High blood pressure patients, exercise will happen when the danger?

As long as you exercise scientifically, you won't be in danger.

One, exercise can assist in lowering blood pressure

What is certain is that exercise has the effect of assisting in lowering blood pressure. Because exercise can relax the mental tension pressure, reduce autonomic nervous tension; and can expand blood vessels, improve blood pressure elasticity; in the exercise will also be a large amount of sweat, take away the body's salt, reduce the body's sodium content, these are helpful to reduce blood pressure.

In the treatment of hypertension, in addition to dietary control and medication, encouraging patients to exercise more is also one of the effective means of treatment. Patients with high blood pressure who can maintain good exercise habits have better blood pressure control, need to take fewer antihypertensive medications, and experience fewer side effects and complications from their medications.

Second, before exercise to control blood pressure

While exercise is beneficial to the treatment of hypertension, but before exercise, need to do risk assessment. This is because during exercise, the heart rate increases and cardiac output increases, which can raise systolic blood pressure (high pressure), but peripheral arteries dilate, peripheral resistance decreases, and diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) decreases slightly.

So for people with high high pressure, they need to control their high pressure before exercising. If the high pressure at rest is more than 160mmHg people, it is not recommended to exercise, otherwise the blood pressure will rise to a higher level during exercise, which is easy to induce acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. So people with poorly controlled blood pressure need to be treated with medication to bring their blood pressure down before they can exercise.

Three, hypertensive patients in the exercise of attention

After the control of blood pressure, you can begin to exercise. The human blood pressure in the early morning and the morning will appear "peak", so it is appropriate to exercise in the afternoon or evening. When exercising, you should pay attention to choosing medium- and low-intensity sustainable exercise. For example, brisk walking, cycling, square dancing and other sports, the exercise intensity is best to reach the body slightly sweating, but not sweating, so that they can talk, but not the degree of coherent singing.

Maintaining a regular routine of moderate- and low-intensity exercise should be paired with some strength training. to increase your muscle mass, which can help burn fat, lose weight, improve insulin resistance in tissue cells, and contribute to long-term improvement in high blood pressure.

When doing strength training, people with high blood pressure should be careful to avoid training that takes their breath away. Exercises such as planks, push-ups, and sit-ups, for example, cause people to involuntarily hold their breath, which can increase vascular pressure and worsen vascular conditions.

You can choose dumbbells, tension machines and other exercise, and maintain rhythmic breathing during exercise, exhaling when exerting force and inhaling when relaxing. Be careful to choose the intensity of their own strength, to more than 12 to 15 times per set of movements is appropriate. For example, lifting dumbbells, if a group of 5 kilograms of dumbbells can be lifted 12 to 15 times, it is more appropriate; if you can only barely lift less than 8 times, it shows that the intensity is too great, need to reduce the weight.

Don't forget to monitor your blood pressure and adjust your medication

In order to exercise safely, monitor your blood pressure before you exercise, and confirm that your blood pressure is not abnormal before you exercise. Exercise should be gradual, and forcing too much exercise will only harm the body without increasing the effect of lowering blood pressure. In the exercise if there is tachycardia, dizziness, shortness of breath and other situations occur, indicating that the exercise may be too much, to rest in time do not try to be strong.

After adhering to a long period of exercise, the blood pressure situation will improve, and the original antihypertensive treatment program may make the blood pressure drop too low. If the high pressure at rest is lower than 110mmHg, or there are more obvious symptoms of low blood pressure such as dizziness, dizziness, you need to find a doctor to adjust the dose of medication and reduce the amount of medicine appropriately.

In short, adherence to regular exercise can make blood pressure lower, but also raise blood pressure during exercise, so people with high blood pressure should be under the premise of good control of blood pressure, in order to safely exercise. It is important to note that exercise should be both up to standard and not excessive, and only long-term adherence can get good results.