Lyrics: Chuyi
Sung by Chuyi
Chase your dreams, don't let your heart wait
Connect your happiness into a string of joyful seas
Swing as wildly as you like
Let our hearts be free
Youthfulness surges and the night is so lovely
Men, women, and the oldest and youngest dance together. Dance together
Dance with a happy heart and a smile like a flower
One song is not enough for our love
Happy Square Dance Happy Beat
Dance to the rhythm of the movement
Dance with your dreams Jump out and be touched by them
Dance for a brand new era
Happy Square Dance Happy Beat
Happy Square Dance Happy Beat The rhythm of the dance
Shake it up with the rhythm of the dance
Jump out with passion, jump out with bravado
Jump out with a red-hot future
This is the first time I've ever danced in a square dance.