How are you doing in your home town?

I wish I could go back to my hometown

Back to her again

Let her kindness and gentleness

Soothe my heart

That year you set out for the twilight of your hometown

You thought there was a place for you to be

You looked around at the unfamiliar stares

You woke up in the morning with no one there

That year you were lost in your hometown

You thought the future was not there yet

The future you wanted is still missing

You look at the cold stares

Don't know how long the road will be

The rainy night when it's quiet, you think of her

Her pleas still ringing in your ears

Remembering her tearful face when you left

You can't help but cry

How much I want to go back to my hometown

I want to go back to the hometown

I want to be able to go back to the hometown

I want to go back to the hometown. I want to go back to my hometown

Back to her again

Look at her tenderness and kindness

Soothe my heart

Let me go back to my hometown

Back to her again

Let her tenderness and kindness

Soothe my heart

Let her tenderness and kindness

Soothe my heart
