What do you think of the idea of "defeating magic with magic"?

I think that defeating magic with magic should be used dialectically,

for the following reasons:

One, is that defeating magic with magic

The means of defeating magic is inherently risky and uncertain,

Two, is that there will always be a better means here to keep me from taking defeating magic with magic into account as a desirable option,

Three, according to the the judgment of history, this method of solving the problem has been denied,

four, taking this approach would involve more innocent people and the problem, instead of

being solved, would just snowball like a snowball.

(Analyze the examples cited by the students of the positive side) First, the adventures of Jackie Chan, the knife dragon will say I will be back every time, triggering endless problems, just as with the square dance ama try to compete with the endless nuisance brought about by the high

Second, the arms race of nuclear weapons.

First of all, the arms race is a way of preventing problems before they occur, that is, as early as the problem has not yet arisen first to prevent

with, and magic to defeat the magic is the solution to the problem after the emergence of the problem. So the arms race, developing your own nuclear weapons and defeating magic with magic are two different concepts.

Secondly, all mankind is advocating world peace and reducing the number of nuclear weapons, including the United States itself has abolished many nuclear warheads and other nuclear products, so the world does not accept the idea of defeating magic with magic

Thirdly, according to the other side's thinking, defeating magic with magic is a last resort, and there is no other means.


Today's society has more diversified solutions, there are laws and other rules and regulations, no longer as primitive people a

like, an eye for an eye, the lack of intrinsic ethics and morality, external public order and good

mundane constraints on the above

From Xiaomi Notes