What's wrong with a sore butt after running?

Preliminarily, you have a muscle strain.

Muscle strain is a common form of injury in sports, it often occurs before the movement did not carry out adequate warm-up exercises, after suddenly entering the strenuous exercise, the body muscles do not have a gradual process, the muscles have not been fully stretched, can only be hard to take part in sports activities, so it is not unexpected, the muscles must be strained. We look at the games, athletes before the field will do a few kilometers of jogging to warm up, the body muscles are awakened, which will make their sports performance effectively improved.

There is a process of physical awakening in our bodies from inactivity to exercise. The muscles from the beginning of the slack state to enter the tight state, behind the need is a soothing warm-up exercise to allow the muscles to fully wake up. In this process, the warm-up exercise also plays a role similar to that of an "alarm clock", while warming up and telling the muscles of the body, "I'm going to carry out strenuous activities, wake up! The first thing you need to do is to get your muscles in the best shape for the exercise.

Running is a slow and long process, so the necessary warm-up exercise is still essential. Many people ignore warm-ups, thinking they are useless or even superfluous, but you'd be wrong to think so. Warm-up exercises in any strenuous exercise are indispensable, to develop the necessary good habits of warm-up exercises, will make your exercise twice as much, and even can have a qualitative improvement. If not then, the rest is just unscientific exercise will not exercise what results, but also cause the body's muscle strain, the pain can only be your own.

Call for you to do any exercise, even in old age after the square dance should also be developed before the movement to do a full warm-up good habits, so that not only will make your movement to achieve the desired results, but also do not let the body injured. Especially strenuous exercise, especially pay attention to this point.