2, but if too much pursuit of exercise and exercise intensity can easily lead to injuries, such as for the elderly too strong exercise, can lead to joint damage, for young people a short period of strenuous exercise, can lead to rhabdomyolysis, so the choice of what kind of exercise must be different from one person to another. Because weight loss exercise is required to be persistent, we have to choose the body can tolerate and be able to adhere to the exercise.
3, usually we recommend aerobic exercise, including swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, square dancing and so on. Exercise to adhere to more than 30 minutes, adhere to 3-5 times a week. But also be sure to pay attention to, exercise at the same time must be with a reasonable diet, reduce the intake of high-calorie foods, dietary control in moderation coupled with persistent exercise, you can have a significant weight loss effect.