Seek idioms that describe the four seasons, characters' demeanor, actions, and language

Chinese idioms describing characters' movements

○交洽无嫌:洽:商量;嫌:猜疑。 It refers to the close collaboration and mutual trust between the two sides.


○一搭一档:means to cooperate with each other. Sometimes it has a pejorative meaning.

○一搭一档:指互相配合,彼此协作。 Sometimes it is used in a derogatory sense.

○ ○ 捏手捏脚:Describes walking lightly. It also describes light behavior.

○ ○ 蹑手蹑脚:形容放轻脚步走的样子。

Tiptoeing: to walk with a light step.

○ 安步当车:安:安详,不慌忙;安步:缓缓步行。 Instead of riding in a car, one should walk calmly.

○ Lightly loaded and easy to follow: easy to travel, fewer attendants.

○ A Qin and a Crane: It refers to the Song Dynasty, when Zhao Harpo went to Sichuan to be an official, he only carried a Qin and a crane with him. It describes the simplicity of traveling, and is also a metaphor for honesty and incorruptibility in government.

○ 衔尾相属:: armature: horse's chew; tail: horse's tail. A horse's chewing tool follows the horse's tail. It describes that one is following the other closely, advancing in a single line.

○ 信马由缰:信、由:听任. Riding a horse and wandering aimlessly. The metaphor is to walk around casually. It is also a metaphor for having no opinion and following external forces.

○ 游山玩水:游览、玩赏山水景物。

○远走高飞:指像野兽远远跑掉,像鸟儿远远飞走。 It is a metaphor for a person running away to a faraway place. It is often used to refer to getting out of a predicament to find a way out.


○ 翻山越岭:翻:翻过;越:过;岭:山岭。 The first thing I'd like to say is that I'm not going to be able to do that. It describes the hard work of fieldwork or traveling.

○ trekking: trekking: over the mountains; wading: crossing the river by foot. It's a good idea to go over the mountains and wade across the river. It describes the hardship of traveling a long way.

○草行露宿:走在野草里,睡在露天下。 It describes the hardship and haste of those who travel long distances.

○ 餐风露宿:吃里风里,露天睡觉。 It describes the hard work of traveling or working in the field.

○ ○ 餐风饮露:形容旅途或野外生活的艰苦。

○ 风餐露宿:吃里风里,露天睡觉。 It describes the hard work of traveling or working in the field.

○ 露宿风餐:spend the night in the open air and eat in the wind. It describes the hard life of traveling.

○ ○ 栉风沐雨:栉:梳头发;沐:洗头发。 The wind combs the hair and the rain washes the hair. It describes a person who often works hard outside in spite of the wind and rain.

○ 沐雨栉风:沐:洗发;栉:梳发。 The wind combs the hair and the rain washes the head. It describes a person who often works hard outside in spite of the wind and rain.

○ 走维艰:指行走困难行动不方便。

○ ○ Wind and dust: wind and dust: refers to traveling, containing the meaning of hard work; servants: the appearance of traveling tired. It describes a busy and tiring journey.

○ ○ 疲于奔命:原指因受命奔走而搞得很累。 Later, it also refers to being busy running around and getting very tired.

○ Draped in stars and the moon: Draped in stars and the moon. It describes the hard work of running around all night or going out early and coming back late.

○ Dressed in the moon and stars: Clad in stars, with the moon on his head. It describes the hard labor of going out early and returning late, or rushing day and night, and having a hard journey.

○車殆马烦:殆:通 "怠",疲乏;烦:烦躁。 It describes the journey as a laborious one.

○ 兼程并进:兼:兩倍的;并:合并。 The two days' journey in one day was accelerated.

○ 馬不停蹄:比喻不停顿地向前走。

○ 长驱直入:长驱:不停顿地策马快跑;直入:一直往前。 It refers to the long-distance, non-stop fast march. It describes a swift and unstoppable march.

○ 昂首阔步:昂:仰,高抬。 Lift up the head and take a big step forward. It describes a vigorous and energetic spirit.

○ ○姗姗来迟:姗姗:形容走得缓慢从容。 The first thing you need to do is to get the money to pay for it.

○ ○ 鹅行鸭步:步:走。 Like geese and ducks walk. It is a metaphor for walking slowly.

○ Sit and wait for the day: Dan: dawn. The first thing you need to do is to sit and wait for the day to dawn. It is a metaphor for hard work.

○ Sucking wind and drinking dew: commonly used in Taoism and poetry to refer to the hunger of the immortals.

○翻箱倒柜:翻:倒,反转。 Turn the box and cabinet upside down. It describes a thorough rummage.

○ 翻箱倒箱倒箧:翻:倒,反转;箧:小箱。 Turn the boxes and cabinets upside down. The first thing you need to do is to look through the boxes and cabinets.

○ Seven hands and eight feet: describing the many hands and chaotic movements.

○ Hands in a flurry: describing panic, not knowing what to do.

○ Hands quick and eyes quick: Hurried: quick. The action is quick, and the eyes are quick. It describes the quickness of a person's wit.

○ Eye and hand quick: see accurately and move quickly.

○ rabbit up mallard: mallard: wild duck. Like the rabbit dare to run, like the duck fly. It is a metaphor for quick action.

○ rabbit rise and falcon fall: falcon: hunting eagles and other raptors. The rabbit just jumped up, falcon swooped down. It is a metaphor for quick action. It is also a metaphor for the swiftness and fluency of painting or writing.

○闻风起:闻:听到;风:风声,消息。 As soon as they heard the wind, they immediately rose up to respond.

○ 狼吞虎咽: Describe the way of eating fiercely and urgently.

○飞针走线:走:跑。 It describes a very skillful sewing technique.

○ Slow and methodical: the original refers to talking and doing things in an orderly and unhurried manner. Now also describes talking and doing things slowly, not not panic.

○ snail line cow step: snail crawling, the old cow walk slowly. It is a metaphor for slow action or progress.

○ ○ old bull: old bull pulling a broken cart. It is a metaphor for doing things slowly and not at all sharp. It is also a metaphor for low talent.

○ Left and Right: Gu and Pan: Look. The first thing you need to do is to look at the left and right sides of the room. It describes a person's proud and pleased look.

○ 察言观色:察:详审。 To observe someone's speech or face. It is often referred to as gauging other people's thoughts.

○ ○鑒貌辨色:鉴:查看;色:指脸色。 Act according to the face and expression of the other party.

○ Look at people's eyebrows and eyelashes: eyelashes: the fine hairs on the edge of the eyelids. It is a metaphor for looking at someone's face.

○ 虎视眈: to stare fiercely like a tiger.

○ Loud and clear: fast.

0 The word "loud" is used to describe a situation in which a person is not aware of something.

○ ○振臂一呼:振:挥动。 Wave your arms and shout (often used as a call to arms).

○ ○ tall call: a metaphor for influential people to send out an initiative.

○ Thousands of calls: to describe the repeated urging.

○ party: call: call; lead: to attract; class: similar. It refers to attracting people with the same interests.

○ 英 命俦啸侣:命、啸:呼引,呼唤;俦、侣:同伴。 Recruiting like-minded people to engage in a certain activity together.

○ ○ shouting: shouting, describing the publicity, public opinion.

○ 大打出手:打出手:打出手:戏曲中的一种武打技术,一出剧中的主要人物与多个对手相打,形成各种武打场面。 Metaphorically speaking, it is a violent beating or a fight.

○ 饱以老拳:饱:充分;以:用。 The first thing you need to do is to beat them up.

○ Chopping head and face: chopping: facing, rushing; cover: pressure. It was directed at the head and the face. It describes a fierce blow, impact, or criticism.

○ ○ 破口大骂:口出恶语大声骂人。

○ ド dog's blood: to spray dog's blood on one's head. It describes a person who is vicious in his words, and is very abusive. It also describes a lot of cursing.

○ ○ 妇姑勃溪:Women's aunt: daughter-in-law and mother-in-law; Buxi: family quarrels. The original refers to the quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Later, it was also used as a metaphor for internal strife.

○ 戟指怒目:戟指:用食指和中指指指别人,像戟的形状。 The pointing and glaring are the same as the pointing and glaring. Describes the demeanor of rebuking someone in great anger.

Chinese idioms describing people's demeanor

○ smile can be scooped up: scooped up: cupped with both hands. It describes a smiling face.

○ 笑逐颜开:逐:追随;颜:脸面,面容;开:舒展开来。 The smile makes the face spread out. It describes a very happy face with a smile on it.

○喜笑颜开:颜开:面面舒开,指微笑。 It describes a happy heart, full of smiles.

○喜形于色:形:表现;色:脸色。 The inner joy is shown on the face. It describes that you can't suppress your inner joy.

○嫣一笑:嫣然:笑得很美的样子(指女性)。 It describes the beauty of a woman's smile.

○啞然失笑:失笑:忍不住地笑起来。 I can't help but laugh out loud.

○ 哄堂笑: Describe the whole room laughing at the same time.

○ 破涕为笑:涕:泪. All of a sudden stopped crying and smiled. Describe the change from sadness to joy.

○ 忍俊不禁:忍俊:含笑;不禁:无法控制自己。 The first is that the first time a person is in the room, he or she can't help but laugh.

○ 眉开眼笑:眉头舒展,眼含笑意。 It describes a happy and cheerful look.

○ Full of Spring Breeze: Spring Breeze: refers to a smile. It is a metaphor for a person's joyful and relaxed expression. It describes an amiable and pleasant face.

○春风满面:春风:指微笑。 A metaphor for a person's joyful and soothing expression. Describe the amiable and pleasant face.

○ 胁肩谄笑:胁肩:耸起雙肩做出恭谨的样子;谄笑:装出奉承的笑容。 In order to flatter people, shoulders are scrunched up to put on a smile. It describes the ugly way of flattering people.

○ 声泪俱下: to cry while speaking. It describes a person who is extremely mournful.

○ ○ 泣不成声:哭得噎住了,出不出声音。 It describes a very sad situation.

○ 鬼哭神嚎:号:哭。 It describes a loud and mournful sound.

○ Ghosts cry and wolves howl: describing loud cries and harsh voices.

○ 向隅而泣:向:对着;隅:墙角;泣:小声地哭。 A person faces the foot of the wall and weeps. Describe no one cares, very isolated, can only cry in despair.

Chinese idioms describing people's language

○ 更仆难数:Originally, there are so many Confucianisms that it is impossible to finish them all at once, and it takes a long time to talk about them one by one, so even if someone changes in the middle of the conversation, they may not finish the conversation. Later, it describes that there are so many people or things that they cannot be counted.

○口燥唇干: dry: dry. The mouth and lips are dry. It describes a lot of words or a lot of talking.

○ Chattering: Chattering: describing a lot of talking; Body: stopping. It's a way of saying that you can't stop talking. The first thing you need to do is to talk about it.

○ 刺刺不休:刺刺:多话的样子。 It describes the nagging and chattering.

○ Smallpox falling: Legend has it that when Emperor Wu of Liang was preaching, there was a monk who touched the sky and flowers fell from the sky. It describes that the speech is sound and colorful, extremely moving (mostly refers to exaggeration without conforming to reality).

○海阔天空: as vast as the sea, as boundless as the sky. The sky is as limitless as the sea. It describes the vastness of nature. It is a metaphor for the boundlessness of speech and discussion, without center.

○高谈阔论:高:高;阔:广阔。 It is often referred to as a wide-ranging discussion.

○ ○ shaking lips and drumming tongue: to play with one's lips and chew on one's tongue. It describes a person who plays with his lips to provoke and incite.

○強聒不舍:聒:声音吵闹;舍:舍弃。 It describes a person who doesn't want to listen to others, but still keeps on rambling.

○ ○ coquettish words: coquettish words: flowery words; make color: pleasing expression. It describes a person who is a hypocrite and a flatterer.

○ ○巧舌如簧:The tongue is as clever as a reed and can produce pleasant sounds. It describes a person who is skillful in speech and can speak well.

○ Sweet words: words as sweet as honey. It is a metaphor for saying sweet words in order to deceive people.

○ ○ flowery language: originally refers to the rhetoric or words that are exaggeratedly modified and vague in content. Later, it is often referred to the false and beautiful words used to deceive people.

○ 调嘴学舌:调嘴:耍嘴皮。 It refers to gossiping behind people's backs and making up stories about what is right and wrong.

○ Boastful talk: describes the speech is pompous and unrealistic.


○ 侃侃侃而谈: Kan Kan: straight and calm. Speak in a straight and calm manner.

○ 伶牙俐齿:伶、俐:聪明、灵活。 It describes a person who is quick-witted and very good at talking.

○ ○ 口角春风:口角:口边。 The original refers to the speech comment as the spring breeze can grow all things. Later, it is compared to bragging or saying good things for someone.

○ ○ beak three feet long: beak: mouth. The mouth is three feet long. It describes a person who is good at talking.

○ ○ 辯才無礙:碍:滞阻。 This is a Buddhist term that refers to the Bodhisattva's ability to speak for others with understanding and fluency, and then it refers to good eloquence and ability to debate.

○ Talking micro: micro: subtle and just in the right place. It describes the euphemisms and pertinence of speech.

○ Talking and laughing: to have a laugh, high spirits. It describes a happy and interesting conversation.

○ 活龙活现:形容神情逼真,使人感到好像亲眼见一般。

○ Audible and colorful: describing the speech or performance is wonderful and vivid.

○ ○ 绘声绘色:The voice and color of the characters are depicted. It describes a vivid and realistic narration or description.

○ Deep and shallow: the content of the speech or article is profound, but the language is simple and easy to understand.

○ 巧发奇中:发:射箭,比喻发言。 It describes a person who is good at taking advantage of an opportunity to express an opinion, which is later confirmed by facts.

○条分缕析:缕:线;解析:剖析。 The analysis is done in a detailed and organized manner.

○ 善颂善祷:关于颂扬,关于祝祷。 It is used to praise the ability to praise with the meaning of exhortation.

○ 口若悬河:若:好像;悬河:激流倾泻。 The words are endless, like a waterfall flowing and pouring. It describes a person who is able to speak and talk with a clear mind, and has no end of words.

○滔滔不绝:滔滔:形容流水不断。 It is like flowing water without stopping. It means that there are a lot of words.

○对答如流:对答:回答。 The answer to the question is as fast as running water. It describes good eloquence and quick response.

○ Response: to answer like running water. It describes a quick and fluent answer.

○ 下坂走丸:Rolling down the mountainside. It is a metaphor for being quick and agile without stopping.

○ ○悬河泻水:悬河:瀑布;泻水:水很快往下流。 The river flows straight down. It is a metaphor for talking incessantly or writing fluently and freely.

○至理名言:至:最;名:有名声的。 The most correct reasoning, the most incisive speech.

○ 金玉良言:金玉:黄金和美玉。 It is a metaphor for valuable advice.

○ 豪言壮语:豪迈雄壮的言语。 It describes the words full of heroism.

○ 崇论宏议:崇:高;宏:大。 It refers to the argument or opinion of the high-minded and grandiose.

○ 不刊論:刊:削除,古代把字写在竹简上,有错误就削去。 It refers to the correct and irrevocable speech.

○ 不 不易論:易:改变。 The word "unchangeable" is used to describe a statement or opinion that is very correct. It describes that the assertion or opinion is very correct.

○ morning bells and evening drums: twilight: evening. The Buddhist rule is to play drums at night and bells at night in the temple. It is a metaphor for the words that can make people wake up and realize.

○ 暮鼓晨钟:Buddhist rules, the temple evening drums, morning bell. It is a metaphor for the words that can make people wake up and realize.

○ 咳唾成珠:咳唾:咳嗽吐唾沫,比喻谈吐、议論。 The word "cough" is also written as "欬". It is a metaphor for a good speech, a brilliant argument. It also describes an extremely beautiful word.

○ 微言大义:微言:精当而含义深远的话;大义:本指经书的要义,后指大道理。 It is a profound truth that is contained in the subtle language.

○雅人深致:雅:高雅,高尚;致:情趣。 The character of a person is noble, and the interest is far-reaching. Originally, it is to appreciate that the author of "Poetry Classic - Daya" has profound insights. Later, it describes people's speech and demeanor as not vulgar.

○ 诛心之论:诛:惩罚。 It refers to not asking about the crime, but only determining the guilt according to the heart. It also refers to comments that expose motives.

○ ○ 入情入理:入:合乎。 The first is that it is not a good idea to be in the same situation as the others.

○ ○ head is the way: originally a Buddhist term, referring to the omnipresence of the way. Later, it describes how to speak and do things in a very organized way.

○ 持之有故:持:持論,主张;有故:有根据。 It means that there is a certain basis for the opinions and claims.

○ 言之成理:之:代词,指所说的话。 The words are reasonable.

○ 言之凿凿:凿凿:确实。 It describes what is said as very true.

○ 言近旨远:旨:意思。 The words are very shallow, but the meaning is very far-reaching.

○ 言必有中:中:正對上。 It means that once you speak, you can get to the point.

○ ? Speak briefly and concisely: Gai: complete. The word is not much, but the meaning is all there. It describes the conciseness of speech and writing.

○要言不烦:要:简要;烦:烦。 It means to speak or write simply and concisely, without being tedious.

○ ○ intriguing: endurance: forbidden; flavor: explore the taste.

These are the most important things that you can do to make your life more interesting.

○ Speech: the center of the target. It's a good idea to get to the heart of the matter in a single sentence.

○ A word that breaks through: Dao: to say; Broken: to expose.

○ One word is enough to get to the heart of the matter.

○ A word of praise or disparagement: praise: to praise, to compliment; disparagement: to give a bad evaluation. A single word of praise or depreciation.

One word of praise or blame: praise: praise; praise: give a bad evaluation.

○ One word is worth a thousand pieces of gold: one word is added or subtracted, and a thousand pieces of gold are rewarded.

The word "word" is a word of honor, which means that the word "word" is a word of praise.

○ A word is worth nine tripods: Nine tripods: the treasure of the ancient state, rumored to have been cast by Xia Yu. The word is worth the weight of nine tripods. It is a metaphor for speaking with great power and being able to play a great role.

Chinese idioms describing spring

Hundred Grasses Quanchi Quanchi: the state of budding grasses and trees. It refers to the sprouting of flowers and grasses and the arrival of spring.

By the willow with the flower spring rely on the flowers and grass willow and amusement mood. The metaphor is to be intimate with prostitutes.

Half sunny, half cloudy, sunny and cloudy. Describing the uncertain weather from spring to early summer.

Spring Ice Tiger's Tail Stepping on the tiger's tail, walking on the ice that will be thawed in spring. It is a metaphor for a very dangerous situation.

Inch of grass, spring sunshine inch of grass: small grass; spring sunshine: spring sunshine. The grass can't repay the spring sunshine's deep love with its meager heart. It is a metaphor for the kindness of parents, which is hard to repay.

Spring Silkworms Fetters Themselves: to be entangled and bound. Like the silkworms making cocoons in spring, they bind themselves.

Spring wind and wind people, summer rain and people spring wind: spring and wind; wind: blowing people. The warm spring wind blows people, and the summer rain nourishes people. The metaphor is that if you help others, they will give you something in return.

Spring Breeze and HarmonyThe warm spring breeze blows people. It is a metaphor for treating people amiably.

Spring wind and rain nourish the growth of everything like the spring wind and raindrops of dew. It is often used as a metaphor for favor.

Spring Light and Fascinating Bright and Fascinating: beautiful, lovely. It describes the spring scenery as bright and lovely.

Spring Leakage originally refers to the greening of willow branches, revealing the information that spring is coming. It is a metaphor for secrets or private feelings of men and women being leaked out.

Spring sunshine: spring sunshine; a metaphor for parents' loving upbringing of their children. Inch of grass: an inch of grass; a metaphor for children's infinite feelings of affection for their parents' upbringing.

Spring seems to return to the earth. It describes that the cold has passed and the warmth and vitality have come back to the earth.

Spring and Autumn Hua: flowers. It blossoms in the spring and bears fruit in the fall. It is a metaphor for a person's literacy and virtue. Now it is also a metaphor for fruitful learning.

Spring Flower and Autumn Reality blossom in spring and bear fruit in fall. It is a metaphor for a person's literacy and virtue. Now it is also a metaphor for fruitful learning.

Spring flowers, autumn moon, spring flowers, autumn moon. It refers to the beautiful scenery in spring and fall.

Spring flowers blossom in spring, the climate is warm, flowers bloom, the scenery is beautiful. Metaphorically speaking, it is a great time for sightseeing and viewing.

Spring Warmth and Flower FragranceThe spring weather is warm and the flowers are in full bloom.

Orchids in spring and chrysanthemums in fall. Metaphorically speaking, each has something to commend it.

Spring passes and winter comes. Describe the passage of time.

Spring passes and fall comes. Describe the passage of time.

Spring passes and summer comes. It describes the passage of time.

Bamboo shoots grow rapidly and luxuriantly in spring. It is a metaphor for good things coming out in an endless stream.

The garden is full of beautiful spring colors. It is a metaphor for a thriving scene.

Spring Colors Tease People Tease: to tease, to provoke, to invoke. The spring scenery arouses people's interest.

Spring Colors Irritate People: to tease, to provoke. The spring scenery arouses people's interest.

Spring Appendage Appendage: to be finished, to decline. Refers to the fact that spring is coming to an end.

Spring is born in spring and autumn is killed in spring, and everything withers in autumn.

Spring mountains like a smile describes the bright colors of the mountains in spring.

Touching the spring with one hand turns it into spring, rich in life. It describes a skillful and marvelous technique.

Spring is as deep as the seaThe beautiful scenery of spring is as deep and wide as the sea. Describe everywhere is full of bright spring light.

Spring is born in spring, summer grows in summer, fall harvests and winter storage. Refers to the general process of agricultural production. It also refers to the process of occurrence and development of things.

Spring frogs, fall cicadas, spring frogs, fall cicadas. It is a metaphor for noisy, exaggerated and empty talk.

Spring night is too short for spring night is too short and bitter. It describes a person who is in the midst of joy and feels that time passes quickly.

Spring is full of meaning meaning: meaning; full of: overflowing, deep. The meaning of spring is strong.

Spring Appendage: to be finished, to decline. Refers to the fact that spring is about to pass.

Returning spring with wonderful hands: to make spring return, a metaphor for bringing a dying person back to life. It refers to a doctor's skill in healing.

Harmonious Wind and Fine Rain and Wind: refers to the wind of spring. The wind is gentle and the rain is fine. Metaphorically, the way is gentle and not rough.

Chinese idioms describing summer

Cicadas don't know about snowThe robin is born in summer, dies in fall, and doesn't see snow. It is a metaphor for a person who is not widely seen and heard.

Spring wind and wind people, summer rain and rain people Spring wind: the gentle wind of spring; Wind: blowing people. The warm spring wind blows people, and the summer rain nourishes people. The metaphor is that if you help others, they will give you something in return.

Spring passes and summer comes. It describes the passage of time.

Spring is born in the spring, summer grows in the summer, fall harvests in the fall, and winter stores in the winter. It refers to the general process of agricultural production. It also refers to the process of occurrence and development of things.

Holding ice in winter, holding fire in summer heat, holding ice in winter, holding fire in summer heat. It describes hard work and self-motivation.

Large-size:Large-size:Cool. Warm in winter and cool in summer. It is a metaphor for the appropriate time to use.

Winter Sun and Summer Clouds: The sun in winter and the clouds in summer. It is a metaphor for a person's gentle and friendly attitude, which makes people willing to approach.

Winter fan and summer stove: A fan in winter and a stove in summer. It is also a metaphor for something that is useless.

Winter Warming and Summer Large-size: Cool. To keep parents warm in winter and cool in summer. This refers to filial piety. Now, it is also referred to as the warmth in winter and coolness in summer.

Winter Large-size: Warm in winter and cool in summer. It refers to the filial piety of the son of a man. It is also generally referred to as warming in winter and cooling in summer.

The winter doll, the summer stove, the doll: the fan. It is a metaphor for doing things that do not meet the needs of the time, taking effort without getting benefits.

Ge sandals and shoes: wearing summer shoes in winter. The metaphor is to be excessively frugal and stingy.

Fire Umbrella: a metaphor for the hot summer sun; Zhang: unfolding. It describes the hot summer sun in the sky.

Fire Umbrella: a metaphor for the hot sun; Zhang: unfolding. Describes the summer sun in the sky, the heat is unbearable.

Set of fireflies, reflecting snow set of fireflies: the Jin Dynasty Che Yin when he was poor, summer to practice bag fireflies lighting reading; reflecting snow: the Jin Dynasty Sun Kang winter often reflecting snow reading. Describe the family's poverty, study hard.

Sacks of fireflies reflecting snow sacs of fireflies: the Jin Dynasty Che Yin when he was poor, summer to practice the sacs installed fireflies lighting reading; reflecting snow: the Jin Dynasty Sun Kang winter often reflecting snow reading. Describe the family's poverty, study hard.

Qi cold heat Qi: big. The winter is cold and the summer is hot and humid.

Qi cold summer rain Qi: Great. Great cold in winter, hot and humid in summer.

Green Shirt and Cool Hat Shirt: single garment; Hat: bucket hat. Compare to summer clothes and hats.

Summer passes and winter comes. It refers to the passage of time.

Summer Qi Cold Qi: Great. Hot summer, cold winter. Describes a time of year with harsh climatic conditions.

Summer passes and winter comes. Generally refers to the passage of time.

No winter, no summer, whether winter or summer. It means that the seasons never stop throughout the year.

No winter or summer.

No winter, no summer, no winter, no summer, no winter, no summer. It is the same as "no winter, no summer".

Large-size Large-size Winter-Warming and Summer-Large-size, and Large-size Evening-Morning-Saving. It means to warm the blankets in winter and fan the mats in summer, wait for the parents to sleep at night, and go to them in the morning to ask them to be at peace. It indicates that one's parents are well taken care of.

Zhang Huo Umbrella Zhang: unfold; Huo Umbrella: a metaphor for the scorching summer sun. It describes the hot summer sun.

Chinese Idioms Describing Autumn

Concealed Gaze: In the old days, it was used to describe the eyes of a beautiful woman as the clear waves of water in autumn. It refers to a secret glance.

White Shang Su Jie (白商素节白商):Autumn is white according to the five colors, and autumn is Shang according to the five tones, so it is called white Shang; Su Jie (素节):节气. It refers to the season of fall.

Cicadas don't know the snow; they are born in summer, die in fall, and don't see the snow. The metaphor is that people don't see a wide range of things.

Orange Yellow Tangerine Green Oranges are yellow and ripe, tangerines are still green. Referring to the pleasant scenery in autumn.

Spring and Autumn Hua: flowers. Spring blossoms and fall fruits. It is a metaphor for a person's literacy and virtue. Now it is also a metaphor for fruitful learning.

Spring Flower and Autumn Reality blossom in spring and bear fruit in fall. It is a metaphor for a person's literacy and virtue. Now it is also a metaphor for fruitful learning.

Spring flowers, autumn moon, spring flowers, autumn moon. It refers to the beautiful scenery in spring and fall.

Grass and trees are yellow and fall in autumn, because the leaves of grass and trees are yellow and fall.

Spring Orchids, Autumn Chrysanthemums, Spring Orchids, Autumn Chrysanthemums. Metaphorically speaking, each has its own praiseworthy features.

Spring comes and fall goes: past. Spring comes and fall passes. It describes the passing of years.

Spring passes and fall comes. Describe the passage of time.

Spring is born in the spring and autumn is killed in the fall.

Spring is born in the spring, summer grows in the summer, fall harvests in the fall, and winter stores in the winter. It refers to the general process of agricultural production. It also refers to the process of occurrence and development of things.

Spring frogs, fall cicadas, spring frogs, fall cicadas. It is a metaphor for noisy, exaggerated and empty talk.

Insight: to see very clearly; autumn hair: the newborn hairs on the body of birds and animals in the fall, a metaphor for extremely small things. It describes a person who has a keen eye, and can see any small things very clearly.

Nine Spring and Three AutumnsNine Spring: ninety days in the spring***, so it is called "Nine Spring"; Three Autumns: three months in the show season, so it is called "Three Autumns". It refers to the beautiful time of spring and fall.

Golden Wind: The wind of autumn. In ancient times, the seasons were explained in terms of the five elements of yin and yang, and autumn was gold. Autumn wind brings coolness.

Golden Wind and Jade Dew refers to the autumn scenery in general.

Mindfulness: to see clearly; Autumn Hair: the new fine hairs on birds and animals in autumn. The original describes a person's sharp eyesight, any small things can be seen very clearly. Afterwards, it describes a person who can see things clearly.

Li analysis of the autumn hair analysis: analysis; autumn hair: birds and beasts in the autumn of the new growth of fine hairs. It describes the management of financial affairs with great care and shrewdness.

Fallen Leaves Know Autumn means that when one sees the yellow leaves falling to the ground, one knows that autumn is approaching.

The quality of bushy willow bushy willow: water poplar, withered early in the fall. It is often used as a metaphor for physical weakness or aging.

Autumn Wind and Leaves The autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves. The metaphor is that they are swept away and no longer exist.

Autumn Wind Sweeps Away the Fallen LeavesAutumn's gale sweeps away the fallen leaves. It is a metaphor for a powerful force that quickly and easily sweeps away rotten and decayed things.

Autumn is not a violation of the autumn hair: birds and beasts in the fall of the new fluff, a metaphor for the most subtle things; violation: violation. It means that the military discipline is strict and does not violate the interests of the people in the slightest.

Autumn does not violate the autumn hair: birds and beasts in the fall of the new fluff, a metaphor for the most subtle things; guilty: infringement. It means that the military discipline is strict and does not infringe upon the interests of the people in the slightest.

The end of autumn hair: the new fluff of birds and animals in the fall. The tip of the new hairs of birds and animals in the fall. It is a metaphor for something extremely tiny or extremely fine.

Autumn chrysanthemums, spring orchids: chrysanthemums in the fall, orchids in the spring. Metaphorically speaking, each is worthy of praise.

Autumn passes and winter comes. Describe the passage of time.

Autumn harvesting and storing in fall and winter. Generally refers to regular farming activities.

秋荼密网荼: white flowers on thatch. The white flowers on the thatched grass in the fall and the fine mesh of the fishnet. It is a metaphor for the harshness of punishment.

Autumn moon and spring flowers: spring flowers, autumn moon. It refers to the beauty of spring and fall.

Autumn Moon Like Gui Gui: jade. Describes the moon in autumn as bright and crystal like a gui.

People are like autumn hong hong: geese. People seem to be like geese in the fall. It is a metaphor for keeping promises between friends, just as the geese fly from the north to the south on time every fall.

The sky is high and fresh describes the sky is high and clear and the climate is cool and pleasant in the fall.

Looking for the fall to come first: withering. The first thing that you can do is to wither away when you see that the fall is coming. It is also a metaphor for the aging of a person before he or she is old.

YingYing Autumn Water Autumn Water: a metaphor for a beautiful woman's eyes like the clear water waves in autumn. It describes a woman's eyes are full of feelings.

A leaf knows autumn from the fall of a leaf. The metaphor is that through the individual subtle signs, one can see the development tendency and result of the whole situation.

Chinese idioms describing winter

Spring passes and winter comes. Describe the passage of time.

Spring is born in the spring, summer grows in the summer, fall harvests in the fall, and winter stores in the winter. It refers to the general process of agricultural production. It also refers to the process of occurrence and development of things.

Winter Large-size: Cool. It can be used to make a large size in winter and a large size in summer to make it cooler in summer. It is also used as a metaphor for the appropriate time.

Winter Large-size: Large-size winter coat. Wearing a black fur coat in winter. It is a metaphor for only being able to protect oneself from the cold and not being luxurious.

The winter sun is as lovely and warm as the sun in winter. It is a metaphor for a person's gentle and loving attitude, which makes people willing to get close to him.

The winter sun and summer clouds are the sun in winter and the clouds in summer. It is a metaphor for a person's gentle and kindly attitude, which makes people willing to approach.

Winter Sun's WarmthThe warmth of the winter city sun. Feudal era is a metaphor for the favor of the monarch.

Winter Sun The light and heat of the sun in winter. A metaphor for the benevolent government to which the people aspire.

Winter Mountains Like SleepingThe mountains and forests in winter are like sleeping. Describes the silent scene of the mountains and forests in winter.

Winter fan, summer stove Winter fan, summer stove. It is also a metaphor for something that is useless.

Winter Warming and Summer Large-size: Cool. To keep parents warm in winter and cool in summer. This refers to filial piety. Now, it is also referred to as the warmth in winter and coolness in summer.

Winter Large-size: Warm in winter and cool in summer. It refers to the filial piety of the son of a man. It is also referred to as warm in winter and cool in summer.