After going to the gym for 3 months, I was shocked to realize that weight loss is the most useless function of fitness!

Always thought that the gym is the kind of body fat or sub health obvious people will go to the place, or the kind of need to eight-pack abs star aristocrats will choose the place, like our kind of ordinary people, the weight is normal, not fat, not thin, neither the three high and do not worry about fatty liver, life and work routine, and do not need to be a perfect body out of the camera, there is no need to step into the gym.

But I was wrong.

My BMI is normal, and my body proportions are pretty well proportioned, except for a slightly flabby tummy because of the birth of my baby (but it's not even noticeable when I wear a slightly loose jacket). The phone is full of star cases, wearing guide, but in my body seems to be only a buyer show of deep despondency, do not understand exactly where the problem is, the gap between the stars and mortals is not innately doomed?

As for why I stepped into the gym, my memory is a little fuzzy, it seems to be just unwilling to age like this, it seems to be just a feeling that this will have the form of dying, it seems to want to break their own dreams of getting back to youth: tell yourself, admit it, the age is there, old is old.

But, I was wrong

When you reach middle age, you obviously feel that your back is not working, your legs are weak, you don't sleep well, your period is less and less visiting, and every day is full of anxiety and depression (how do you feel like an advertisement?). The next person will make light of the situation and say, "I don't know what to say. Next to the people will gently tell you, this is postpartum depression, after this period of time is good; this is the price of older children, not as fast as when young recovery; this is the signal of aging, to rest, eat more wolfberry red dates to nourish and replenish blood.

But they are wrong.

After completing the three-month course, I realized that all my previous thoughts and rumors were wrong.

Also suddenly realized that in fact, advertising the so-called weight loss is the most useless function of the gym.

The benefits of fitness greatly exceed weight loss.

The sport has changed my skin texture, it looks more translucent and shiny

I have always thought that skin care is to apply the most expensive skin care products, and then on the medical beauty, hyaluronic acid, picoseconds, botulinum toxin, all to come once again.

It never occurred to me that exercise could improve your appearance.

In fact, Yanni is a very good example, before and after the weight loss difference is very obvious, chubby Tong palms although very cute, but thin, is a different level of beauty, the former always have the temperament of the square dance aunt, exudes the city of the people of the world flavor. After thinning down, and the daughter has as sisters, hands and feet are y sexy.

The movement has changed my character, more confident and cheerful

Gemini me, has been a mixture of conflicting personalities, but introverted time mostly. Most of the time more inferior, closed, always love to shrink in the corner to do a bystander. In retrospect, maybe it had a lot to do with body posture . Listened to a TED talk "posture determines who you are", learned that the body posture and psychology have a great correlation, good sitting and standing posture can you make you more confident, more leadership and persuasive, "feel powerful people, often more decisive and confident and optimistic, they exactly think that the opportunity will always stand on their side, they are also better at abstract thinking, this kind of people are more daring to take risks. and such people are more risk-taking."

When I did more of the shoulder opening, collarbone opening, and chest lifting, it was obvious that I felt more bold to look people in the eye, more courageous to speak up, less afraid of frustration, more able to bare my weaknesses, more willing to stand up in front of a crowd, and more motivated to take on the responsibility of leadership.

High Energy Posture says that we often, unconsciously, do low energy postures (scrunching up our bodies), and that forcing ourselves to do high energy postures can have a physiological and psychological impact, and that high energy postures stimulate decisiveness, confidence and a sense of self-efficacy in the head while knocking out tension and anxiety.

Exercise took away my anxiety

Postpartum depression, experienced terrible2. The second child is a bigger challenge than the first, a body that grows more tired by the day, a longer and longer recovery period, and a tolerance that doesn't last long, leading to increasingly short tempers. Often, it's not because the child is noisy, but because your body can no longer support it. The child's need for cuddles and playtime is just the last straw that breaks the camel's back, the oil that pours on the fire. The bottom is already empty, how can it support more pressure? But with exercise, the body is much stronger, has greater staying power and endurance, and can quickly regain its strength in a short period of time, as well as being more able to control its temper. It turns out that kindness and patience is not an innate character, but an ability that is cultivated later in life.

The "Exercise to Transform the Brain" mentions that through exercise, you will get a sense of conquest and self-confidence. As you come to realize that you have the ability to control stress without relying on your body's passive coping mechanisms, you raise the threshold of stress that triggers the stress response.

Exercise has also changed the people around me

Often, we try to persuade our children and our partners to break some bad habits. But they always go in one ear and out the other, and talking more will only add to the fire in the house. But when you give up preaching, turn to focus on their own growth and change, but will y affect them. The power of example is endless, and when you become a better person, they will naturally aspire to it. Education is not just about words, it's more about teaching by example.

Marie Kondo, the author of The Heart Thumping Magic of Organizing Your Life, said:

If you don't clean up your house, even if you organize it neatly, even though it looks neat and tidy on the surface, you will still feel a dirty and crowded atmosphere the moment your guests walk in the door of your house.

I think it's the same with the body,

even if it's covered up with baggy clothes, even if it's thin with all kinds of tricks,

but all the little details will reveal your hidden indiscipline and make them obvious.


Weight loss became the most useless function of the gym, active sports, not only to change the body, but also to change the brain, change the trajectory of life.

As Li Xinfeng said in "Life Creative Lessons": "Every day, I woke up, not another day older, but again found a newborn self, a very different self with yesterday"

I think this is also fitness suddenly let me realize, in the process of constant running, in the limit of the I think this is what fitness suddenly made me realize, in the process of constant running, in the process of extreme stretching, in the process of giving up and struggling to hold on again and again, I suddenly saw the light of the future shining through the cracks, slowly becoming brighter and bigger, leading me in a better direction.