WOW Winterfest is coming what are the achievements to complete?

1. Save Mason! This achievement is easy, but it requires level 40 or higher to complete. This is because players need to complete a holiday quest: Save Mason.  The Alliance picks up and turns in the quest to Umort?6?1 Gippok in Ironforge, while the Horde quest giver is Kemad Cowperbinch in Orgrimmar. Mason has two appearances in the game, and players can choose either location to free him.  In Tanaris, the reindeer is in the stables of the pirate camp at Falling Sails Bay, and in Scorched Canyon, Mason is chained by a band of Black Iron Dwarves near the tunnel that leads to Rockmordan.  If a player has just reached level 40, they should be careful of being mobbed by the monsters that are swarming around them. However, even if the player is killed, the quest can be completed by approaching Mason and talking to him before that happens.  This quest also increases the Goblin Prestige of Hot Sand Harbor by 500 points (including Treasure Bay, Neverwinter, Gakisen, and Ratchet City). 2. My Little Helper This achievement is similar to the Halloween achievement "Gnome's Tasty Candy Fury" in that it requires the player to complete 50 honorable kills while wearing a buff.  The problem is that it's harder to get the Winterfest buffs than the candy buffs. You have to find a Joy Maker outside of Orgrimmar or Ironforge that will turn the player into "Grandpa Winter's Little Helper" and then perform 50 honor kills while in this disguise to get the achievement.  In Winterfest 2007, this disguise disappeared upon death, so if it hadn't been changed, players would have had to rack their brains for multiple field kills to ensure their survival, or desperately try to line up the battlefield.  Also, Druids had a bit more trouble last year, not sure how it will be this year - they'll always need to morph in the battlefield, and morphing destroys the camouflage. 3. to hell with Winterfell! This achievement is simple and fun, and can be done by players of all levels. Simply get a snowball and throw it - Alliance players throw the snowball at Magni?6?1 Copperbeard King, and Horde players throw it at Kane?6?1 Bloodhoof. Snowballs are easy to get and are sold by the Smokywood Ranch NPC in the main city.  4. Ogreala, Jingle Bells You need to ride the Winterfest flying reindeer to complete the daily quest "Keep Bombing", which takes place at the Skyguard Outpost in Ogreala.  The difficulty with this quest is that it is not open to all players. In order to receive this quest, players need to be level 70 and have a flying mount, and then complete one of the pre-quest chains in order to start this daily quest. So, form a team to open the Blade Mountain daily.  There aren't many Death Knights who have opened this daily yet, so if there are still players out there who want to do this quest chain, they should get a team together while there are still plenty of others to complete it as well.  Perhaps, this achievement is to be done with the help of using fresh holly or cut down Christmas trees, and in general, cut down Christmas trees should be left behind as they have no expiration date.  Go get some holly branches! Go kiss the Winterfest revelers after applying your best lipstick, and then you can get the branches from those happy citizens, who can be found at the inn or some other places in the main city.  5. Winter is Coming This achievement requires the player to wear three winter holiday costumes and eat Graku's Meat Loaf Cake - don't care what it tastes like, just pinch your nose and swallow it. I don't know why there's a level limit of 40 for this quest.  There are two ways to get the cake: either complete the quest (or achievement) to save Mason! , or either go do the Winterfest Gift. Both quests will send you some gifts after completing them.  The gingerbread cake needed for the quest can be purchased from another player, or you can buy the recipe from the NPC at Smokywood Ranch and make it yourself. Not having learned to cook won't be a hindrance, as this is a level 1 cooking recipe.  The three holiday costumes require a little more work.  First, you'll have to find a tailor - anyway, you can't complete the achievement with just cake and no clothes, right?  The Horde's tailor can learn how to make a green winter coat, while the Alliance can learn how to make a red winter coat. The Neutral Auction House occasionally has drawings for sale from opposing camps. So if you want to get a winter coat in a different color than your camp, you'll have to look around for a pattern. If you're a tailor yourself, go to the Smokywood Ranch NPC there in Ironforge or Orgrimmar.  Skinners can get the artwork in the same way: cold winter boots.  Winter hats are a bit harder to get. Last year, they dropped from specific bosses, and this year will probably be the same - they will only drop from certain specific bosses in Northrend. But they also have a very small chance of dropping from any humanoid creature. -As for how Nationwide players with no access to Northrend will get them, it's still unknown.6. Hit and Run and He Knows If You've Been a Good Boy This achievement involves spending a couple of hours participating in a game on Christmas Day. There are presents under the Christmas trees in Orgrimmar and Ironforge for everyone. Players have the opportunity to get a brawl racer and have to use it to get 25 wins.  This achievement can be obtained by winning 25 times with the brawler, and getting the brawler will also get you another achievement called "Brawler Racing". Both of these achievements can be included with the new toy.  You will also get the achievement "He knows if you're a good boy or not" if you get all the gifts that the gift pack has to offer. 7. really nasty and icy handshake This is a quest chain that begins with the stolen Winterfest gift. Players must be level 30 to receive this quest. Travel to the Outlander Mountains and a small snowman can be found southwest of the Frostthroat Yeti Cave, which will give the player the next quest You are our savior....  You will need to defeat the quest boss to get back what was stolen from you. Head west from the Frost-throated Yeti cave until you find him. It can be quite conspicuous though, especially at first. Once you have the stolen item back, go back to the Smokywood Ranch NPC that gave you the Mason quest and turn in the item and quest. You will receive the quest Smokywood Ranch Thanks! , which is the key to this achievement.  Again, players who complete the quest will receive a Winter Curtain Camouflage Pack in the mail. Use it to turn yourself into a snowman in Dalaran and then dance with another snowman to reach the achievement Icy Handshake. Players who can't get to Dalaran on their own can find someone to drag them there.  8. Snowflakes During the Winterfest, use the "Snowflake" on players of the following races/professions, which can be obtained by kissing a Winterfest reveler.  The following Horde members: Orc Death Knight; Minotaur Shaman; Undead Thief; Troll Hunter; Blood Elf Warlock.  The following Alliance members: Dwarf Mage; Human Warrior; Dark Elf Druid; Dwarf Paladin; Draenei Cleric. 9.  9. Brotherhood The two camps do not complete this achievement in the same way. Horde players must find the following NPCs and use mistletoe on them - something you also get by kissing a Winterfest reveler: Abbot Malachi of Ghost City

Brother Durket?6?1 Wolf of Battlecry Fortress

Abbbot Kelthan of Icecrown Glacier Allied players have to find these NPCs : Friar Nimetz of the Valley of Thorns

Friar Anton of the Nyjer Outpost

Friar Wilhelm of the Town of Shining Gold

Friar Carman of Selamore

Friar Christopher of Stormwind

Friar Josue of Stormwind

Friar Crowley of Stormwind

Friar Kasus of Stormwind

Friar Benjamin of Stormwind

The Horde had far fewer people to find than the Alliance, but then again, the Horde's task was harder than the Alliance's. Because it's a run to Northrend, players who aren't leveled enough can't get there yet (national players are in tears).  10. Winterfest Gourmet If you haven't started your culinary career yet, start with this festival. Winterfest offers three festive cooking recipes, and by using them to upgrade, you can also get an achievement.  All three recipes, Little Gingerbread, Hot Cider, and Eggnog, can be purchased directly from the NPC at Smoky Woods Ranch. They all require simple ingredients to make. The small eggs are needed in larger quantities, so get your hands on a stockpile of them, and the Dragonhawks in the Winged Song Forest drop them easily.