn, pineapple juice, pumpkin pudding, groundnut pudding, hot milk, bamboo shoots and rice, grape sauce, toast, French toast, assorted sushi, college taro, pastime tea, tri-color flower, catnip, woolen doughnut (S, M, L, G, P, X)

Common: Thank you.

Potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, corn, onions, carrots, groundnuts, spinach, bamboo shoots, wild grapes, mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, onsen eggs, cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), powdered meatballs, oil, curry powder, onigiri, pickled cucumbers, salad, curry rice, miso soup, stir-fried bok choy, fried rice, fruit milk, nacho chips, roasted groundnuts, gazpacho, whipped cream, cheese cake, Cheese, Mushroom Rice, Matsutake Mushroom Rice, Sushi, Bread with Jam, Toasted Bread with Cream, Grape Bread, Curry Bread, Fish Fillet, Boiled Fish, Pizza, Udon, Curry Udon, Tempura Gaiwan, Udon-Yaki, Soba Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Dry-roasted Izumi Noodles, Hot Soba Noodles, Tempura, Boiled in front of the Chikuzen, Moon Viewing Dumplings, Yakitori (Baked Rice Balls), Congee, Tempura Rice, Deep Fried Croquettes, Fish Cake, Responding to Grass, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Big Fish, The Sun of Spring, Summer Sun, Autumn Sun, Winter Sun, Moon Tear Grass, Green Fantasy Grass, Red Fantasy Grass, Wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), Diamond, Weed

Hate: I hate this!

Daikon, pumpkin, eggplant, peppers, buckwheat flour, rice cakes, vegetable juice, vegetable milk, blended juice, blended milk, pickled daikon, tomato juice, stewed pumpkin, roasted eggplant in sauce, roasted rice cakes, waste ore, copper, silver, gold, secret silver, aurichalcum steel, Sage's Stone, moonstone, amethyst, desert rose stone, onyx, fluorite, peridot, topaz, ruby, emerald, alexandrite

Very nasty: yikes, nasty! ...I don't want it.

Poison Mushrooms, Green Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Wine, Retort, Great Retort, Awakening, Great Awakening, Wild Wine, Failure to Make (on a Plate, Drinking, Served in a Pot, Snacks, Bread, Udon), Stones, Branches, Pirate's Treasure, Ancient Fossilized Fish, Empty Pots, Boots, Fish Bones, Wood, Golden Wood, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Tablet of Mystery, Bottle with Letter

Other: ah, this is for me? Awesome! Feel like a grown-up now.

Bracelet, Necklace, Earrings, Brooch

Other: what's this? Oh, perfume...what, for me? Wow, thanks.


Other: this is for me? It's great! I'm going to take it to my mom.

Skirt, mask, moisturizer, sunscreen

Notes: Especially like: Love +800 Very like: Love +500 Like: Love +300 Normal: Love +100 Hate: Love -500 Very hate: Love -800


Birthday: Summer 17(22)

Residence: Dart's shop

Relationships: Dart's daughter

Rival: Cliff

Brief description:

Girl who is always in high spirits at the hotel. She is very competitive, but has no confidence in her charms and has a negative outlook on relationships. She also likes cooking and eating a lot.

※Buy one thing to eat at the inn (Tatsu's store) every day (free water doesn't count), and your love level will increase by 2500 for every 15 days.

Love Incident

Time: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, except Mondays and Saturdays

Location: Tatsu's shop

Choices: Choose "Eat", and Rin's love level will be increased. "Eat", Lin's love degree +3000, Dart's favorability +20, "No need", Lin's love degree -2000, Dart's favorability -10

Time: Sun, Tue, Thu, Sat, AM10:00 to PM1:00

Location: Dart's store 2F

Location: Dart's store 2F

Location: Dart's store 2F

Location: Dart's store 2F

Location: Dart's store 2F Floor

Selection: Choose "Love Cleaning" and Rin's love level will be +3000, choose "Hate Cleaning" and Rin's love level will be -2000

Time: Wed, Fri 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Location: Dado's shop Place: Dado's shop

Choice: Choose "Send to the hospital", Lynn's love level +3000, Dart's favorability +20, and if there is space in the bag, you can get "Lynn's music box", choose "What...what should I do?

Time: Mon, Tue, Thu, Sat AM10:00 to PM7:00

Location: Dado's shop

Choices: choose "like her", Lynn's love +3000, Dart's favor +20, choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend", choose "just a friend". "Just Friends", Lynn's love level stays the same, Dart's favorability -10

Likes and Dislikes

Special Favorite: Great! May I have it? Thanks.

Cheese, Matsutake Rice, Cake, Hot Cake

Liked a lot: can I have it? Wow! That's great! Thank you.

Onsen eggs, chocolate, rice cakes, salad, curry rice, stew, stir-fried greens, fried rice, pot roast, sandwiches, strawberry milk, pumpkin pudding, roasted groundnuts, vegetable omelette, scrambled egg, pudding, cheesecake, apple pie, bamboo shoots on rice, mushrooms on rice, sushi, curry bread, tenkatsu gong dango, udon-yaki, soba, tenkatsu luomian, grilled rice cakes, ice cream, brownies, diamonds, Pink Diamond

Liked: Thank you!

Strawberries, Tomatoes, Pineapple, Wild Grapes, Apples, Eggs (Regular, High Quality, Premium, Gold, P, X), Mayonnaise (S, M, L, G, P, X), Milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), Cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), Grape Juice, Meatball Powder, Onigiri, Bread, Buckwheat Powder, Sugawashi Apple, HMSGB Apple, AEPFE Apple, Pickled cucumber, Miso soup, Juice, Vegetable juice, Vegetable milk, Blended juice, Blended milk, Pickled radish, Roasted potato, Strawberry jam, Tomato juice, Popcorn, Cornflakes, Pineapple juice, Roasted eggplant with sauce, Groundnut pudding, Cold vegetables, Scrambled egg, Boiled egg, Apple yakisoba, Bread with jam, Bread baked with cream, Grape bread, Toast, French toast, Fish fillet, Mixed sushi, Pizza, Udon, Udon with curry, Dry grill Iman, Hot Soba, Tempura, Chikuzen-boiled, Grilled Rice Balls, Congee, Tempura Rice, Egg Rice, Large Taro, Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Recessed Tea, Oyako (Big Fish), Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, Emerald, Mystic Slate, Bottle with Letter

Common: Thank you.

Turnips, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, corn, onions, squash, eggplant, carrots, groundnuts, spinach, peppers, bamboo shoots, honey, mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, wine, oil, wheat flour, curry powder, wild wine, fruit milk, tomato sauce, roasted corn, stewed pumpkin, hot milk, cream, applesauce, grape sauce, boiled fish, moonlight viewing croquettes, croquettes, fish cakes, relaxing tea, replying grasses , Small Fish, Medium Fish, Spring Sun, Summer Sun, Autumn Sun, Winter Sun, Tricolor Flower, Moon Tear Grass, Catnip, Green Fantasy Grass, Red Fantasy Grass, Wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), Woolen Cluster (S, M, L, G, P, X), Peridot

Nasty: for me? Well...thanks...

Cyan Grass, Green Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Echo, Big Echo, Wake Up, Big Wake Up, Failure to Make (On a Plate, Drinks, Served in a Pot, Treats, Bread, Udon)

Very Annoying: what's this! Throw it away!

Poison Mushrooms, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Scrap Ore, Copper, Silver, Gold, Secret Silver, Aurichalcum Steel, Diamond, Sage's Stone, Moonstone, Desert Rose Stone, Onyx, Fluorite, Alexandrite, Weed, Stones, Branches, Pirate's Treasure, Ancient Fossilized Fish, Empty Jars, Boots, Fish Bones, Timber, Gold Timber, Fodder, Chicken Fodder

Other: wow! It looks expensive, it's for me! Thanks...thanks.

Bracelet, Necklace, Earrings, Brooch

Other: hmmm...I don't have any use for holding the perfume. ...No that? ...Thanks. I'll treasure it.


Other: this...for me? Thank you.

Dress, mask, moisturizer, sunscreen

Notes: Especially like: love degree +800 Very like: love degree +500 Like: love degree +300 Normal: love degree +100 Hate: love degree -500 Very hate: love degree -800


Birthday: Spring 16 (20th)

Residence: Elaine's house

Relationships: Elaine's granddaughter, Yuu's sister

Rivals: Dottie

Brief description:

Hospital nurse. Her parents died when she was young, and she had to do her mother's job to raise her brother.

Hates people who can't suffer and quit halfway.

※Keep from carrying fatigue to the next day, and add 2500 to your love degree for every 15 days it lasts.

Love Incident

Time: Outside of the first and third days AM9:00-PM7:00

Location: Ore Town Hospital

Selection: select "Well, understand ", Ally's love degree -2000, Yu's favor +20, "It's not good to make fun of others", Ally's love degree +3000, Yu's favor -10

Time: Thu, Sat, Sun AM9:00-PM7:00

Location: Ore Town Hospital

Choices: choose "Pay attention next time", Ellie's love degree +3000, choose "......", Ellie's love degree -2000

Time: AM10:00-PM1:00

Place: Elaine's house

Choices: "Refuse", Ellie's love degree -2000, Elaine's favorability -10, "Yes", Ellie's love degree +3000, Elaine and Yu's favorability -3000, Ellie and Yu's favorability +3000, Ellie and Yu's favorability -3000, Ellie and Yu's favorability -10, Ellie and Yu's favorability +3000, Ellie's love degree +3000, Ellie and Yu's favorability -10 3000, Elaine and Yu's favorability +20, you can get "Ellie's Dried Flowers"

Time: 3 AM9:00-PM6:00

Location: Ore Town's waterfront

Selection: choose "I'm spoiled", Ellie's favorability -2000, choose "That's not true at all", choose "No", choose "No", choose "No", choose "No", choose "No", choose "No", choose "No", choose "No", choose "No". "It's nothing like that", Ally's love +3000

Likes and Dislikes

Special Favorite: Wow! This one is for me? Thank you, I'm so happy.

Hot Milk, Moon Viewing Marbles, Red Fantasy Grass

Liked a lot: thanks, I'm so happy. Is it really for me?

Strawberries, Milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), Meatball Powder, Strawberry Milk, Reply Grass, Tricolor Flower, Catnip, Green Fantasy Grass, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds, Mystic Tablet, Bottle with Letter

Liked it: thanks, I'm so happy.

Cyan Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Grape Juice, Chocolate, Rice Cakes, Salads, Sandwiches, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Milk, Mixed Milk, Strawberry Sauce, Popcorn, Pumpkin Pudding, Groundnut Pudding, Cold Green Vegetables, Pudding, Cheese Cake, Apple Pie, Apple Sauce, Grape Sauce, French Toast, Fish Fillet, Cooked Fish, Assorted Sushi, Chikuzen Boil, Roasted Rice Cake, University Yams, Fish Cake, Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Hot Cake, Leisure Tea, Leisure Tea Leaf, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Amethyst, Topaz, Ruby, Emerald

Plain: Thank you.

Radish, Potato, Cucumber, Cabbage, Tomato, Pumpkin, Pineapple, Eggplant, Carrot, Groundnut, Spinach, Bamboo Shoots, Wild Grapes, Honey, Apple, Mushroom, Matsutake Mushroom, Onsen Egg, Egg (Regular, High Quality, Extra, Gold, P, X), Mayonnaise (S, M, L, G, P, X), Cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), Green Grass, Red Grass, Orange Grass, oil, wheat flour, curry powder, rice balls, bread, retort, large retort, wake-up call, large wake-up call, buckwheat flour, SUGDW apples, HMSGB apples, AEPFE apples, pickled cucumbers, curry rice, stew, miso soup, pot roast, fruit juice, fruit milk, blending juice, pickled radishes, roasted potatoes, tortilla chips, roasted corn, pineapple juice, stewed butternut squash, miso-braised eggplant, roasted groundnuts, hard-boiled eggs, whipped cream , cheese, apple yaki, bamboo shoot rice, mushroom rice, matsutake mushroom rice, sushi, bread with jam, toast with cream, grape bread, curry bread, toast, pizza, udon, curry udon, tempura gongdon, udon yaki, soba noodles, tempura noodles, dry-roasted udon, hot soba noodles, tempura, grilled rice balls, congee, tempura rice, rice with egg, croquettes, sun in spring, sun in summer, sun in fall, and sun in winter, Moon Teargrass, Wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), Woolen Clusters (S, M, L, G, P, X), Copper, Silver, Gold, Secret Silver, Aurichalcum Steel, Adamantite, Sage's Stone, Moonstone, Desert Rose Stone, Agate, Fluorite, Peridot, Alexandrite

Nasty: no...don't take it...you'll say I'm Picky...

Corn, onions, green peppers, yellow grass, wine, wild wine, stir-fried greens, fried rice, tomato juice, tomato sauce, scrambled eggs, vegetable omelet, scrambled egg, waste ore

Very annoying: how can you give me something like this? Nasty!

Poison Mushrooms, Failure to Make (on a Plate, Drink, Served in a Pot, Snack, Bread, Udon), Weeds, Stones, Branches, Pirate's Treasure, Ancient Fossilized Fish, Empty Jars, Boots, Fish Bones, Wood, Golden Wood, Fodder, Chicken Feed

Other: wow. This is for me? Thanks, I'll put it to good use now.

Bracelet, Necklace, Earrings, Brooch

Other: lol...I haven't sprayed it in all my life. Thanks, I'm so happy.


Other: wow, it's beautiful. Is this a gift for me? Thank you.

Skirt, mask, moisturizer, sunscreen

Notes: Especially like: love +800 Very like: love +500 Like: love +300 Normal: love +100 Hate: love -500 Very hate: love -800


Birthday: Autumn 15 (23)

Address: grocery store

Relationships: Jeff, Sascha's daughter

Rivals: Rick

Brief description:

Sisterly grocery store girl. Loves to dance the most, but cooking is a mess ...... Also loves to help others ...... Seems to prefer drinking ......

※Buy from the grocery store every day for every

Love event

Time: Wed, Fri AM10:00 to PM1:00

Location: Grocery store

Choices: "Seriously, it's kind of hard...", Kareen's love level +3000, Jeff's favorability +3000, and Kareen's love level +3000. +If you choose "No Problem", Caryn's love level will remain the same, and Jeff and Sascha's love level will be +20

Time: Mon, Thu, Sat AM10:00 to PM1:00

Location: Grocery Store

Choice: Choose "Moon Tear Grass Seeds", Kalyan's love level +3000, Sascha's favorability -10, Jeff's favorability +20, choose "Catnip Seeds", Kalyan's love level -2000, Jeff and Sascha's favorability +20

Time: Wed, Thu, Sat, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Location: Grocery Store

Time: Wed, Fri AM10:00 to PM1:00

Location: Grocery Store

Selection: Choose "Yes" to receive "Karyn's Wine", choose "Something else" to receive "Karyn's Wine", choose "Something else" to receive "Karyn's Wine", choose "Catnip Seeds" to receive "Karyn's Wine". "There's something else", Carlene's love level -2000, Desc, Jeff and Sascha's favor. Jeff and Sascha -10

Time: Mon, Thu, Sat AM10:00 to PM1:00

Location: Grocery Store

Choices: Choose "Taste", Karyn's love +3000, Jeff and Sascha's favoritism +20, choose "Don't Taste", Karyn's love +3000, Jeff and Sascha's favoritism +20, choose "Taste", Jeff and Sascha's favoritism +20. Don't Taste", Karyn's love -2000, Jeff and Sascha's favorability -10

Likes and Dislikes

Special Favorite: Wow! Can I really take it? So embarrassed.

Baked potatoes, popcorn, pizza

Liked a lot: wow! Is this really for me? I love it so much.

Bamboo Shoots, Matsutake Mushrooms, Cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), Wine, Wild Wine, Fish Fillets, Tempura, Tempura Rice, Diamonds, Pink Diamonds

Liked it: Thanks. I'll take it.

Potatoes, cucumbers, corn, pumpkin, eggplant, groundnuts, spinach, peppers, onsen eggs, eggs (regular, high quality, extra, gold, P, X), mayonnaise (S, M, L, G, P, X), pickled cucumbers, salad, miso soup, stir-fried bok choy, pickled radishes, roasted corn, stewed pumpkin, roasted eggplant in sauce, coleslaw, scrambled eggs, cream, parmesan cheese, boiled fish, dry-roasted ichiban noodles, rice with eggs , fried meatloaf, tricolor flower, moon tear grass, catnip, green fantasy grass, red fantasy grass, amethyst, topaz, ruby, emerald

Common: Thank you.

Daikon radish, strawberry, cabbage, tomato, onion, pineapple, carrot, wild grape, mushroom, milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), meatball mix, oil, wheat flour, curry powder, rice ball, bread, rice cake, curry rice, stew, fried rice, pan-fried rice, sandwiches, juice, fruit milk, vegetable juice, vegetable milk, blending juice, tomato juice, tomato sauce, cornflakes, pineapple juice, vegetable omelet, Scrambled egg, hard-boiled egg, pudding, hot milk, bamboo shoots on rice, mushroom on rice, matsutake mushroom on rice, sushi, toast with cream, curry bread, toast, French toast, assorted sushi, udon, curry udon, tempeh gongdon, udon-yaki, buckwheat noodles, tempeh roti, tsukimae-boiled, tsukimae-maru (moon viewing balls), baked rice cakes, baked onigiri (rice balls), congee, fish cake, relaxation tea, relaxation tea, small fish, medium fish, large fish, spring sun, summer sun, autumn sun, winter Sun, Autumn Sun, Winter Sun, Peridot, Bottle with letter

Nasty: sorry. I don't like this one.

Honey, Apples, Green Grass, Green Grass, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Black Grass, White Grass, Grape Juice, Chocolate, Echo, Big Echo, Wake Up, Big Wake Up, Buckwheat Powder, SUGDW Apples, HMSGB Apples, AEPFE Apples, Mixed Milk, Strawberry Sauce, Strawberry Milk, Pumpkin Pudding, Groundnut Pudding, Baked Groundnuts, Cheese Cake, Apple Pie, Apple Sauce, Apple Roast, Grape Sauce, Jam Bread, Grape Bread, Hot Buckwheat Noodles, College Taro, Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Ice Cream, Cake, Chocolate Cake, Hot Cake, Response to Grass, Onyx, Fluorite

Very Nasty: ah. Why don't you give it to someone else next time?

Poison Mushrooms, Failures (on a plate, drinks, served in a pot, snacks, bread, udon), Wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), Woolen Clusters (S, M, L, G, P, X), Scrap Ore, Copper, Silver, Gold, Secret Silver, Aurichalcum Steel, Adamantium, Sage's Stone, Moonstone, Desert Rose Stone, Alexandrite, Weed, Stones, Branches, Pirate's Treasure, Ancient Fossilized Fish, Empty Jar, Boots, Fish Bone, Timber, Gold Timber, Fodder, Chicken Feed, Slab of the Lost Stone

Other: this for me? For...why? Thanks...thanks.

Bracelet, Necklace, Earrings, Brooch

Other: wow! That's great. Can I really take it? So happy, I want to show it off to them.


Other: wow! Is it really okay? Thanks!

Skirt, mask, moisturizer, sunscreen

Notes: especially like: love +800 very like: love +500 like: love +300 normal: love +100 hate: love -500 very hate: love -800


Birthday: Winter 20 (23)

Residence: Bakir's house

Relationships: daughter of Bakir, Anna

Rivals: Gray

Brief description:

Good girl at heart, very fond of books. And writes novels herself. Not really interested in a relationship and has a rather cold attitude. Administrator of the town's library.

※Attend the 2nd floor of the library every day for 15 days and your love level will be increased by 2500.

Love Incident

Time: Outside of the first day of the week, AM10:00 to PM6:00

Location: The library

Selection: Choose "Tell me what's troubling you" and Mari's love level will be increased by 3000. Mary's love level +3000, choose "That's dangerous, be careful in the future", Mary's love level stays the same

When: Sun, Thu, Sat AM10:00 to PM0:00

Where: Library

Selection: Choose "Say yes! ",Mary's love level +3000, choose "No", Mary's love level -2000

Time: 1, PM0:00 to PM5:00

Location: Hilltop

Selection: Choose "Try". "Choose "Never Tried" and Mary's Love Level will be -2000

Time: 1, AM10:00 to PM1:00

Location: Mary's house

Choice: Choose "Never Tried" and Mary's Love Level will be -2000

Location: Hilltop

Time: 1, AM0:00 to PM5:00

Location: Hilltop

Time: 1, AM0:00 to PM5:00

Place: Mary's house

Choices: Choose "Nothing to offer", Mari's love level -2000, Bakir and Anna's favorability -10, choose "Ranch work or something", Mari's love level +3000, Bakir and Anna's favorability +20, choose "Bakir's work", choose "Bakir's work", choose "Bakir's work", choose "Bakir's work", choose "Bakir's work", choose "Bakir's work". "Bakir's job", Mari's love is unchanged, Bakir's favorability +20

Likes and Dislikes

Special Favorite: Ah, thanks! Can I really take it?

Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Milk, Recuperative Tea

Liked it a lot: wow, I'm so happy! Thank you, I'll take it then.

Bamboo shoots, wild grapes, poisonous mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, green grass, red grass, black grass, white grass, grape juice, powdered meatballs, chocolate, wake-up call, big wake-up call, grape bread, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cake, relaxation tea, reply grass, diamonds, pink diamonds, tablet of enchantment, bottle of letters

Liked it: wow, that's great! I can't get enough of this.

Tomatoes, pumpkin, pineapple, honey, apples, golden eggs, mayonnaise (S, M, L, G, P, X), cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), yellow grass, orange grass, purple grass, blue grass, SUGDW apples, HMSGB apples, AEPFE apples, strawberry sauce, strawberry milk, tomato sauce, pineapple juice, pumpkin pudding, stewed pumpkin, cheese cake, Cheese, Apple Pie, Apple Sauce, Apple Roast, Bamboo Shoots Rice, Grape Sauce, Mushroom Rice, Matsutake Mushroom Rice, Jam Bread, Moon Appreciation Meatballs, Wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), Woolen Clusters (S, M, L, G, P, X), Amethysts, Topazes, Rubies, and Emeralds

Plain: Thanks, thanks.

Daikon radish, potato, cucumber, strawberry, cabbage, corn, onion, eggplant, carrot, groundnut, spinach, green pepper, mushroom, onsen egg, egg (general, high quality, extra, P, X), milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), green grass, wine, oil, wheat flour, curry powder, rice ball, bread, retort, large retort, buckwheat flour, rice cake, wild wine , salad, stew, miso soup, stir-fried greens, sandwiches, fruit juice, fruit milk, blended juice, blended milk, baked potato, ketchup, popcorn, cornflakes, roasted corn, groundnut pudding, roasted groundnut, coleslaw, scrambled eggs, vegetable omelet, scrambled egg, hard-boiled egg, pudding, hot milk, sushi, toast with cream, toast, french toast, fish fillet, boiled fish, assorted sushi, pizza, udon, curry udon Tempura rice, udon yaki, soba noodles, tempura noodles, dry-roasted udon, tempura, tsukimae-boiled, grilled rice cakes, grilled onigiri, congee, tempura rice, rice with egg, college yams, croquettes, fish cake, cookies, ice cream, cake, hot cake, small fish, medium fish, large fish, spring sun, summer sun, fall sun, winter sun, tricolor flower, moon tear grass, catnip, green chiffon grass, red chiffon grass , Copper, Silver, Gold, Secret Silver, Aurichalcum Steel, Diamond, Sage's Stone, Moonstone, Desert Rose Stone, Onyx, Fluorite, Peridot, Alexandrite

Obnoxious: Hmmm~ What to do? I don't like this one ah.

Pickled Cucumber, Curry Rice, Fried Rice, Pot Roast, Pickled Radish, Roasted Eggplant in Sauce, Cream, Curry Bread, Hot Buckwheat Noodles, Failure to Make (on a Plate, Drinks, Served in a Pot, Snacks, Breads, Udon), Scrap Ore, Wood, Fodder, Chicken Feed

Very Hateful: ...Uhm. This, what is this?

Weed, stones, branches, pirate's treasure, ancient fish fossils, empty jars, boots, fish bones, golden wood

Other: thanks...hmmm, this jewelry is peculiar? I've never seen this kind of ore before!

Bracelet, necklace, earrings, brooch

Other: ah, this perfume! I've only known its name before, I've never used it. Thank you, I'll put it to good use.


Other: It's for me? Wow, I was hoping for that. I'll take good care of it.

Skirt, mask, moisturizer, sunscreen

Remarks: Especially like: Love degree +800 Very like: Love degree +500 Like: Love degree +300 Normal: Love degree +100 Hate: Love degree -500 Very hate: Love degree -800


Birthday: Haru 8 (Haru 9)

Residence: the spring

Throw something into the spring and you'll see it

Likes and Dislikes

Very Favorite: By the way, I liked the offering you just gave me. Bye.

Strawberries, pineapples

Likes: by the way, I really liked the offering you just gave me. Bye.

Radish, Potato, Cucumber, Cabbage, Tomato, Corn, Onion, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Carrot, Groundnut, Spinach, Green Pepper, Egg (S, M, L, G, P, X), Milk (S, M, L, G, P, X), Leisurely Tea Leaves, Tricolor Flower, Lunar Teargrass, Catnip, Green Fantasy Grass, Red Fantasy Grass

Ordinary: By the way, I couldn't really say I liked or disliked the offering you just gave me. can't say I like it, and I can't say I hate it either. Bye.

Bamboo shoots, wild grapes, honey, apples, mushrooms, matsutake mushrooms, hot spring eggs, mayonnaise (S, M, L, G, P, X), cheese (S, M, L, G, P, X), green grass, green grass, red grass, yellow grass, orange grass, purple grass, blue grass, black grass, white grass, SUGDW apple, HMSGB apple, AEPFE apple, small fish, medium fish, Big Fish, Spring Sun, Summer Sun, Autumn Sun, Winter Sun, Wool (S, M, L, G, P, X), Woolen Cluster (S, M, L, G, P, X)

Nasty: by the way, I hate the offering you just gave me. Bye.

Poisoned mushrooms, wine, grape juice, ground meatballs, chocolate, oil, wheat flour, curry powder, rice balls, bread, retort, large retort, wake-up call, large wake-up call, buckwheat flour, rice cakes, wild wine, pickled zucchini, salad, curry and rice, stews, miso soup, stir-fried bok choy, fried rice, pot roast, sandwiches, fruit juices, fruit milks, vegetable juices, vegetable milks, concoction juices, blended milks, pickled radishes, roasted potatoes, strawberry jam, strawberry milk, tomato juice, tomato sauce, popcorn, nachos, roasted corn, pineapple juice, pumpkin pudding, stewed pumpkin, roasted eggplant with sauce, groundnut pudding, roasted groundnuts, chilled greens, scrambled eggs, vegetable omelette, scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, pudding, warm milk, whipped cream, cheesecake, cheddar cheese, apple pie, applesauce, apple teriyaki, bamboo shoots with rice, grape sauce, mushroom rice, matsutake mushroom rice, sushi Bread with jam, toast with cream, grape bread, curry bread, toast, French toast, fish fillet, boiled fish, assorted sushi, pizza, udon, curry udon, tempura rice, udon-yaki, soba noodles, tempura noodles, dry-roasted udon, hot soba, tempura, tsukimae, tsukimae-boiled, tsukimae-boiled, tsukimae-boiled, tsukimae-maru (mochiko), yakitori (grilled rice cakes), baked onigiri (rice balls), congee, tempura rice, rice with egg, taiyaki (large taro), french fried pork cake, fish cake, cookie, chocolate Cookies, ice cream, cake, chocolate cake, hot cake, relaxing tea, reply grass, failure to make (on a plate, drink, served in a pot, snack, bread, udon), waste ore, copper, silver, gold, secret silver, Aurichalcum steel, adamantine, Sage's Stone, moonstone, amethyst, desert rose stone, onyx, fluorite, peridot, topaz, ruby, emerald, diamond, pink diamond, Alexandrite, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, brooches, perfume, dresses, face masks, moisturizers, sunscreen, weeds, stones, branches, wood, fodder, chicken feed, slate of enchantment, bottles for letters

Very nasty: by the way, I'm pretty nasty about the offering you just gave me. Bye.

Pirate's Treasure, Ancient Fossilized Fish, Empty Jar, Boots, Fish Bone, Gold Wood

Goddess's Marriage Condition:

1, and the goddess's love degree of 60,000 or more, with a queen-sized bed, green feathers

2, can ship all the things that have been out (*** 103 kinds of items)

3, the spring mines and lake mines of the things that are all found

4, Catch all the fish

5, Get the goddess' secret treasure

6, Choose "want to marry the goddess" when confessing and get forgiveness

7, More than 5 years of gameplay

Goddess's achievement events: (Achieve a love +3000 )

The two mines have reached 100, 200, and 200 respectively. The two mines reach 100, 200, 255 levels respectively

Million step meter reaches 1W, 10W, 100W, 1000W, 100 million, 1 billion

Items shipped individually 1W, 10W, 100W, 1000W, 100 million, 1 billion

Fishing quantity 1W, 10W, 100W, 1000W, 100 million, 1 billion

The number of fishing 1W, 10W, 100W, 1000W, 100 million, 1 billion

The number of fish is 1W, 10W, 100W, 100W, 1000W, 100 million, 1 billion. p>