How to say Arbor Day in English
In ancient China, there was a tradition of planting willows and trees during the Qingming Festival, and the earliest planting of trees on the roadside in history was pioneered by a man named Wei Xiaokuan from Shaanxi more than 1,400 years ago.
InancientChina,therewasatraditionofplantingtreesintheQingmingFestival.Theearliesttree-plantingontheroadside was done by a man named Wei Xiaokuan from Shaanxi more than 1400 years ago. plantingontheroadsidewasfirstinitiatedbyamannamedweixiaokuanfromshaanximorethan1400yearsago.
In1979,ChinaofficiallydesignatedMarch12eachyearas? Arbor Day? to encourage individuals and teams to plant and care for trees and protect the environment.
In 1979, ChinaofficiallydesignatedMarch12as "ArborDay". Encourageindividualsandteamstoplantandcarefortreesandprotecttheenvironment.
Foreign countries
In order to protect forestry resources, beautify the environment, and maintain the ecological balance, many countries around the world have set up according to their own national reality
In order to protect forestry resources and beautify the environment, many countries in the world have set up Tree Planting Day according to their own conditions.
Arbor Day is the earliest in the United States among these countries, with a history of more than 130 years.
OnApril10,1872,aNebraskanewsreporterinitiatedthefirstAmerican Arbor Day. On that day, more than a million trees were planted throughout Nebraska.
OnApril10,1872,thefirstAmericanArborDaywasinitiatedbyajournalistfromNebraska. Morethan1milliontreeswereplantedacrossthestateofNebraska.
Tree PlantingTree Planting
ArborDayArbor Day
dighole digging
youngtrees/sapling saplings
waterthetrees watering
covertherootswithearth burying the soil
VarietiesofTrees VarietiesofTrees
Cypress cypress ['saipr?s]
Coco coconut ['k?uk?u]
Maple maple ['meip(?) l]
Oak Oak [?uk]
Elm Elm [elm]
Poplar Poplar ['p?pl?]
Willow Weeping Willow ['wil?u]
PhoenixTree Sycamore ['fi:niks]
Sequoia Sequoia [ si'kw?i?]
Fir fir [f?:]
CamphorTree camphor ['k?mf?]
Sandalwood sandalwood ['s?nd(?) lwud]
Ginkgo Ginkgo ['gi?kg?u]
Birch White Birch [b?:t?]
Arbor Day
Howtomakelemonpots Howtomakelemonpottedplants
2.用镊子 Removethesurfacethirstwithtweezers.
3. Filltheflowerpotwithmoistsoil,settheseedsinplace,withthesmallheadsfacingupwards.
Filltheflowerpotwithmoistsoil. settheseedsinplace,andheadup.
4.Coverthetopwithcoarse sandorsmallstones,2-3dayslaterspraywater,andgerminatea week later
Coverwithcoarsesandorpebblesontop,spraywater2- 3dayslaterandgerminateaweeklater.
5. After germination also spray some water for 2-3 days to keepmoistureandhelpgrow
Aftersprouting,spraywaterfor2-3daystokeepmoistureandhelpgrow .
6. This is the finished picture, it's beautiful.
Arbor Day
Anecdotes about tree planting
Hundreds of years ago Yugoslavia enacted a law that made it mandatory for every newly married couple, must first plant 70 olive trees.
The text of the decree of the Indonesian island of Java stipulates that the first time of marriage to plant two trees, and divorced to plant five; the second marriage must plant three trees, or not registered.
TheIndonesianislandofJavadecreedthatforthefirsttime,twotreeswereplantedandfiveweredivorced. ,otherwisedonotregister.
Adding a car and planting a tree is a special rule in Japan, where a private person adds a car, a tree must be planted. This is because, each year, each car to discharge a large number of toxic hydrocarbons, but also emit noise, and trees are natural? Sterilizer? and? Silencers?
There is a need to plant trees.
ThereisaspecialruleinJapanthatifyouaddaprivatecar,youmustplantatree.That' sbecauseeverycaremitsalotoftoxichydrocarbonseveryyear,andmakesnoise,andtreesarenatural "disinfectors "and "dimers", andtreesmustbeplantedinJapan. sotreesmustbeplanted.
Timber planting, in many parts of Tanzania, Africa, there is a ? add trees to the family? custom, that is, whoever has a child, will bury the placenta in the land outside the door and plant a tree there, indicating the hope that the child will grow as strong as a tree.
Addpeopleplanttrees,inmanypartsofTanzania,thereisacustomof "addpeopleplanttrees",namely,whogavebirthtothechild, wasburiedtheplacentaltree. wasburiedtheplacentalandoutsidethegate,whereheplantedatree,expressedthehopethatchildrengrowlikeatree. families are required to plant three trees, which is called a ? family tree.
Thefamilytree,insomepartsofPoland,rulesthateveryfamilythathasachildshouldplantthreetrees,called "familytrees".
Courting tree, in the city of Bonn, Germany, the annual planting season, the young man to give the girl a carefully selected birch sapling, planted it with their own hands, in order to express the feelings of love and adoration, people called ? courtship tree?
Lovetree,intheGermancityofBonn,TheannualArborDay,theyoungmantogivetothegirlofwell-chosenbirchtrees,personallyplanteditwell. toexpressaffection,peoplecallit "lovetree".
Continuously for several months of lingering rain, regardless of sunny days and rainy days, looks cloudless, all of a sudden came the hairy rain, spring ah spring, overnight all the joys and sorrows will appear, I like that unexpected splendor. You see, today is another sunny day, giving people a pleasant and upward environment.
The same environment, the same people, the mood can be changed at any time, just like the unpredictable weather, a smile, a moment to cry. I do not know the people, thought you have suffered what aggression, all day board a sad face, who bullied you, do not want me to comfort me to encourage?
Birds woke up at dawn, chattering in the trees jumping, wonderful music at any time blowing into your ears, want to sleep people can not miss the beauty of this spring. The school song sounded, indicating that the child is about to eat and read, a lazy back to raise the spirit, immediately turn over and get up to meet the new day.
Push open the window, breathe fresh air, open the circuit, so that life is a new start, wash up the body activities, go upstairs to feed the lovely chickens. The cabbage and pigweed are pulled to a bundle, smell the fragrant flavor of the wolfberry tree, and dance the square dance song that you have learned in recent days, a happy and joyful life is just like this.
Thinking casually, writing casually, reading books and newspapers to cultivate their temperament, knocking on the keyboard, taking a look at the screen, the blank space of the text in the dance. There is sunshine outside the window, there is popularity inside the house, the space is often updated, the pace is more determined. A few words to tell the mood of the day, whether it is rainy days or clear skies, the sun is warm and beautiful in the heart of each of us. I asked where the tavern was, and the shepherd boy pointed to the apricot blossom village. Every year at this festival, we will silently recite this poem by the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu in our hearts to express our feelings of longing for our ancestors. This year's day was different from the previous years. Instead of rain, the sky was bright and sunny, with a scene of spring blossoms. Tomb-sweepers are not walking hard on the rugged mountain roads, they treat the tomb-sweeping as leisure, wandering through the mountains with a smile on their faces.
On this day, my family and I went to my father's grave, set off firecrackers, lit incense and candles, and burned some paper money, by which we expressed our thoughts and blessings for our loved ones and prayed for him silently in our hearts, wishing that he could be as happy and joyful as we are on the other side of heaven. At this time, I thought of him, a volunteer soldier of the anti-U.S.A.S.R. Army who was once called the loveliest person, a great and ordinary father. I thought of those years he spent with me***, and remembered his voice and smile. However, nineteen years ago, he died of illness, everything, can only become memories, and now, the son wants to filial piety, but the parent is not there, how heartbreaking ah!
Spring scenery into my eyes, the birds sing the sonata of spring, roaming mountains of peach and willow green, everywhere golden rape flowers, tree branches and grass green shoots grow out, everywhere is a spring, everything is recovering scene, this is a season full of expectations and blessings. During the Qingming Festival, on such a special day, we are remembering the past, but also full of hope for the future, cherishing life, making our lives more meaningful, and not wasting such a wonderful life. Re-recognize yourself, work hard, so that each student learns more knowledge, so that each day is full, so that you do not let yourself regret and afford others.
There is always an urge to go out for a walk when you are in the house for a long time, but your body has not recovered too well. At noon, the sun shines warmly in the house, so I decided to go outside to take a look and take a shower to relax my wrinkled body. My son didn't have any classes in the afternoon, so after lunch, he and I went to a bathtub not far from our house with a bath basket and the necessary toiletries. Wow, the air outside is really fresh. There wasn't a breath of wind, and the sun shone warmly on my body, as if spring had come. It's been a long time since I've had this kind of weather. It's been a long time since I've encountered such a nice weather since my body's discomfort, and my mood was excited with it.
The significance and current situation of Tree Planting Day
Tree planting can not only green and beautify the home, but also play a role in expanding forest resources, prevent soil erosion, protect farmland, regulate the climate, and promote the role of economic development, which is a grand project for the benefit of the present generation, and for the benefit of our children and grandchildren. In order to protect forestry resources, beautify the environment and maintain ecological balance, many countries in the world have set up Tree Planting Day according to the actual situation of their countries. As people's awareness of environmental protection continues to grow, and actively participate in afforestation activities, the environment of our human existence will be continuously improved.
The current situation
According to the statistics of the United Nations, more than 50 countries around the world have established Tree Planting Day. Due to the different national conditions and geographic location of countries, Arbor Day in the countries of the name and time are not the same: Japan called the "Festival of Trees" and "Green Week"; Israel called "New Year's Day of the trees"; Myanmar called "Tree Planting Month"; Yugoslavia called "Tree Planting Week"; Iceland called "Student Tree Planting Day"; India called the "National Tree Planting Day"; France called the National Day of the Trees"; Canada called "Forest Week".