Where does Gangou Village belong to

Gangou Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Chengguan Town, Lixian City, Longnan City, Gansu Province, with an urban and rural classification code of 122 for township and countryside combination areas. The zoning code is 621226100208, and the first 6 digits of the resident's identity card number is 621226. The postal code is 746000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0939, and the license plate number is Gan K. GanGou Village is adjacent to YangMa Village, DongTai Village, LiYa Village, XiaoBei Village, BeiGuan Village, WangLin Village, Nanguan Village, ZhongLiang Village, Mashan Village, XinGuan Village, Tushan Village, Xintian Village, Shibei Village, and FengYa Village.

Gangou village near Zhao Meng _ book Zhao Shiyan family temple monument, Lianting Mountain ruins, Lixian Museum, Gansu Qin Culture Museum, Qishan Wuhou Ancestral Hall and other tourist attractions, there are Lixian apples, Lixian rhubarb, goat maw cabbage, eight pan pear, wine persimmons and other specialties.