1. "Chopstick dance" is a characteristic dance of the Mongolian people. It is popular in the Otok Banner and Wushenzhao Banner of Yikezhao League in Inner Mongolia. It was originally played on strings during weddings and festive feasts. and vocal accompaniment, a solo dance performed by a male artist. The performer holds a chopstick in his right hand and uses it to hit the palms, shoulders, waist, legs, etc. While hitting, the shoulders move around and the wrists are flexible. Turning around, the percussion sound is light and crisp, the rhythm is clear, and the emotion is warm.
2. "Chopstick Dance" is named after the dance with chopsticks. It is mostly performed by a man alone at festive banquets. During the performance, the dancers hold a bunch of chopsticks in each hand, and in harmony with the singing and various tapping sounds of the crowd, while kneeling, sitting, standing, etc., they use the chopsticks to hit their hands with the flexion and extension of their legs and the twisting of their bodies. , arms, shoulders, back, waist, legs, feet and other parts, and sometimes hit the ground, while dancing. The movements are agile, clean and neat, with a strong sense of rhythm.