How to lose weight with a big belly

How to lose weight with a big belly

How to lose weight with a big belly, with the accelerated pace of life nowadays, especially many people because of the pressure of work, long-term lack of exercise. Office workers also due to long-term sedentary, resulting in the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, then the abdomen fat becomes more not only unattractive, but also affect the health, then the belly big should how to lose weight?

How to lose weight with a big belly 1

Three steps to say goodbye to a small belly

From time to time, constipation, abdominal muscle relaxation, pelvic malposition are the three main culprits of the accumulation of abdominal fat. Now you don't have to worry about it, just follow the belly slimming methods I gave you, have different belly slimming methods according to different body types, let your worries and small belly disappear together.

I: treatment of constipation, to create a difficult fat body

Constipation is the natural enemy of weight loss! Constipation leads to low metabolism and easy accumulation of subcutaneous fat. The function of the intestines will also become weaker, and the constipation will be even worse. This creates a vicious cycle.

If constipation is improved, it can activate the metabolism and shape a hard-to-fat body where subcutaneous fat is not easy to accumulate. And it also improves rough skin and removes small bumps on the face, full of benefits it!

Yoga exercise a red slow aerobic exercise, can effectively guide the stool smooth, will not bring any burden to the body, for the elimination of constipation has a very good effect. Here are a few yoga poses that can help the body to enhance the function of the body. Try it quickly.

Fetus Pose

1, lie flat on the mat, hold your hands below your left knee, inhale while stretching your left knee to the chest position.

2. Exhale while bringing your head closer to your left knee until your nose touches it. Then breathe y while standing still for 15-20 seconds. Do the same with the right foot as in 1?2.

3. Bring both knees to your chest. Exhale while using your thighs to gently press your stomach. Then breathe y while standing still for 15~20 seconds. Repeat 1~3 three times.

Back Vertical

1, the body lying flat on the yoga mat, facing it over the sky, will be two hands straight on both sides of the body, at the same time palm facing the ground. Breathe evenly, while slowly lifting your feet, keeping them perpendicular to the ground.

2. Exhale while lifting your waist. Tilt your feet in the direction of your head and try to be parallel to the mat without falling down.

3. Hold your waist with both hands and raise your feet up to form a "く" posture. Take a deep breath while standing still for 20~30 seconds. Repeat 1~3 three times.

Two: Correct the pelvis, reduce belly fat

Backpacks are always the same side of the shoulder, always the same leg under the legs, always the same leg under the cross-legged sitting, and so on, these habitual movements will lead to pelvic malformation. If the pelvis is not correct, the blood circulation and lymphatic circulation of the stomach will be poor, and the metabolism will be reduced.

Pelvic Corrective Exercise

Fetal Pose

It can correct the pelvic error, and the effect of tightening the waist muscles is very good! If you keep practicing, you can shape a perfect waistline.

1. Lie on your back on a mat and stand on your right knee. Put both hands behind your left knee and slowly bring it up close to your chest.

2. Keeping your left knee bent, use your right hand to press your left knee to the right side of your body. Twist your upper body in the opposite direction. Do the same with the right foot. Repeat 1~2 for 5 times.

Twisting Pose

Fully exercise the pelvis and promote circulation in the pelvis. In particular, it can reduce the fat on the left and right sides of the pelvis.

1. Lie horizontally on a mat and lift your right thigh vertically. At this point, bend your knee so that the calf is parallel to the ground, and try to bring your knee closer to your face. Rest for 5 seconds and then lower it.

2, right and left knees together, right knee bent back. Straighten your toes and rest for 5 seconds. Do the same with the left foot. Repeat 1 and 2 for 5 times.

3: Exercise the abdominal muscles, tighten the stomach

The abdominal muscles have the role of pressing the viscera and visceral fat, tightening the flab. Therefore people with flabby abdominal muscles can't support their internal organs and visceral fat, and their tummies stick out. In order to flatten a small belly, it is important to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The amount of basal metabolism is also increased if the muscles are toned. When calorie consumption increases, you will become slimmer. And it is also effective in improving constipation.

How to lose weight with a big belly 2

1, abdominal exercise

This group of abdominal weight loss exercise is convenient, easy, fast, suitable for daily practice or the next day. Method: Sit on the edge of the chair, hands together to hold the back of the chair, feel the body is about to slide off the chair. Relax and step on your lower back so that your lower back is as close to the surface of the chair as possible. Group 1: Take turns pedaling the bike. At this point, the leg muscles should be relaxed. One foot should be stretched downward, the lower the better, but the other foot should be bent upward, the higher the better. Repeat the exercise and stick to it 20 times a day. The second group: the same posture, legs bent upward at the same time, and then stretch downward at the same time, pay attention to the waist can not be up, you should try to tighten the abdomen and abdomen, and then try to tighten as much as possible to make the abdomen tight and comfortable. 20 times

2, butterfly opening

The reason why this abdominal weight loss exercise got its name is because of the posture of the leg placement Similar to the wings of a butterfly, the butterfly's wings are constantly opening and closing during the exercise. This sitting position requires the soles of the feet to touch each other and then retract the heels to the base of the thighs. Place your hands on your knees and then provide an amount of assistance to bring your knees down. This pose opens the pelvis and increases flexibility in the hip joints. It reduces stress on the legs, knees and ankles and eliminates leg swelling.

3. Drop your toes to the ground

Start by lying down. Bend your thighs at a ninety-degree right angle while keeping your calves parallel to the ground. Put your hands naturally flat on both sides of your body, palms facing down. At this point the upper body should be tight and the back should be close to the floor. Then lower your left leg in two steps, starting at the hips only, so that your toes hang downward to the floor and your toes can't really touch the floor. Then exhale and return the leg to the starting position in the same two steps, then change the right leg to perform the same movement. Repeat this movement alternately with both legs for 12 repetitions on each leg.

4. Try Spider-Man Climbing

With Spider-Man's climbing maneuver, you can reduce the blind spots in the movement. Lie on a flat surface with your legs and arms straight, hands under your shoulders and feet relaxed. Keeping your abdominals tight, bend your left leg over the left side of your body and bring your knee as close to your left elbow as possible. Hold the movement, pause, then return your left foot to the starting position, change your right foot, and repeat the movement. Repeat this step for 20 reps on each side (about 30 minutes), working out 5-6 times a week.

5. Swing your body

Lie down, put your hands on one side, palms facing down, bend your legs at 90 degrees, and lift your feet off the ground. Tighten your abdominal muscles and lower your legs to the left as far as possible while keeping your shoulders close to the ground. Hold this maneuver for a few minutes, then recover and repeat it on the right side. Do this 20 times and then change direction.