In fact, according to their respective focus, the United Nations, WHO, UNESCO, the statistics department and **** Youth League and other different institutions, organizations, for the age of youth has a different definition and division. With different sources, it is no wonder that the people are confused.
The concept was established in the 19th century
Recently, there was an article that mentioned redefining youth as "15 to 24 years old" based on the sense of well-being, which was recognized by the United Nations official microblogging. 15 to 24 years old, does it mean that all those who were born before 1992 are categorized as middle-aged people? This news, so many "after 80", "after 90" have expressed "heart".
In fact, as early as May 4, 2016, the United Nations official microblogging has declared: the United Nations for the definition of "youth" is between the age of 15 and 24 years old group. As soon as the news came out, many netizens began a self-mocking: 90 years of auntie to go to the square dance, don't stop me; please ask me 80, the old age subsidy how not yet issued ......
And recently released the "Medium and Long-Term Youth Development Plan (2016-2025)," clearly pointed out that the plan refers to the youth, the age range of youth. that the age range of youth referred to in the plan is 14-35 years old.
The concept of "youth" was formalized in the 19th century. "From Tang poetry and Song lyrics to Ming and Qing novels, there was no concept of 'youth' in ancient China, and with the advent of the great industrial age, a transition period different from that of adolescence, adulthood and old age appeared, that is, youth nowadays." Huang Hongji, chief expert of the Shanghai Youth Research Center, told reporters that in China, the term "youth" was gradually and widely used only after Chen Duxiu founded the New Youth and the May Fourth Movement in 1919.
The definition of "youth" is not uniform
So what age group can be called "youth"?
In fact, the definition of this concept has always been the focus of debate in the theoretical community, because it can be positioned not only from psychology, sociology, physiology, political science and other criteria, but also the simplest age to divide.
"Even within the United Nations, there are different age divisions." Huang Hongji said the U.N. first defined youth as people between the ages of 15 and 24 in 1985. And according to the new age segmentation defined by the U.N.'s World Health Organization in 2013, 14-44 years old are young people, 45-59 years old are middle-aged people, 60-74 years old are young seniors, 75-89 years old are seniors, and 90 years old and above are long-lived seniors. Youth, as defined by UNESCO, on the other hand, are people aged 14-35.
In China, statistics departments categorize people aged 15-34