One of the children joined the hide-and-seek club, and the teacher never found him again.
Two people jumped into the pit and one died and one is still alive, the dead is called dead, the living is called what?
One day there were two people who wanted to commit suicide, they came to God, so that God gave them both death so that they could go to heaven, God gave them both a bottle of poison and said, "This is a bottle of poison, only enough for one person to drink, separate is not effective." In the end, both of them died, why?
Because one of them opened the bottle of poison and saw on the back of the cap, "One more bottle." 。。。。
One day, I was eating,
I missed a grain of rice by my mouth
I put it on the doorstep of the ants
So, I solved the problem of eating in their house ``````````
Once upon a time, there was a little lamb that met a big bad wolf,
The big bad wolf roared at the little lamb:"" Ha! I'm going to eat you !!!!"
Guess what happened? . .
. .
The wolf ate the lamb. !!!!
What day is today?
Yesterday's tomorrow, tomorrow's yesterday
Aladdin had three brothers, what was his brother's name ?
Ala A, Ala B, and Aladdin
What about Porky Pig's brother
Sun Wukong (Monkey Brother), but don't tell me that's Porky Pig
One day, two tomatoes were walking together. a car came by, and one of the tomatoes was hit. The other tomato pointed to the other and said, "Ahh! Tomato sauce."
A mute man went to buy a toothbrush, and he was at the mall for a long time. It took the boss a while to understand. So if a blind man wants to buy sunglasses, how long does it take him to get the boss to understand no?
He just has to say it
Police: "Say, what's your name~?"
Prisoner: "My name is Jackie."
Police: "Why aren't you called Chen Zhen, give me a proper attitude ~ say properly what's your name~?"
Prisoner: "My name is Chen Zhen."
Said there is a polar bear, because the snow is too harsh, must wear sunglasses to see things,
But he could not find sunglasses, so he closed his eyes and crawled around on the ground to find, crawling ah crawling ah, crawl
Hands and feet are crawling dirty before finding sunglasses.
Put on the sunglasses, a look in the mirror, which realized: Oh, so I am a panda
In a very cold very cold planet, there is a very cold very cold island, in that very cold very cold island miles, there is a very cold very cold town, in that very cold very cold town miles, there is a very cold cold very cold houses, in that very cold very cold house miles, there is a boy, he opened the window to say a word
What is the most important thing is that you can not find the sunglasses. window to say a sentence:
~ good cold yo ~ ~ ~
1, a buck, it walked, walked faster and faster, and finally it became a highway (deer)!!!!
One day the three little pigs built three huts to hide from the big bad wolf. The Big Bad Wolf had no trouble blowing and destroying the grass hut, the wooden hut, and the brick hut. The Three Little Pigs ran as hard as they could, but they were still being chased by the Big Bad Wolf. The three little pigs said in despair, "You see what you can do. We give up, do what you want.
At this point, the Big Bad Wolf sneered and slobbered, saying: So tell me where is Little Red Riding Hood?
5. Why are there no dinosaurs now?
A: There was a very big earthquake that made the dinosaurs extinct.
The dinosaurs went to make movies
6. Why does the white rabbit love to eat radishes?
A: Because it has red eyes.
The radish is nutritious.
Because the white rabbit can't afford meat. (
Q:When did people have two mouths?
A:When there are two of them, huh
Small A said to small B: dig plug .... It's raining outside! I don't know if you can see it.
Small B is very excited: Yes, I see it, and you?
The Hare and the Tortoise... The hare quickly ran ahead...
The tortoise saw a snail crawling very, very slowly... and said to him. The tortoise saw a snail crawling very slowly and said to him, "Come up here, I'll carry you on my back.
Then... The snail came up...
After a while... The tortoise saw another ant. And he said to him, "You come up too...
So the ant came up.
After the ant came up, he saw the snail above him. He saw the snail above him and said to him, "You're coming up, too.
And the ant said, "Hello."
Do you know what the snail said?
The snail said: "Hold on tight, this turtle is fast...".
I saw a ghost today, it scared me
Really, what did it look like
En... It looked like a ghost.
My girlfriend asked me to go to her house to watch a movie. When we got to her house, she wrote 'movie' on the wall with a signing pen, and we both sat on the toilet and watched it.
Ming was late for work today, and when his boss asked him why, he said, "Because I put one less battery in the alarm clock when I put it in yesterday."
Ming: "You know what mosquitoes don't bite?" Wakabing: "I don't know." Ming: "Jelly of course, jelly pudding! Haha!"
Three white rabbits picked a mushroom
The two big ones let the little one go to get some wild vegetables to eat
The little one said, "I don't want to go, I'm going, you'll have to eat my mushrooms"
The two big ones said, "Don't worry, don't worry, go", so the little rabbits went to eat
Six months have passed and the little rabbit has not come back.
The other big one said, "Let's wait a little longer."
A year went by and the white rabbit hadn't come back, and the two big ones said, "No need to wait, let's eat it."
At that moment, the little rabbit jumped out of the jungle next to him and got mad, and said, "Look, I knew you were going to eat me! I knew you were going to eat my mushrooms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Once upon a time, there was a bun that ate a meatball and turned into a bun
One day
The little penguin went to play with the polar bear!
Three years later, he got to the equator, and remembered that he had left the door open
It took him three more years to get home and close the door
And then six years later, he got to the North Pole
Then, when he knocked on the polar bear's door, he said, "I'm coming to play with you, Polar Bear!"
The polar bear opened the door and looked at the penguins and said: "I don't play! And closed the door!"
The penguin went home!!!!
There was a person who looked especially like a bicycle, and she ended up being ridden away one day while standing on the road
There was an egg that went to a teahouse to drink tea, and it turned into a tea egg;
There was a wolf that came to the North Pole,
and accidentally fell into the sea of ice,
and was fished out when it turned into what?
. ......... Betel nut ...........
There was a penguin whose home was so far away from the polar bear's house that it would take him 20 years to get there if he walked. One day, the penguin stayed at home especially bored, ready to go to the polar bear to play, with is he went out, but went to the road half of the time to find that he forgot to lock the door, which has been gone for 10 years, but the door still have to lock ah, so the penguin and walked home to lock the door. After locking the door, the penguin once again set off to find the polar bear, equal to him spent 40 years to the polar bear their home ...... Then the penguin knocked on the door and said: "Polar bear polar bear, penguin looking for you to play to come!" When the polar bear opens the door, guess what he says? "Or go to your home to play it ~"
There is a polar bear and a penguin playing together, the penguin to the body of the hair one by one plucked down, plucked, said to the polar bear: "Good cold oh! "The polar bear heard, also put their own body hair one by one pulled down, turned to the penguin said: "really cold!"
One day A picked a mirror and looked into it and said; the people here look familiar
B said; do they? Let's see (took the mirror), I ah! You don't recognize me?
A: "Do you know what I was doing at the internet cafe last night?"
B: "What were you doing?"
A: "Surfing the net."
B: "...I was in the hospital."
The hospital to prevent patients from escaping outside the 100 Road, two psychiatric patients still want to escape from the hospital. In the darkness of the night efforts
over the wall. To the 30th wall,
"Tired?" ,
"Not tired." And so the two continue to flip outward.
At the 60th wall,
"Are you tired?"
"No." And so they continued outward,
to the 99th wall,
"Are you tired? "
"I'm tired."
"Well, then, let's go back."
One morning, an officer, known for his strictness, asked the morning drill sergeant, "Are you cold? cold?"
The soldier replied, "Not cold!"
The officer was annoyed: "Then what are you trembling for?"
The soldier replied, "It's freezing!"
There was a bottle of wine buried in the ground for a thousand years, and he turned into what? ---- alcohol.
One day the eggplant was walking down the street and suddenly sneezed a big sneeze. It wiped its nose and said angrily, "It's taking group photos again!"
Doctor~ Quickly see me! I have amnesia!
When did you realize you had it?
What disease...?
A: What is that man doing?
B: He's shaking.
A: Why is he shaking?
B: He's cold.
A: Oh, so he's not cold if he's shivering.
A: ......
The diver's move was so difficult that he did a spinning triple take a front flip three-and-a-half take a back flip for a month.
A man to catch the boat, wait until the shore, found that the boat has opened, the man with a 100-meter sprint speed to the box jumped to the offshore more than 3 meters away from the ferry, gasping for breath, said: God bless, finally caught up! This time the sailor said: really great, but why don't you wait for the ship to dock and then come up?
Is the blind man blind?
Customer: "Why doesn't the wine you're selling smell like wine?"
Waiter takes a sniff: "Ah, I'm so sorry, I forgot to mix the wine for you."
My brother, who likes to drink and drive, once, went home when the police were checking the car. In his dark call of bad luck to get out of the car to accept the inspection, the police received a phone call, holding a cell phone, gesturing, gabbing up. He saw the opportunity to take advantage of, he quietly returned to the car, while the police caller is not prepared, the wind of the car back to the home.
By the next day, there was a knock on his door by the same policeman from yesterday. His drink now sobered up, he naturally questioned the cop with a straight face, "What are you doing here? What's the matter?"
The policeman said, "I've driven your car to the door for you, now, why don't you give me back my police car?"
The soldiers: "Thirsty ......thirsty ......"
Cao Cao: "Everyone, hold on a little longer! I've been to this place before, and I remember there's a plum forest nearby, so if we walk a little further, we might be there"
Soldiers: "Oh  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ there's plums to eat  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄"
After half an hour- -Cao Ren: "My Lord! The expedition has found a large amount of water!"
Cao Cao: "Hahahahaha, did you hear that? There's finally water to drink"
The soldiers: "No go ...... must find Plum ......"
Why did Xiao Ming fall down?
Please think twice ........................... .....
Because the floor is slippery
A group of animals rushed into a 7-11 convenience store to buy something after a party, and because it was too noisy, the clerk beat them all out, but left the lamb alone in the store.
Convenience stores are open 24/7 .........
There are two types of people I hate:
One is racist;
Two is black;
Three is illiterate!
Do you know why penguins live in Antarctica?
Because it's colder there .....
A penitent came to the church,
and he said to the priest, Father, I was wrong.
The priest said, God will surely forgive you if you confess your mistake.
The penitent said, I stole a man's bicycle, and I am now going to give it to you.
The priest said: don't give it to me, give it back to the giver.
The penitent said, I have asked him, but he does not want it.
The priest said: take it then].
The priest leaves work and realizes that his bicycle, parked in the backyard, is gone!
The doctor sees an old woman who is dressed to the nines:
Doctor: How old are you?
Woman: 18 years old
Doctor: Hmmm! ........ What you should have is amnesia
A novice goes to collect loan sharks.
He took out the loan note and said with a smile: It is clearly written in black and white that you owe me one million dollars! You're not going to be able to get away with it," he said!
He said he didn't have that much money.
He threatened: Humph! Don't blame me for not reminding you! Tomorrow and then can not pay the money, your house is like it
- he took out a lighter and burned the IOU ......
Qing and a psychiatrist chat.
Ching: How do you all diagnose your patients?
Physician: I ask them some simple questions first, and if they hesitate I can probably tell they have a problem with their sanity.
Qing was interested: What kind of questions? Can you give me some examples?
Physician: Let's say Captain Cook traveled around the world three times, and unfortunately on one of those occasions he passed away.
Qing hesitated, a little embarrassed, said: I'm not very familiar with history, can you give me other examples?
Dale signed up for the Navy and had to go through an interview.
Interviewer: young man you can swim?
Dale froze.
Dale: What's going on, don't we have enough boats in the army?
Late at night, a bus after the last shift ready to hand over, the driver looked back, there is a lady in white, sitting in the last row. The driver continued to drive, look in the rearview mirror, the woman is gone, a huge shock ~ ~ rushed to brake sharply, look back, and sit there, the driver turned his head again to continue driving, careful to look in the rearview mirror, the woman is no longer there, a huge shock rushed to brake sharply again, look back, the woman appeared again. The driver faced a collapse, a cold sweat, turned his head and continued to drive. The third time the driver and look in the mirror, the woman and disappeared, the driver has collapsed, another emergency braking, but did not turn his head, then the woman slowly walked to his front, hair disheveled, full of blood, dripping on his feet, the driver's body has stiffened, do not dare to turn his head to look at her ~ the woman with a very low voice, said: "Lao Miang and you have a grudge ah! As soon as the old lady squatted down to tie her shoes, you braked sharply, as soon as she squatted down to tie her shoes, you braked sharply.
One day A is watching TV to the wonderful place, suddenly heard knocking on the door, went to open the door but did not see people.
"Hello, can you give me some water to drink?" A then realized there was a snail at the door.
"No!" A didn't have the heart to kick the snail away.
A few years later, A was home alone again watching TV when the knock on the door came again.
A runs to the door and the snail says, "Why did you just kick me?"
Small Ming came back to the classroom after going to the toilet and told the teacher:
There were a lot of ants in the toilet.
The teacher suddenly thought of the word ant in English, so she tested Small Ming: How do you say ant?
Ming looked puzzled ....... Said:
Ant he ............ didn't say anything...
One day, a family was on fire,
Mom and dad escaped, leaving only one son still inside.
Mom was very nervous and shouted outside the house:
" son ..... What are you doing ...... All the fire still do not come out ......"
The son replied, "I'm putting on my socks .....".
The mom added, "Why are you wearing socks when there's a fire ...."
After five minutes, the son had not come out ......
Mom shouted again, "Son, what are you doing? Come out ~ it's on fire and you're still in there ....."
Son said, "I'm taking off my socks ........"
A man went to the river to fish
First he put on a leaf ~ half a day no fish on the hook, he changed to a piece of bread ~ the same half a day no fish on the hook ~
No choice but to change the earthworms ~ the same half a day no fish on the hook ~ ~
He was furious ~ took out 100 rmb and fell into the water cursing:
"*-%#% What to eat! Go buy it yourself !!!!
The Tang monk: this time to fetch the scriptures should find a shortcut!
Wukong: It's faster to take an airplane than to ride a horse!
The Eight Preceptors: god six is faster!
The sand monk took out a gun: I heard that this plaything immediately sends people to the West.
There was a psychopath who got a pistol from somewhere, and he was walking in a small black alley. Suddenly met a young man, the psycho 2 words will be planted on the ground with a gun to his head! Asked: 1 + 1 = how many? The young man is terrified! He pondered for a long time. He replied, "What's 2? Without hesitation, the psychopath shoots him! Then tugged the gun in his arms ~ coldly said: you know too much
After he met another person, the psycho still 2 words will be planted on the ground with a gun on his head! Asked: 1+1 = how many? The young man was just as terrified! He pondered for a long time. Answer: I don't know ```The psycho didn't hesitate to shoot him! Then dragged the gun in his arms ~ coldly said: even such a simple question will not, you have no need to live
A psychiatric hospital, a patient in a letter, the nurse saw it is very curious to ask him:
Nurse: you want to write to whom a
Patient: to write to my own ah!
Nurse: What are you writing about
Patient: You're a psychopath! I have not received how to know
A policeman escorted a prisoner to prison, suddenly his hat was blown off by the wind.
"I'll go pick up your hat for you, okay?" The prisoner asked curtly.
"Do you think I'm that stupid?" The officer said, "You stand here and I'll pick it up."......
The customer had just come out of the drugstore to buy medicine when the drugstore fellow hurried after him.
Man: I'm sorry, you want a tonic, I gave you poison by mistake.
Customer: look at you, almost a big deal.
The boss will surely scold me when he finds out that the poison is twice as expensive as the tonic.
This is the first time that I've ever seen the same thing in my life.
Two thugs ambushed, intending to assassinate someone, but always missing that person. One of them said, "What's wrong? No sign of him yet, I hope he doesn't have an accident!"
Desperation is the lunch cafeteria ordered two dishes, ate the first I was shocked "the world there is more difficult to eat than this dish?" I ate the second I cried "there really is ah!
Fire Department: Where is the fire? The police: my house. Fire Department: I am asking where? Alarm: in the kitchen. Fire Brigade: I mean how do we get there? Alarmist: don't you have a fire truck?
A stuttering chemistry professor: 'A . ...A reagent... Agent... Match... Match... .B... .B... TEST... Reagent..."
Student: "Got it, Reagent A with Reagent B..."
Professor: "... That... That... Is it going to... Will... Explode."
A new clerk was memorizing the mnemonic for everything she did. An old lady bought a bottle of soy sauce, and the clerk said, "I'll charge you XX yuan, and I'll give you XX yuan for it, and do you need a straw? The old lady fainted...