I've lived in Europe for a decade before, and experienced the change from being the bottom of my country's secondary school sports to a marathon runner. I feel that there is indeed a huge gap in the fitness culture, and it is not too much to use an order of magnitude to differentiate. My thinking is as follows: 1. Culturally, the West advocates the body and will, a lot of judgment comes from the feeling, and the feeling is based on a strong enough and sensitive body - these are not born, but through continuous training, to achieve the "perfect man" state. Comparatively speaking, the East emphasizes thinking and tradition. For example, we like to talk about "thought work", as if things can be understood once they have been thought through. Many human emotions are mainly due to physical reasons, think it is useless to understand, it is better to go out and run a couple of laps. From this point of view, Tsinghua's long-distance running tradition is actually very modern. 2. At the current stage of China's social development, the short-term value orientation is rather utilitarian. The physical and moral aspects of construction do not occupy too high a rank. In fact, physical exercise is still very fast results, adhere to a month or two will have a transformation of the changes. 3. is the cognitive aspect, fitness and exercise itself is a huge science and business. For example, many people say that work are so tired, where there is energy to exercise. But experienced people understand that exercise itself is a great way to overcome fatigue. The more stressed you are the more you exercise, creating a virtuous cycle. I saw the main crowd in the gym is a group of more than 30, they can understand to these, this and career experience is a meaning - only to a certain extent to know, how to stimulate personal potential.4. There is also the habit, the influence of the people around. There must be enough people to form an atmosphere. For example, the usual activities around the China World Trade Center, the Foreign Trade Association has a certain degree beyond the money to become the motivation for fitness, huh. 5. Finally, it is from the children to start, our education system does not pay attention to cultivate interest in sports, not to mention. A long-term experience of the experience of exuberant system of strong state of people, is unable to accept to climb a few floors on the state of gasping, which is the quality of life is very essential difference, but not rely on words to persuade - warm and cold self-knowledge. In fact, the Western countries sports traditions are also very different, the Germans and Scandinavians are more traditional Greek-style heirs to the culture of health, exercise for the revolution. Americans are the playful wing of sport, where sport is an important part of recreational life. Britain is more class-divided, and many very fat young people can be seen, which is less common in the richly-equalized north of Europe. Casual southern Europe is more of an appearance society huh, there are a lot of indulgent fat and handsome people.