The difference between white roses and red roses

White roses and red roses flower color is not the same, white roses flower color is pure white, red roses flower color is flamboyant red; symbolism is not the same, white roses symbolize innocent and romantic, red roses symbolize passionate love. Planting method: Cultivation method, generally take cuttings or sowing way to cultivate.

Difference between white roses and red roses

1, the color is not the same, white roses and red roses can be seen from the name. White roses have white flowers in color. Red roses, on the other hand, have red flowers.

2, different flower language. The flower language of white roses is purity, romance, courtship flower, and I'm good enough for you. The flower language of red roses is I love you, passionate love, and hope to flood with passionate love with you.

3, white roses, angiosperm family, a kind of rose. Red roses in daily life is a series of roses in the genus Rosa large flowers showy cultivars collectively, these cultivars in plant taxonomy should be called as the moon season or rose. True red roses do not exist. The cut red rose is really a moonflower.

The role and efficacy of roses

Expression of qi to relieve depression, blood stasis, beauty

Rose belongs to the order of roses, rose family Rosaceae deciduous shrubs, flowers purple-red, fragrant, has a high medicinal value. Rose contains more than 300 kinds of chemical components, such as aromatic alcohols, aldehydes, fatty acids, phenols and oils and fats containing flavor. It is sweet, slightly bitter and warm in nature, and has the effects of promoting qi and relieving depression, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and beautifying the skin.

1, qi relief: rose gas fragrance dispersal, into the liver, stomach two meridians, open the stagnation of the stomach qi, scattered stagnation of the liver qi, so it has qi relief function, can be used to treat the liver and stomach qi pain, chest and epigastric tightness, epigastric distension, headache and other diseases of the liver and wind.

2, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis: rose into the qi and blood, for the activation of blood, has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, not only can activate blood circulation and dissipate stagnation, but also detoxification of swellings, can be used for the treatment of bruises, carbuncle swelling and pain, menstrual disorders and other diseases.

3, beauty: rose is rich in vitamins and other nutrients, can be eliminated due to endocrine dysfunction caused by facial acne and other disorders, can effectively remove free radicals, to eliminate pigmentation, to play a nourishing skin, keep the skin moist, whitening and eliminating fatigue, soothing the mood, the effect of reducing fat and weight loss.

Rose seed planting method and time

November-December after the fall of the leaves or March-April when the first buds are just sprouting, each clump with branches 2-3, and need to be with the fibrous roots, dipped in mud to split the load, from the soil surface of the 25-35cm above the trunk, to promote the pumping of new branches. Can also be 5-6 months near the ground branches pressed into the soil, into the soil part of the carving, after 2-3 months can be rooted, can be separated from the mother plant another load, before planting should be applied to the rotted organic fertilizer as a fertilizer, loaded with enough water after filling.

Roses like fertilizer, 4 times a year (early spring germination, May flower, flower supplement, winter). Roses are afraid of waterlogging, do not water too much. Frequent pruning can make the plant grow vigorously, flowers and color, pay attention to disease prevention.

Rose planting techniques

1. Selection of land: drought-resistant roses, should be selected sunny, high and dry terrain, loose fertile soil, well-drained loam or sandy loam. Apply 3,000kg/667m2 of compost, turn it over 20-30cm deep, and then level it off for a border.

2. Transplantation: according to the row spacing of 1.5-2m, plant spacing 0.6-0.8m dug holes, hole depth 15-25cm; hole diameter 30-40cm, digging the bottom of the loose, into the appropriate amount of soil fertilizer, covered with 5cm of soil, grafted rose seedlings planted into the hole, the root system to the four sides of the release of the flat to make it stretch, and then cover the soil to the full hole, stamping, watering the root of the water.

3. Spreading fertilizer: sprouting fertilizer, mainly nitrogen fertilizer; post-flowering fertilizer, after the end of the flowering period, mainly nitrogen fertilizer, with the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; autumn fertilizer, after the fall of the leaves to the soil before freezing, early application is preferred to the main organic fertilizer.

Rose like fertilizer, the requirements are not strict, depending on the growth of seedlings can be root fertilizer, but also foliar spraying (urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, Gomez, ferrous sulfate) and so on. According to the weather, the temperature, less Shi, diligent Shi; do not early Shi, Shi, produce fertilizer damage. Spring into the thin human and animal feces and urine to promote seedling growth, pay attention not to pollute the stem and leaves. Pregnant buds and then apply human and animal feces and urine - times, and the application of nitrogen fertilizer, with the appropriate amount of phosphorus, potassium fertilizer, in order to provide sufficient nutrients to increase the amount of pregnant buds.

Winter plants into the dormant period, around the plant to open ring ditch fertilizer, to farmyard manure-based, per 667m2 with 2000kg, adding appropriate amount of cake fertilizer, calcium fertilizer, mixing and applying.

4. Watering points: roses? Watering to master the dry watering, wet row, large and small seedlings into the ground are the first root after the tree, root physiological activities require sufficient oxygen and the right amount of water, the hair of the tree requires sufficient water and the right amount of oxygen. Less rain and windy, the seedling should be watered, watering after loosening the soil, and later to grasp the soil dryness, the size of the seedlings and the amount of rain watering. Summer hot sun, high soil temperature, watering should be after 5 o'clock in the afternoon (soil suddenly cooled, affecting the growth of seedlings).

Rainfall, pay attention to drainage. Drought-resistant fear of waterlogging, depending on the specific circumstances, minimize the number of watering. Open-air cultivation over winter, to be reasonable pruning at the beginning of winter hibernation after a fertilizer, water can be enough water, always pay attention to maintain good drainage, ventilation, water retention, fertilizer performance.