San Andreas dancing place

The following is a repost of the full girlfriend secret, I hope it will help you, often archive and read the file well, take her to the ballroom then the road is too far, or read the file and start over faster, the best is to eat, the place where the sign of the glass of wine will appear, it's very close

Step 1: The Hunt

First of all, you have to find them. Denise Robinson and Millie Perkins will be encountered during the quest, and there's no problem finding these two. The other few may take you a bit of searching

time. Below are the specific locations for each girl (they are the ones that won't show up in the mission) individual girls will have a blue arrow on their head, and they'll be doing a lot of things there, like talking to people or practicing their marksmanship.


Step 2: Dress well

Sex appeal, which is very important when you are dating MMs. It mainly consists of your clothing, tattoos, and hairstyles. (And you don't have to worry about the famous brands, just remember to find the most expensive ones to buy). Of course, driving an expensive sports car will also make you look good.


Step 3: Be gracious

When you start dating, the initial favorability level is 15%. It will rise with each successful date. Of course, the favorability will drop if you stop going to her or if the dates are terrible. Every girl has her own special hobbies and dating styles, but there is one thing that women all over the world love the same - flowers. Beautiful flowers can add a romantic atmosphere to your date and can be found all over San Andreas. (How do you send flowers? Geez, you don't even know how to do that? How are you going to get a girl? Luckily, I'm here to help. Choose flowers from your weapon list, walk up to the girl, and press TAB. If you press the left mouse button, ..... will send you flowers. (When I did not say) with your relationship with the rapid warming, MM will be more and more demanding, the general small tricks may not work, then what should we do? Don't worry, the following will say.


Step 4: Romantic Date

A successful date depends on many factors. The first is that you have to be highly attractive and have a nice sports car as a ride. There are also various ways to go on a date, which varies from person to person. For example, drinks, dinner, dancing and a ride. When you meet her, she will tell you where to go. If it's for drinks or dinner, icons will appear on the map to tell you that you can go to those places. For a drive, it's also up to the MM you're dating, but it's safe to assume that driving fast and safe won't do you any harm.

No matter which MM you're dating, remember, don't let her die. You may want her to respawn from the hospital like you did, but let me tell you, once she dies, you'll never find her in the game again!

1. Denise Robinson

Denise is one of the 6 girls in the game that you can expand your relationship with. She has a close connection to the Grove Street family and she loves to drive around. You'll start dating her after the 'Burning Desire' mission, where CARL is forced to rescue her from a burning house. You'll need more than enough "sex appeal" to impress her, and Denise is available from 4pm to 6am. Get 100% progress with her to unlock the "Pimp" costume (which will automatically appear in your closet).

Location: You'll meet her during the Burning Desire quest, after which you become lovers.

Initial appearance: during the Burning Desire quest

Taste: she seems to care less about how our protagonist dresses.

Date Time: She can be found after 4pm

Preferred Date: If she offers to go for a ride, take her to enemy territory, approaching a few punks she'll peek out of the car window and shoot at them. She kept driving like that without saying she wanted to go home. If she offers to go to dinner, take her to the Cluckin Bell just south of her house.

Intimacy: Goodwill at 40-50% or more.

Reward: A green "pimp" car parked in front of her house opens after 50% or more favorability. If you drive a tractor or trailer, you can tow it to your own garage. Once you have 100% favorability, you will get a special pimp costume. (It's an easy one to get compared to the one you get later.)

2. Helena Wankstein

Helena is one of six girls in the game that you can expand your relationship with. She's on the balcony of Blueberry's Ammunation, and she's attracted to medium-sized men with lots of "hotness quotient". She is available from 8am to 12pm and from 2pm to 2am. Getting 100% progress opens up the "Country Suit".

Location: Go to Blueberry's town and find the Arms Store. If she's there, you'll hear her practicing her marksmanship a few steps away.

First appearance: since she's in the Badlands area, you can't come to her until after you've turned on San Fierro and Badlands.

Good taste: don't like to be too strong or too fat, make sure the protagonist has a muscle index of less than 25% and as little fat as possible, but at the same time stay very attractive. Get on a nice motorcycle scooter and go invite her on a date with you. This will raise the attractiveness a little extra.

Date Time: After 2 p.m.

Preferred Date: Helena likes to go out to a restaurant, and the closest one is the Rodeo in Los Santos.If she wants to go for a ride, take it easy on the car, she doesn't like to race.

Intimacy: 70% or more favorability

Reward: When you go on a date with her, a Bandito will show up at her farm. At the same time, a Flamethrower, Chainsaw, Molotov cocktail, and Pistol will appear in the shed next to the farm. Once you reach 50%, the game prompts you to get the key to the Bandito, but you can actually drive it from the moment it appears. When you reach 100%, you can get the country dress. There's nothing special about developing a relationship with her, just remember to take her out in the Bandito often.

3. Michelle Cannes

Michelle is one of six girls in the game that you can expand your relationship with. She's a mechanic, and you can find her at the water cooler at the driving school in San Fierro.Michelle likes fat guys, so it's a good idea to take some time to go to a restaurant and eat some high-fat food before asking her out. She's available from midnight to 12 noon. Get 100% with her and turn on the "racing suit".

Location: enter the driving school, where she can be found talking to someone else.

First appearance: You can see her as soon as you enter the driving school.

Taste: She likes chubby guys, so it's best to let CJ accumulate more than 50% fat. (More trips to fast food restaurants and less exercise will do the trick). But you can only accumulate fat from a maximum of ten servings of food a day. If you eat more than that, CJ will vomit and then all the previously accumulated fat will disappear.

Date: After 12:00 midnight. (Looks like it's a little hard to find Michelle. A lot of people

say she's never there. Don't give up, she'll always be there for you.)

Preferred date: She likes to go out for drinks, so take her out if that's what she asks for on a date. Sometimes she'll ask you to drive fast, so go along with her, but don't crash the car.

Intimacy: 40% or more favorability

Bonus: From the time you start dating her, you'll be able to use the garage by her apartment. It's better than a car garage because it's free. After 50%, a "Monster Truck" will appear near her house, and after 100%, a racing costume will open up. Overall, she's worth going out with because of the Monster Truck and the free car repair service. The racing costume, however, just doesn't seem worth it.

4. Katie Zhan

Katie is one of six girls in the game that you can expand your relationship with. She's a nurse, and you can find her practicing tai chi at the Avispa Country Club in San Fierro. Katie likes muscular guys with plenty of "sex appeal," so build up your muscles before asking her out! If you end up in the hospital while you're dating her, she'll let you keep your weapons when you leave the hospital. Get 100% relationship progress and get the "Doctor" costume.

Location: Northeast of the San Fierro Golf Course, Katie is practicing tai chi near the bushes. She can be easily seen from the road.

Initial appearance: from the time you arrive at San Fierro

Class: More muscle and more attractiveness will make her look at you more. Recommended muscle index of 75% or more.

Date Time: After 12 p.m.

Preferred Date: If she's going out to dinner, take her to the restaurant north of her house. If she wants to go out for a drive, take her around China Town, which will boost favorability quickly.

Intimacy: 50%+ favorability

Reward: dating Katie will let you keep all your weapons when you come out of the hospital, so it's worth it to date her. At 50%, you can unlock the "Hearse" outside her house (don't ask me why there's a hearse outside her house). Eventually, at 100%, you can unlock the doctor's uniform.

5. Barbara Schternvart

Barbara is one of six girls in the game that you can expand your relationship with; Barbara is a cop, divorced and has two kids (Khan 。。。。。). You can pick her up at the Governor's parking lot in El Quebrados. She's available from 4pm to 6am (what about her kids?) and likes fat guys. ), and likes fat guys. If you get caught during the "dating" phase with her, she can take you out of jail for free (shit, that's a stretch.)! What's so great about having a cop girlfriend?) (That's too much! How great is a cop girlfriend?). Get 100% and a "police uniform" will appear in your closet.

Location: Find the Governor's building in El Quebrados in the desert area, she's outside talking to someone.

Initial Appearance: when you first come to Las Venturas and the Desert District

Good Taste: she likes fat boys, so get CJ to 50% fat before you come to her.

Date Time: After 12 p.m.

Preferred Date: If she wants to eat, take her to the SW restaurant where you found her. Occasionally she'll suggest going dancing, and that's a nightmare for you. Because the dance hall is just too far from her house. When you go for a drive, don't go for speed, she likes to take her time and enjoy the scenery.

Intimacy: 60% or more favorability

Bonus: You'll have a very practical benefit from dating her. She's a police officer, so after you're arrested, you get to keep all your weapons and there's no money lost. At 50%, you can drive her Ranger, which is parked outside the governor's office. At 100%, you can find a police uniform in your closet. However, wearing it will not allow you to enter a military area like Naval Base without a warrant.

6, Millie Perkins

Millie is one of six girls in the game you can expand your relationship with.Millie is the manager of the Caligula Casino in Venturas. Millie is the manager of the Caligula Casino in Venturas, and you start dating her when you go on the heist mission 'Key to her Heart', and Millie, not surprisingly, likes a man with enough 'sex appeal'. She's at her house every day at 12 o'clock sharp. She's at her house every day at 12 o'clock, and dating her unlocks the "belt" suit.

Location: You'll meet her in the mission "Key to her heart". You will automatically become friends with her during the quest.

Debut: In the quest "Key to her heart"

Good taste: Since this is a quest storyline, it doesn't matter what it takes to impress her.

Date: After 12 noon

Preferred date: If she wants to eat, take her to a restaurant. She also likes to go for a drive. Wear a leash suit on the date and she'll swoon over you.

Intimacy: You're always available as long as you're wearing a belt suit.

Reward: dating Millie is part of the main quest. You have to develop a good enough relationship with her to get the key card to the Caligula Casino. You can get the key card at around 35% favorability, and at around 50% you can drive the "Pink Club" she parks in front of her house. There's no reward for reaching 100% favorability.