Robert Hamilton participates in Challenge Impossible is that episode!

Robert Hamilton takes part in the fifth installment of the second season of Challenge Impossible.

This week's episode of Challenge Impossible will feature the youngest challenge assistants ever - a group of babies just a few months old.

Robert Hamilton, a pediatrician from the United States, will take on the challenge of "five-second baby coaxing": that is, to calm a crying baby within five seconds, and to successfully calm four out of five crying babies is a successful challenge. Infants can cry and make a fuss of the baby so that many parents can not help, but there is no better way. What kind of "magical" techniques will the challenger use to carry out the challenge?

Five acrobats from Puyang, Henan Province, Li Zhiyong and his team will work together to complete the "big ball on the pole inverted jump" challenge. Stepping on the big ball balance acrobatics and pole performance and inverted acrobatics have been tried, but the combination of these three together is the first time. Yin Changjiang, an active-duty navy soldier from Shijiazhuang, will be challenged to measure the actual temperature of water in a glass tank with both hands.


Dong Qing and other judges will randomly select one of the 48 glass tanks, and Yin Changjiang will have to report the exact temperature of the water inside the tank, with an error of no more than 0.5 degrees. Liu Caimei, who has 20 years of forklift experience, will be challenged to place a 2-ton car on four sets of pre-adjusted glass towers made up of beer bottles and glasses through the operation of a forklift.

Shooting coach Zhou Soldier from Shandong sports school has a special identity - Olympic champion Du Li's enlightenment coach. Coming to the stage of Challenge Impossible, he will be challenged to open the cap of a beer bottle with a bullet fired from a steam rifle and leave the bottle body and mouth intact.