American Girl Dream Factory Cheats Question

Maiden DreamWorks a few ah?

Maiden Dream Factory 4 full strategy:


When you go to the city to meet those dignitaries, as long as the daughter's ability to meet the next class of people. You will be told by the people of the previous class, for example, if your ability is such that you can meet the king, the crown princess will tell you that the king wants to see you. If you run off to meet the king before the princess tells you, you'll be thrown back.


Tired of seeing certain dialog?

Once you've seen it once, you can press ctrl to quickly skip it the second time around.


Only one of the six types of lessons can be at the professional level, so choose well.


Christmas in the sixth and seventh years will be spent with the prince who has a high level of favorability, but if you don't have a high level of favorability with the prince, Christmas will be skipped in those two years, and no events will happen.


With the increase in popularity, the stores will sell things cheaper and cheaper~

First Harvest Festival Events

Choose to visit

1.[Martial Arts Festival] Martial Arts Ability +5

2.[Dance Festival] Temperament +5

3.[Art Festival] Feelings +5

Regardless of which of the above choices is chosen, you will end up going to a martial arts tournament.

The daughter asks if she will become strong in the future as well.


1.[Will] Self-esteem +5 Temperament -5 Feeling -5 Martial Arts Ability +5

2.[You'd be better off acting like a girl] Charisma +5 Temperament +5 Martial Arts Ability -10

3.[Don't Speak] Self-esteem -5 Thoughtfulness +5

Demonization Level Judgement (after the incident of the bear's talking)

1. Bear speaks occasionally. Or only when an event occurs ----. Very low. Low

2. Jeep reports demonization. Bear also speaks ---- Medium

(Doesn't really affect the ending. But the Dragon Marriage should ideally be around degree 1 & 2)

3. Jeep reports almost demonic status. Cubs also talk ---- high. Extremely high

(I tried pouring holy water almost 200 bottles. It's only at 1.)

4. The daughter can not hear him. Don't need him ---- magic to 0. Very low

Special Shops and Locations

Magic Shop

Opening the Gate to the Magic Realm, hold the Cat's Eye Stone bought from the Traveling Merchant,

Go to the Magic Shop and return it to the Cat Shopkeeper, and the Magic Shop will appear in the options for places to go on the street.

Mystery Shop

When you have 5000G or more, the Traveling Merchant will automatically visit you to open it.

Delethang's Home

Daughter asks the merchant who he is after his visit, goes to the Magic Shop to find out more information,

Goes to the Magic Bar to get a map, then when you go to the Magic Realm an event occurs but you still can't find it,

Goes back to the Human Realm and goes to the hospital to get the Special Glasses, then when you go to the Magic Realm you can find it again.

Steal items from his house for free, but sins will go high, so think twice.

Ways to Raise Your Daughter to a Famous Model Body

The number one way to control your daughter's growth is to eat healthy.

It would be a waste to change my daughter's diet to a more active one from the beginning,

Because more people grow fat than tall, I changed it to [active] at 11 or 12 years old, and then changed it to [quiet] or [weight loss] at 16 or 17 years old.

This is a good way to control her growth.

Additionally, these probably also have an effect:

Eating cake on the street, B circumference +1cm

Eating snacks on the street, H circumference +1cm

Eating a full meal on the street, B circumference, H circumference +1cm

Eating at your own discretion...

By the end of the program, my daughter will be about 16X~17X cm tall.

Course Related


After seeing you at the palace, the guards introduce you to the etiquette classroom.


After meeting Kristina, you will be guided to the following route: Dress Shop→Busy Street→Plaza→Street

Part-time jobs

1. Certain part-time jobs are triggered in more than one place

2. Daughters' true growth and age are calculated in April of each year.

3. Each part-time job has 3 chances to increase the salary, and some part-time jobs, after graduating from a specific program, will increase the salary by 1/123%.

Home tutor: Theory course

Hotel: Dance course

Dubious hotel: Dance course

4. Hotel part-time jobs will have their pay increased in the summer

Name Trigger time Trigger place Trigger condition Related ability

11 years old

Restaurant after April. Nanny ≥5 N/A

Logging After April Square Martial Arts ≥5 N/A

Maid After April Square Etiquette ≥5 N/A

12 years old

Hotel After April Auto Auto N/A

13 years old

Market After April Street None N/A

Hotel After April Square None Charisma >100

14 years old

Maid's hotel After 4 months Square Charisma + temperament > 150

Housemaid After 4 months Square Theory ≥ 5 Unknown

15 years old

Suspicious hotels After 4 months Black street None Charisma > 150

Casino After 4 months Black street None Charisma + temperament > 150

Men's pickups & other people CG obtained <

1. Princes can only be encountered once a decade

2. Events within the same time period, the triggering location is fixed, the order of triggering may be randomly determined (the events of the Demon Prince are basically in order, and the Dragon Prince's events are basically all random, except for a few events on a fixed date)

3. Working events > Princes > Friends, the same location triggers the event of which prince is also randomly determined


Trigger Time Trigger Location Event Content and Trigger Conditions CG Related

Human Prince? Charolu

March 1444 Automatic First encounter with CG

January 1445 King's Town Choose to participate in the Founding Ceremony

If you don't participate, there will be no subsequent event with CG

1445 Plaza Ask the prince why he didn't ride a horse

1445 Plaza The prince wanted to go to the market to buy things with his daughter

1445 1445 The square The prince was out for a walk

1445 The square The prince got lost in the street

1445 The street The prince beat up a bunch of punks

1445 The street The prince crouched down by the side of the road and admired the flowers

1445 The square The prince asked his daughter to go out for a walk

December 1445 Automatically Spent Christmas together and had the highest goodwill of all the three princes

December 1445 The prince had the highest CG

1445 The square The prince wanted to go to the market with his daughter to buy something Highest with CG

1446 Plaza The daughter takes the prince to Mary's store

1446 Plaza The prince goes to the hotel to ask for information

1446 Plaza The prince comes out to do his rounds

1446 Plaza The prince plays his flute in the plaza

1446 Props store The prince is happy to find the map of the world in the props house

1446 Plaza The prince is happy to find the map of the world in the props house

1446 Plaza The prince is happy to find the map of the world in the props house

1446 Props store

1446 Plaza The prince and his daughter go on a date to a restaurant

December 1446 Automatically, they spend Christmas together, and they have the highest favorability among the three princes

1447 Plaza The prince goes to the maid hotel, and he has a part-time job

August 1447 Plaza The prince prepares for the Harvest Festival

January 1448 Automatically, he participates in the Founding Festival. If you reach the level of goodwill, you will get a CG*

Dragon Prince? Leigh

October 1444, after the prosperity of the street until the expiration of the event in 1445

→OK (the effect is not known)

→coldly rejected (self-esteem +, morality +) (no longer appear)

*Human Prince of the Foundation Dance event of the National Festival there are three CGs, which exactly touched some people say that it is dependent on the clothes to wear, some people say that it is affected by the degree of demonization and the type of part-time job, some people say that it is affected by the quality of the work. Some people say it is affected by the type of magic, some people say it is affected by the quality, the specific how is not determined, but it is possible that it is affected by the quality

**It is said that the rejected party in the robbing event will no longer show up, but when I played the dragon prince was rejected and still popped up all over the place, so I guess it should be the goodwill is reduced to a certain level of a certain person will not show up, so

Daughter's mom

( 1)

After the age of thirteen (the daughter has begun to grow up), you have to go into the black street and negotiate with the gatekeeper; if you reach 50 or more sins, he will not charge you any more money, and you will be free to go in and out of the black street.


Next, you have to get in touch with Leigh.


After you can enter the magic world, you will hear a song in the Magic Square (not the one where your daughter is humming), and then you will be able to enter the magic world.

Ask around the demon world who the singer is (but no one seems to know)


Go to the busy street and meet Leigh. Leigh will ask you to ask the Soothsayer.


The soothsayer will ask you to go to the Magic Square on the first day of the next month, and then you'll meet your daughter's birth mother.

*Quoting from everything47:

> So, according to Dada, you're going to be good friends with Leigh, too?

> So when it comes to jealousy, who is the best person for a daughter to choose?

> Will she never meet Leigh again if she chooses Baloya?

> (Because if you chose Leigh, you'll never meet Baloya again>____< )

Reject that event == 'It doesn't seem to matter if you reject it once anyway...'

This is the first time I've ever seen a daughter who was jealous of her.

(Obviously the option is to go on a date)

Then you have to run through all of Leigh's events ↑ except for the one above (or else one of the two of you will be missing)

And you also have to know your true origin ← For this part, in addition to having a high favorability rating for Baloya (the next Christmas), you need to have a certain value over 500 (presumably intelligence?). )

According to a Japanese website, hearing a song has something to do with quality?

The condition of the event is presumed to be 500?

And the song event can only happen in April to June of the 8th year.

Then it's the order of finding the person, and then the daughter and the mother can meet

If you go to talk to the diviner in August, you can't trigger it (it's the September Harvest Festival)

I've had encounters with people in the past, but I'm not sure if I've ever seen them before.

I have triggered the event where I met my mother ^^

You just need to go to the magic world on April-June 1-10 of the 8th year, and you will hear the song after you have used up your 3 trips

After that, you will go to the prosperous street and look for Leigh (you need to have a good relationship with Leigh, and personally I think that if you go to Leigh and tell her that she's a dragon, you will be able to do so) and then go to the prosperous street to look for the diviner and she will tell you to go to the magic world on the 1-10 of the next month and tell you to meet her on the next day. A month of 1-10 days to go to the magic world square will meet Isabelle, which is also an event map oh ^ ^

Father marriage:

Father marriage is actually not difficult; the main thing is the parameter on the problem, a not right daughter is likely to run away with someone else.

Martial arts and magic can be left alone, while self-respect & morals have to bottom him out.

Morals in particular have to be 350 or less to be okay.

Considerate then try to pull him up as high as possible, which can be boosted by using the babysitting and marketplace of the part-time program.

And of course have a good relationship with your daughter, it's safer to take her out once every season if possible.

Don't forget to talk to your daughter every month and change her clothes every season.

And don't forget the annual birthday gift.

The events of the three princes should also be left alone for insurance purposes.

Popularity is not to be bothered at all, and certainly not too high.

It wouldn't be a good idea to have a singer's debut at the age of sixteen.

So just stay home during harvest season and sleep your way back to fatigue.

All other values should be at least 400.

Don't worry about money, as the number of part-time jobs will surely help you make up for it.

If things go well, a massage for your father will happen in February of your last year.

Choose to want your daughter to stay.

Then it's time to wait for March 1 to end to welcome your lovely daughter to confess to you.

When your daughter confesses to you, you can choose whether to accept or not. If you don't, she'll run off and marry a "promising young man



If someone were to do this with reference to PM2 and PM3's father-marriage conditions, they would most likely go to this ending.

The problem is with the 'help with household chores' job option.

In Generation IV, the way to increase your favor with Jip is to implement the "help with household chores" option.

Approximately 32 times is enough, and the other values that need to be paid attention to are thoughtfulness and feelings.

Please increase these two parameters as much as possible if you can (about 500 or more).

When I was trying to marry the father I didn't realize that this guy was giving me a taste of his own medicine.

When I saw this ending, I felt weak for a second...

For the ending parameters, you can refer to the parameters of the father's marriage above.

Morality can be broken by 350 for insurance.

This ending can also be accomplished in the Father's Marriage strategy, the point is to please record a year before the ending.

Use this year to "help with household chores" to punch up your favor with Jip.


Just after the ending, if you don't want your daughter to be taken away by this guy, please don't trigger him

Please do the part-time job at the market a few times after it appears (I personally got two raises)

Then, when you go to the market in April in the 6th year, you will get to know Clais

After that, please put your part-time job at the market and also at the hotel.

The classes don't seem to be that different

On October 6, go to the market again

Clais will take his daughter to the store he bought

Next month (November), go to the street

Clais will show his daughter his ship and say that she's a businesswoman

There will be an option to choose from, but I don't know what it will do. The effect is unconfirmed (I chose the first one to agree)

In April of the 8th year, please go to the busy street

Clais will show up at the maid bar, tell his daughter that he bought the store, and ask her to marry him

And then, if you don't meet the other ending conditions, you should be able to get married to him

Side note, the Japanese website says that feeling too high doesn't work, but my case is that I can feel 8xx (I'm a pro at drawing)

So I may need to confirm this point

Refer to prinessmaker4@Wiki-General

Options to go on vacation affect

The first year


Playing with my daughter: +10 stamina

Holding her hand: Daddy's hand. >Holding her hand: daddy's hand is so big oooh...

Pick a flower for her: Feeling +5


Touch the water: Intelligence +5

Suddenly splash the water on your daughter: Stamina +15

Make a sand hill together: Feeling +10


Throw it back: Stamina +15

Quickly dodging away: Daddy is so handsome ...

Fifth year


Thanks: thoughtfulness +5

Compliments her: thanks dad...

Wear it on your head: temperament +10


Sunbathe yourself: thoughtfulness +5

Help her put on the sunscreen: self-esteem +5 temperament +5 feelings -10

Go into the sea: strength +15


Catch the bugs: morality +5 feelings +5

Go outside : thoughtfulness +5

Take mango grass and play with it: I want to play with it too...


Going down for a dip together: morality-10 thoughtfulness+10

Walking away: morality+10 feelings-10

Looking at her: charisma+10

Sixth year


Separating them: morality+10

Trying to heal and see: thoughtfulness+10

Responding to nature: feelings +10


Toward the sunset side: feelings +10

Looking at your daughter: charisma +10

Watching the sunset sink: thoughtfulness +15


Reading a book together: intelligence +10

Feeding the animals food: feelings +10

Feeding the animals: feelings +10



Read books together: intellect +10

Feeding animals food: feelings +10 <

Sleeping: thoughtfulness +10


Leaving her alone: self-esteem +10

Holding her shoulders: hold me tight... Dad!

Call her close to you: Feelings +10

Seventh year


Call your daughter back: Morality +10

Scare away the animals: Self-esteem +10

Watch over her quietly: Stamina +15


Teach her the proper way to dive: Martial Arts ability +10 <

Poke the fish: morality +10

Surface: stamina +5


Call out to her: feelings +10

Press the clothes: thoughtfulness +10

Give her a comb: temperament +10


Slide together: stamina +10

Praise her: Temperament +10

Watching her quietly: charm +?

Eighth year


Smell the scent: temperament +10

Invite her for a walk: feelings +10

Turn in for bed: temperament -10


It's hard to avoid this too: charm +?

Going to the guys and theorizing: self-respect +10

Ask her if she swims: temperament +10


Watching her from a distance: feelings +10

Pulling out: morality +10

Coming close to her: self-respect +10


Apologizing: thoughtfulness +10

Running away: morality +10

Still not taking your eyes off her: charm +?

Ending with Day After Talk


Human Victory

Intelligence > 450 Morality > 500

Demon Disappearance

Intelligence > 700 Morality > 500

Demon Victory Impossible?

Is the survival of man and devil **** impossible?

Human-Demon war impossible?


Human victory

Conditions unknown

Demon disappearance

Conditions unknown

Demon victory impossible?

Humans and Devils ****exist

Intelligence > 700 Morality > 500

Humans and Devils fight impossible?

◎ Human Brave

This ending because of the killing of the demon king, it seems that only human victory

◎ Minister

Human victory

conditions unknown

Demons disappeared

conditions unknown

Demon victory impossible?

Human-Devil ****Existence

Intelligence > 700 Morality > 500

Human-Devil Battle

Conditions Unknown


Human Victory

Conditions Unknown

Devils Disappear

Conditions Unknown

Devil's Victory Unlikely?

Human and Devil ****exist

Intelligence > 500 Morality > 500

Human and Devil fight

Conditions unknown

Devil King

Human victory impossible?

Demons disappear

Intelligence > 500 Morality not necessary? (100 Demon Victory

Conditions Unknown

Human-Demon **** Existence

Intelligence > 700 Morality > 600

Human-Demon War

Conditions Unknown

Demon Princess

Human Victory Unlikely?

The disappearance of the demons

Intelligence>700 Morality>100

The victory of the demons

Intelligence>500 100

Consideration <700?

The survival of the human and the demon ****

Intelligence>450 350

Consideration >700?

The battle of the demons and the people

It is not possible.

Conditions unknown


Human-Demon Battle

Other future talks unknown

Return to the Demon World

Human-Demon Battle

Other Future Talks Unknown

There are five future talks conditions that are tentatively summarized in the above

1. Demon disappearance

Intelligence >700 Morality is established by the ending, but has no practical relevance

There are five future talks conditions that are tentatively summarized in the above

1. What's that?

Does it depend on the ending? (Any ending that has a future?)

2. Human Victory

Wisdom > 450, Morality > 500 (no Demon Princesses or Demon Kings?).

3. Human and Devil **** survive

Depends on the ending status and intelligence and morality values?

4. Human-Demon Battle

Intelligence <500 Morality <350 (Princess ending not allowed?).

5. Demon Victory

Considerate <700? The conditions are still unknown

The real growth and age of the daughter is calculated in April of each year.

Additional Lessons


After meeting at the palace, the guards introduce you to the etiquette classroom.


After meeting Kristina, walk the route: dress store → busy street → square → street