Si Jinlatso, the local people say, "the king of the hundred dragons of the Lord of the wealth" living in the sacred lake, referred to as the God of Wealth Lake, is located in the Mozhu Gonkar County, Riduo Township territory, from the county seat of about 66 kilometers.
Mozhu King of Dragons is the Lord of the dragons in Tibet, in the Tibetan faith consciousness, the dragon is regarded as the source of wealth of all things. I think this is also the reason why Sikkim Ratso is called the God of Wealth Lake.
Just out of Lhasa soon, the driver said the car seems not quite right. At first I thought it was impossible, after all, just yesterday to do the maintenance, thinking that he may not want to go to find an excuse. But I don't know the car, and I'm afraid that in case of problems on the road, the consequences will be serious, then agreed to the service area to check. I didn't think this stop, but it took nearly four hours.
Waiting for the car dealership to send a master over, told an hour or so to. The first half hour, the repair of the car did not see the shadow, call and ask again, said they can not find the car over. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to find a way to get to the next level, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a way to get to the next level, and I'm sure I'll be able to get to the next level. Started the car, but could not start, this time they are dumbfounded. The only way to do this is to start the car and then quickly shut it down, so there's only one way left: wait for Lhasa to send the car over.
Waiting for the time is really boring, I see a living thing on the front, regardless of the wind blowing the face of raw pain, feel about to freeze when back to the car to warm up a bit, and then go out to the wind. I can't remember how many times this tossed back, blue sky and white clouds look tired; yak ran far away, even the dog is not care about me ...... Finally, the transfer of the car arrived.
With the previous long wait, arrived at the Lake of the God of Fortune, feel like a blink of an eye. Four women such as flying out of the cage of the bird, to the God of Fortune Lake run to, want to early glimpse such as the treasure basin-shaped God of Fortune Lake's face. This run does not matter, two people soon appeared plateau reaction, Li's symptoms are the most obvious, lips purple, shortness of breath, regardless of sitting on the ground.
In Tibet, the God of Wealth Lake, I personally sowed the seeds of wealth; in the Mani heap to add a stone, make a sincere wish, also counted in vain this trip.