More and more people don't give up their seats to the elderly, why are modern people becoming more and more apathetic?

1, others did not let, if I let, but feel embarrassed, out of place.

2. It's not that I don't want to let go, but I'm really tired too and need to rest.

3. I will only give up my seat if the person in need takes the initiative to ask me. Without asking, how do I know if they need it? Maybe they're getting off the bus after only one stop.

4. Is it right to give up your seat and not get a thank you? The decision to give up my seat is also based on the attitude of the person in need.

5. Some healthy old people and children don't need a seat at all, standing for a while is still good exercise for them.

6, for this seat, winter and summer waiting in line, the butt is not hot to let others, am I just for them to occupy the seat? This is not fair.

7. Why do I have to give up my seat and why don't others? I'm sitting in it, and I'm going to let the one who is sitting outside let go first.