Base Lifesteal Rep: 11 ? 7
Life regen growth: 1.75 ? 0.55
New Passive - Tech Magic Affinity
When Heimerdinger is within 300 yards of a friendly tower or a tower he placed, he gains a 20% movement speed bonus
Q H-28G Evolutionary Turret
More turrets in the early game. Base damage lowered, gains increased. Beam attack recharges more slowly, but it is greatly accelerated by W and E attacks. Turrets take less punishment when facing melee enemies.
Turret Tier Limit: 1/2/2/2/3/3 ? Full Tier 3
Turret Generation Time: 24/23/22/21/20 seconds ? 20 seconds
Base Damage: 12/18/24/30/36 (+0.15 spell strength) ? 6/9/12/15/18 (+0.3 Spell Strength)
Beam Damage: 40/60/80/105/130 ? 40/60/80/100/120 (Spell Strength gain not changed)
Removed Turrets no longer prioritize nearby enemy heroes or the hero who attacked it first
Removed the lock-on effect of Turrets when Heimerdinger isn't within 1200 yards of the distance
New Beam Recharge Gain: each missile shot from W that hits an enemy hero will make the nearby turrets to gain 20% recharge, and if E's grenade hits an enemy hero it will turn the recharge to 100% (W and E enhanced by the move gain the same effect)
Beam Attack Countdown: time for a turret to recharge from 0 to 100%: within 16 seconds? 90 seconds
Removed Beam Attack Charge Benefit: Turrets no longer gain 1/2/3/4/5% Beam Charge per Pulse Attack
Removed Turrets no longer enjoying 70% Beam Attack Charge when they spawn
Charge bar is now white, no longer dark blue
W Hex Tech Micro Missile
Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 ? 80/90/100/110 ? 50/60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 11 seconds at full level ? 11/10/9/8/7 seconds
New Beam Attack Charge: each missile hit on an enemy hero provides 20% Beam Attack Charge to all turrets within 1000 yards of the attack (up to 100% if all 5 missiles hit)
E CH-2 Electronic Storm Grenade
Cooldown: 18/16/14/? 12/10 seconds ? Full Rank 12 seconds
Radius: 210 ? 250 (center stun area unchanged)
New Beam Attack Charge: if the grenade hits an enemy hero, all turrets within 1000 yards of the attack provide 100% Beam Attack Charge
Hemmerdinger can now throw a grenade at himself
Upgrade !!!! !d E-CH-3X Lightning Grenade
Base Damage: 150/200/250 ? 150/250/350
Gain: 0.6 Spell Strength ? 0.75 Spell Strength
Highly Played Comment: Passive acceleration in the tower guarding and positional battle more mobile and flexible, improve the survivability. 1 level learning Q out of the door to save 3 turrets, either directly to the line layout, or the field to assist his teammates have a great role. The base damage is reduced, the AP is increased, the cooldown of E is reduced, and the damage is increased. Overall strengthening.
Related Tips: Redone Great Inventor Video Demo
Cloaked Dragon Turtle Ramos
New Passive - Cone Spiked Armor
Removed Ramos no longer gains 25% of attack power converted to Armor
New Ramos's Pulse Attacks deal 8-20 (+10% Armor) extra Magic Damage
Q Power Dash
Cooldown: 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 seconds? 16/13.5/11/8.5/6 seconds
Duration: 7 seconds? 6 seconds
New Power Dash is now a channeling effect
Maximum Movement Speed: 155% ? 150-235% (at levels 1-18)
Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 ? 100/135/170/205/240
Slow: 20/25/30/35/40% for 2 sec ? 40/50/60/70/80% lasting 1 second
Collision Detection: radius slightly reduced to allow Ramos to weave through enemies better. Collision detection rate increased to make collisions more consistent
Range effect: unchanged. In other words, Ramos knocks back, damages and slows an enemy within a range slightly larger than the collision radius
BUG FIX: Ramos can now interact with plants during power dashes
W Spiked Defense
COOLDOWN: 14 secs (starts when W is cast) ? 6 seconds (starts when W ends)
Duration: 6 seconds (unchanged)
Extra Resistances: 40/60/80/100/120 ? 20 Flat Resistance, plus 50/55/60/65/70% of Ramos's total resistance
New When Spiked Defense is activated, Ramos slows himself by 60%
New Ramos can re-activate Spiked Defense to end the effect early
New When Spiked Defense is activated, the effect of Cone Spiked Armor is strengthened by 50%
Enemies are not able to slow Ramos until Spiked Defense is activated. Pounce on Ramos when activated deals 25/35/45/55/65 (+10% Ramos Armor) damage to themselves ? Additional damage from Cone Armor (12-30 (+15% Ramos Armor) when Spiked Defense is activated)
E Frenzied Taunt
Rename: Armor Breaking Taunt ? Frenzied Taunt
Removed Frenzied Taunt no longer reduces the target's armor by 5/10/15/20/25
New Fury: During the duration phase of the taunt effect (1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25 seconds), Ramos gains 20/25/30/35/40% attack speed
New When Ramos' other skills are activated When Ramos' other skills are activated, the duration of the attack speed gain is immediately refreshed
R Earthshaker
Damage per second: 65/130/195 (+0.3 Spell Strength) ? 40/80/120 (+0.2 Spell Strength)
New Ground Shaker deals double damage to buildings
New Ground Shaker inflicts 8/10/12% slow on enemies for 1.5 seconds. Subsequent Earthshaker stacks an additional layer and refreshes the slow duration (max slow: 64/80/96%)
Highlighted comments: passive damage is provided and changes from physical to magical damage from attack power. the base damage of Q is reduced by less, but the movement speed is increased and it is easier to pick up the control of E. The new W and E effects can be used to greatly reduce the amount of damage dealt by the enemy. The new W and E effect, can greatly increase the passive damage and attack speed, that against the melee against the A hero combat power is greatly improved.R damage is reduced, but the deceleration is stronger, more in line with the control of the tank positioning. The overall enhancement.
Magic Serpent's Embrace Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia's tail now literally swings and turns with her
Tidal Sea Spirit Fitz
W Seastone Trident
Bleed Damage: 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.33 Spell Strength) ? 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.4 Spell Strength)
Active Damage: 25/40/55/70/85 (+0.33 Spell Strength) ? 20/30/40/50/60 (+0.4 Spell Strength)
Active Damage to Marked Enemies: 75/120/165/210/255 (+1.0 Spell Strength) ? 60/90/120/150/180 (+1.2 Spell Strength)
Highly Played Comment: W base damage is reduced, AP bonus is increased, weakening the benefits of the top meat fish. Take the middle of the road in the mid-late impact is not great
Extra-magic fanatic Graves
Q poor way
The first base damage: 55/70/85/100/115 ? 40/55/70/85/100
First Stage Gain: 0.75 Extra Attack Power ? 0.8 Extra Attack Power
Second Base Damage: 80/125/170/215/260 ? 80/110/140/170/200
Second Stage Gain: 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2% Extra Attack Power ? 0.4/0.7/1.0/1.3/1.6% Extra Attack Power
R Ultimate Blast
Cooldown: 100/90/80 seconds ? 120/100/80 seconds
Higher players comment: Q base damage decreased, AD bonus increased, so the early burst reduced. R increased the cooldown, the overall weakening.
Weapon Master Jax
Jax all skin's parry, strengthened parry, and blitz animation improved to better match the damage triggered at the time, making it more responsive overall
Cui Shen Aion
Basic Attributes
Movement Speed 330 ? 325
Passive - Friend of the Forest
Basic Lifesteal Drain: 25% ? 33%
Base Mana Drain: 30% ? 33%
Highly Played Comment: reduced movement speed, increased passive consumption, larger nerf in early stages
Blind Monk Li Qing
Basic Attributes
Movement Speed: 350 ? 345
Dragon's Tail
Cooldown: 90/75/60 seconds ? 110/85/60 seconds
Highly Played Review:R cooldown increased, same time as most heroes level 1 R, can't take advantage of opponent's R not being good enough to get an advantage in the early stages. Weakened.
Fairy Witch Lulu
Basic Attributes
Life Value: 553 ? 525
E help, Pixie!
Base Shield Strength: 80/120/160/200/240 ? 70/105/140/175/210
Highly Played Comment: life reduction, E shield value reduction, main E add on weaker gains in the early stages.
Voidwalker Kassadin
E Energy Pulse
Energy Pulse is now determined to hit the target at the end of the cast, no longer at the start of the cast
Range: 585 ? 600
Twisted Tree Goblin Maukai
Passive - Elemental Absorption Mystery
Removed no longer works on buildings
Cast Time: 0.275 seconds ? 0.25 seconds (will still benefit from Mokai's attack speed)
Q Thorns Heavy Strike
Consumption: 45/50/55/60/65 mana ? 50 mana at full level
Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds ? 8/7.25/6.5/5.75/5 seconds
Return distance: slightly increased (max ~275 ? ~300)
E Sapling Throw
Consumption: full level 60 mana ? 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Base Damage: 45/70/95/120/145 ? 25/50/75/100/125
Enemy Lifesteal Factor: 6/6.5/7/7.5/8% (+2% per 100 spellstrength) Target Max Lifesteal? 8% (+2% per 100 spell strength) Target max life
R Nature's Grip
Fixed a bug that caused Maukai's Nature's Grip to go on cooldown when he died casting it
Highlighted comments: Q consumes less blue, cooldowns are reduced, E's base damage is reduced, ability to grab wilds at level 1 is reduced, max life % damage is fixed at 8%, so adding it is a good idea to keep the cooldown at 8%, so adding it is a good idea to keep the cooldown at 8%, but it is a good idea to keep it at 8%. The damage is fixed at 8%, so you can be flexible on the main Q.
Phantom Plume Luo
Q Shimmering Plume
Spell distance: 800 ? 900
W Grand Debut
Base Damage: 70/110/150/190/230 ? 70/115/160/205/250
E Light Dance
Shield value per cast: 50/85/120/155/190 ? 50/75/100/125/150
Highly Played Comment: W damage small increase, E shield reduction. Generally the main W points, the early impact is not big, the middle weakened.
Desert Butcher Layton
W Cold Snare
Fixed a bug that had caused Cold Snare stun time to be shorter than expected (0.525 seconds instead of 0.75 seconds)
Rage Bonus Skills No Longer Generate Rage
Fixed a bug that had caused the casting of Cold Snare and the Tyrant Strike or Straight Bash into the skill queue at 100 Rage, the skills in the queue would sometimes not be strengthened or consume Rage
E Rampage
Fixed a bug that had caused Rampage to have a shorter than expected casting distance (400 instead of 450)
Fixed a bug that had caused Rampage to have a shorter than expected sprint distance
Fixed a bug that had caused Rampage Dash has a shorter than expected cast range (400 instead of 450)
Exile Blade Raven
Q Dance of Folded Wings
Raven is now more consistent when it comes to being able to cancel Q's casting animation and how long it takes for her to do so
Raven no longer has the ability to use the Joke, Taunt, or Laugh animations during the casting animation of Dance of Folded Wings
Dance of the Folded Wings can target more reliably in high-latency environments
Fixed a bug that caused the knockback effect of the third cast of Dance of the Folded Wings to take a shorter than expected amount of time to cast if it interrupted a displacement effect or if the target collided with the terrain
E Dance of the Brave
Fixed a bug that caused the skill queue to sometimes not work correctly when Bravely Forward was articulated during the casting animation of Dance of Folded Wings
Wrath of the Northlands Thurjonie
Passive - Frost Armor
Frost Armor Direct Resist: 100 across all levels? 20/60/100 (at level 1/7/14)
Q Extreme Cold Raid
Hitboxes: Slightly tweaked to emphasize targets hit from behind by Thorjonie
W Winter's Fury
Most of these changes will cancel each other out, as Winter's Fury takes roughly 1 second to finish casting. Overall cooldown boost.
Cooldown standard: goes on cooldown at the start of the spell? When all swings are complete
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 seconds? 9/8/7/6/5 seconds
Highlight: passive resistance nerf, instant tankiness against wilds and people
Beast Spirit Walker Udir
Mana Drain: 50-33 (at levels 1-18) ? 45-28 (at level 1-18)
Highlight: Enhanced, lower blue consumption, skills can be switched to use multiple times.
Spirit Shepherd Yorick
Passive - Spirit Shepherd
Mistwalkers no longer die while moving away from Yorick or Chambermaid
Q Ritual of the Dying
When the number of graves reaches the maximum number of graves and Yorick uses Ritual of the Dying to kill a unit, the furthest away grave is replaced with an unspawned grave no longer
R Eulogy for Haiyu< /p>
The Chambermaid's attributes will be boosted as soon as Yorick puts skill points into Sea Island Eulogy, and no longer remain the same until Yorick summons them again
Highly Played Review: enhancements, graves and summoned minions will be more likely to appear, ensuring a sustained fight
Bio-Demon Zach
Q Extended Strike
Damage: 50/ 70/90/110/130 (+0.3 spell strength) ? 40/60/80/100/120 (+0.3 Spell Strength) (+2.5% of Zack's Max Lifesteal)
Second Attack Extra Attack Range: 100 ? 125
Second Attack Slime Generation: when Zack hits a second hero, he generates slime ? Hits the second enemy, regardless of type
Collision Damage Radius: 200 ? 300
If the second attack of an extended strike kills a minion or wild monster, this target will not die until after Zack taps it towards the first target of the extended strike
If the first target of an extended strike overlaps with another enemy, the second attack now steadily selects a different target instead of the first one
Zack can now use the second attack of an extended strike and tap both targets together. Strike's second attack and tap both targets together to cast Unstable Matter and queue Acorn Slingshot into the casting queue
E Acorn Slingshot
Hit Duration: 0.5 seconds? 0.5-1 seconds, depending on how long Zach charges the rubber band slingshot
R Kinetic Pinball
Time to fully charge: 1 second ? 1.1 seconds
Highly Played Review: Q base damage is reduced, but the bonus damage is increased, the late meat suit gains more damage, the second control damage is easier to hit. the control effect of E is also strengthened.
Too much to give a URL you see for yourself: /news/123593/index_3.html Hope to adopt