What are the conditions needed to start a private kindergarten in Wenshui, Shanxi Province

According to the "Basic Standards for Kindergartens in Shanxi Province (for trial implementation)", the following conditions are required to open a private kindergarten in Wenshui, Shanxi Province:

I. Setting and Scale

1. Kindergartens should be set up in accordance with the principle of "appropriate to the local conditions, appropriate scale, close to the kindergarten, and convenient to pick up and drop off", according to the urban and rural areas Economic and social development planning, pre-school education development planning requirements, combined with population density and distribution and the trend of changes in the student population, taking into account factors such as transportation, environment, service radius, overall planning, rational layout, independent settings.

2, the kindergarten set up by the people's government of the county level education administration department for approval.

In principle, every 5,000 people in the city set up a 6-class kindergarten, 10,000 people set up a 12-class kindergarten. New residential neighborhoods in cities and towns should be built in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and provincial kindergarten. The scale of urban kindergartens to 6-12 classes is appropriate, generally no more than 360 people.

The kindergartens in rural areas with small populations can reduce the size of the kindergartens appropriately in light of the actual situation. Densely populated, the conditions of the administrative village can build a separate park; small population density or remote areas of the administrative village can rely on the township central kindergarten to hold a branch; less populated, closer to the administrative villages can be jointly operated between the park. Kindergartens (classes) may be attached to rural elementary school where conditions permit. The size of rural kindergartens should generally be more than three classes. If the number of school-age children is less than three classes, independent kindergarten classes can be organized.

3, kindergarten site selection should be in line with the following provisions:

(1) should be selected in good geological conditions, suitable environment, air circulation, sunshine, convenient transportation, site leveling, drainage, infrastructure, green vegetation around the rich, in line with the requirements of health and environmental protection.

(2) It is necessary to avoid unsafe zones such as seismic hazardous areas, areas where geological and flooding disasters may occur, and oil and gas pipelines and high-voltage power supply corridors.

(3) There must be sufficient safety and health protection distance from railroads, airports and aircraft landing and taking off routes. Avoid the main traffic arteries, the shadow area of the building and so on.

(4) should not be adjacent to the market, entertainment venues, chemical plants, coal washing plants, hospitals, infectious disease ward, morgue, funeral parlor, garbage transfer stations and sewage treatment stations, heating and pressurization stations and other noisy and dirty, not conducive to the physical and mental health of young children, to avoid the production and operation of toxic and hazardous, flammable and explosive storage of goods and other places that endanger the safety of young children. Should not be adjacent to communication towers (stations) and other places with strong electromagnetic radiation.

(5) kindergartens shall not be set in high-rise buildings. Kindergartens shall not be set in the basement or semi-basement. Kindergartens should have independent use of the entrance and exit and the corresponding outdoor playground and protective facilities, and meet the safety and health requirements.

(6) It meets the requirements of other relevant safety and health protection standards.

4. The number of children in each class of kindergarten is generally as follows: 25 in small classes (3~4 years old); 30 in middle classes (4~5 years old); and 35 in large classes (5~6 years old). The number of children per class in boarding kindergartens is appropriately reduced. Kindergartens may have separate classes according to age or mixed classes. The kindergarten enrolls children of school age who have passed a medical examination.

Two, the construction of the school building

5, kindergarten design and construction must be strictly enforced the current national construction standards and building design specifications. New kindergartens, renovation and expansion of kindergartens must be the first planning, investigation and design, and strictly fulfill the approval procedures. New kindergartens must meet the land use indicators, regional construction planning and the use of functional requirements. Kindergarten design and construction follow the principles of safety, practicality, economy, environmental protection, aesthetics, clear functional zoning, reasonable layout, easy to contact, and compatible with the requirements of childcare and education. 

6, the kindergarten should be set up independently, with walls, gates and duty room, in order to prevent outsiders and vehicles from entering at will. A buffer zone for foot traffic and safety warning signs should be set up outside the garden gate.

7, the kindergarten construction land, including the garden building building land, outdoor activities and centralized greening land and so on. Various types of construction land area in line with the "State Education Commission, Ministry of Construction, urban kindergarten floor area quota (for trial implementation)" ([88] teaching based on the word No. 108).

8. The building area of the kindergarten includes the area occupied by the building, the roads and squares in the kindergarten, the passages around the building, and the scattered green areas in front of and behind the houses.

9, outdoor activities should be set up in the field of playgrounds, activity equipment sites, 30m straight runway, sandboxes, pools, planting gardens and so on. Among them, the playground includes hardened sites and grass, sand and other soft sites.

10, centralized green space including centralized green space and natural biological garden. Poisonous and thorny plants are strictly prohibited in green spaces.

11, the kindergarten building consists of activity and auxiliary rooms, office and auxiliary rooms, living rooms. Garden building construction and various types of rooms should be in line with the "Ministry of Urban and Rural Construction and Environmental Protection, the State Education Commission, nursery schools, kindergartens, construction design specifications" ([87] City Design Word No. 466).

Activity and auxiliary rooms include activity rooms for toddler classes and multi-functional activity rooms. Among them, the activity room for early childhood class includes activity room, dormitory, bathroom, etc. Each class should be set up in sets. Each class should be set up as a set, and the activity room and dormitory can be combined.

Office and auxiliary rooms include office, data room, conference room, health care and observation room, morning reception room, isolation room, works of art room, storage room, janitorial room (conveyance room) and staff toilet. The morning reception room should be located at the main entrance of the kindergarten, must be well ventilated and brightly lit, and can be combined with the communication room. Other auxiliary rooms can be combined according to the actual situation.

Living rooms include cafeteria, water room (installation of water purification or drinking water equipment may not be set), disinfection room, cooks locker room, distribution room and so on. The cafeteria should be reasonably divided into functional areas.

12, the kindergarten building should not exceed three floors, the small class living, activity rooms should be in the second floor (including two), the middle class, large class living, activity rooms should be in the third floor (including three), the office and auxiliary rooms on the floor should be determined according to the actual situation.

13, kindergarten buildings should be in line with the current national building seismic design specifications, seismic defense category is not lower than the key defense category. Building fire should be in line with the requirements of the building design fire code. Building fire resistance level, the building should not be less than two, the cottage should not be less than three. The seismic level should be the same as the seismic level of local primary and secondary school buildings. The setting, width, location and form of stairs and corridors should meet the requirements for use, safety evacuation and national fire code requirements. Kindergartens should be in accordance with the fire requirements, in the park and the building is equipped with appropriate fire fighting equipment.

Stairs shall not be spiral or fan-shaped treads. Stair railings and airside safety guard rails must be firm and should be constructed to prevent young children from climbing. Garden buildings should focus on collision avoidance design, corners of walls, window sills, heating covers, windows and doors vertical edges and other angular parts must be made into small rounded corners (or installation of protective devices).

14, kindergarten activity room lighting and lighting should be in line with the "Building Lighting Design Standards" (GB50033-2013) and "Building Lighting Design Standards" (GB50034-2013), there are good natural lighting, natural ventilation and air convection measures, winter solstice, the bottom of the floor full windows. Sunshine is not less than 3 hours.

Three, facilities and equipment

15, the kindergarten should be equipped with various types of living and childcare and education facilities and equipment appropriate to its size and in line with health and safety requirements, in order to meet the needs of childcare, education and active activities of young children.

16, kindergarten play and teaching aids should be equipped in accordance with the national "kindergarten play and teaching aids equipped with catalog" and other relevant requirements, must comply with the "National Toy Safety Technical Specification" and the relevant environmental protection requirements, safety and hygiene, the number is sufficient, rich and diverse, in line with the age of young children, with educational significance. Conditional kindergartens can be based on the characteristics of the kindergarten with additional corresponding play and teaching aids and equipment. Promote the use of natural materials, waste materials, homemade play and teaching aids.

17, kindergarten outdoor activities need to be opened up to play sand pool, play pool, planting gardens, feeding areas and other sites. Equipped with the appropriate number of climbing, climbing, sliding, drilling, swinging, balancing, throwing and other functions of outdoor games and physical activity facilities. The large and medium-sized sports equipment on the outdoor activity site should be fixed and installed on the soft ground, and sufficient safety distance should be maintained between the equipment. Outdoor activity sites should have good drainage systems. Fully enclosed walkways and slides are strictly prohibited.

18, activity room facilities: activity room should be set up according to the teaching class, game class, life class facilities.

(1) teaching facilities equipped with young children's tables and chairs, electronic piano (or electric piano), magnetic blackboard, television (or multimedia) and so on. Children's tables and chairs should be in line with the "school desks and chairs functional dimensions" standard (GB/T 3976-2002), environmentally friendly materials, no corners, should be adjusted according to the height of the children.

(2) activity facilities are equipped with sufficient play and teaching aids and various types of game activities operating materials, should be equipped with age-appropriate, suitable for a sufficient number of children's books, and the average student more than 5 books, duplicate copies of no more than 5 books. Toys and books are replaced in a timely manner according to the developmental level of children, seasonal changes and educational content. Toys and books are in open cupboards, the size and height of which are appropriate to the number and height of children, so that they can be easily accessed and put away by children.

(3) The living facilities are equipped with clocks, thermos pails, cupboards, etc. The thermos pails should have locking devices. The thermos bucket should have a locking device. One cup per student (non-toxic, unbreakable, heat-resistant) with clear distinction mark.

19, dormitory facilities and equipment: dormitory rooms are suitable for young children to use and meet the health and safety requirements of the bed equipment, one bed per student. The length of the bed should be in accordance with the height requirements of young children, and the channel between the beds should not be less than 60cm.

20. Bathroom facilities and equipment: the bathroom includes a lavatory and toilet (which can also be divided into a lavatory area and a toilet area in the bathroom), which is well ventilated, with non-slip and easy-to-clean floors, and is equipped with a mirror for grooming, a sink, and a towel cupboard (rack) that is suitable for young children's heights and quantities. There is one towel for each child, and there is a clear differentiation sign. Towels should be reasonably spaced and hung in a safe way. Toilets are of the flushing type, equipped with an appropriate amount of toddler toilets or grooved potties that are in line with the physiological characteristics of toddlers. There should be a washing basin with isolation facilities from the toddler activity area.

21, multi-functional activity room: multi-functional activity room should have to carry out sports activities, art activities, game activities, the whole garden assembly, observation and teaching and other comprehensive functions. Should be equipped with audio equipment according to the use of the function, music and dance activities facilities (electric piano, wall mirrors, poles, etc.) and the facilities and equipment required for the meeting.

22, the kindergarten should be equipped with office equipment appropriate to the size of the school, including desks and chairs, data cabinets, lockers, computers, printers, digital cameras, telephones and so on. Kindergartens should have access to the Internet.

23, kindergarten morning examination room, health care room, observation room should be equipped with the necessary health care equipment, including health care kits, simple trauma treatment equipment, disinfectant, thermometers, flashlights, weighing scales, logarithmic visual acuity meter, common topical medicines and sanitation and disinfection equipment.

24. Kindergartens that provide meals and lunch breaks for young children should be equipped with the necessary catering and living facilities and equipment, including sanitary utensils, cafeteria facilities and equipment. Cafeteria should be equipped with steamer, and pasta machine, refrigerator, oven and other necessary equipment and fly, rodent, dust, antiseptic, disinfection facilities, and in line with the "school cafeteria and student group meal hygiene regulations" (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health Decree No. 14), "Food Service Food Safety Code of Practice" (State Food and Drug Administration food 〔2011〕 No. 395) requirements, with the Food and Drug Administration issued food and beverage license.

25, kindergartens should be equipped with complete fire facilities and equipment, emergency lighting equipment, anti-theft, anti-violence and other security facilities and equipment, set up rapid evacuation signs. To install video image capture devices in key parts and areas.

Four, staffing

26, kindergartens should be in accordance with the "kindergarten staffing standards (provisional)" fully equipped with staff, the implementation of the qualification access system, so that licensed to work. Kindergarten teachers and staff should implement the national education policy and policy, love the cause of pre-school education, care for young children, physical and mental health, good moral character, professional knowledge and skills, and be able to perform their duties.

27. Full-day kindergartens have two full-time teachers and one caregiver for each class, or three full-time teachers. Boarding kindergartens can be equipped with an additional caregiver according to the actual needs of the work.

The kindergarten director shall meet the qualifications and job requirements set by the state, be qualified as a teacher, have a college degree or above, have more than three years of kindergarten work experience and a certain degree of organizational and management skills, and obtain a certificate of qualification for the post of kindergarten director training;

full-time teachers shall obtain kindergarten teacher qualification;

caregivers shall have a high school graduation or above, and have received vocational training in early childhood care.

Health care personnel, cooking personnel and other staff shall have the qualifications stipulated by the state and be equipped in accordance with the relevant state requirements.

Kindergartens shall actively implement multiple responsibilities and improve the efficiency of employment. Kindergartens hiring foreign teachers should strictly abide by the relevant national and provincial regulations.

28, all staff must be appointed by the health administrative department of the people's government at or above the county level by the health care institutions for health checks before going on duty, and obtain a health certificate before going on duty. Kindergarten staff suffering from infectious diseases during the suspension of work in the kindergarten. Those who have criminal, drug abuse records and psychiatric history are not allowed to work in kindergartens.

V. Financial security

29, kindergarten organizers shall raise funds for education in accordance with the law. Organizers must have a legal and stable source of funding for early childhood care and education, teachers' salaries and welfare protection, as well as maintenance, expansion, acquisition of necessary equipment and facilities to ensure the normal operation of kindergartens. Kindergarten organizers in accordance with the law to protect the wages and benefits of kindergarten teachers and staff, pay the full amount of social insurance costs, the implementation of equal pay for equal work.

30, kindergartens should be established in accordance with the law, the financial and accounting system, funding budgets, final accounts audit system, to ensure that income and expenditure are separated, clear accounts, and improve the efficiency of the use of funds. Kindergartens should be established in accordance with the law, asset ownership registration and supervision system.

31, the kindergarten should be approved by the price department charges and standards, kindergarten charges, fees and other related content shall be publicized to the community to accept social supervision.

32, the children's meals are charged at cost, independent accounting, earmarked, weekly to parents to publicize the children's recipes, monthly accounts open to parents, it is strictly prohibited to deduct the children's meals.

33. Kindergartens shall not charge fees for books, nor shall they promote or disguise the promotion of play and teaching aids, books, bedding, clothing, etc., nor shall they charge fees in the name of running various special classes, interest classes, experimental classes, nor shall they charge or disguise the sponsorship fee, donation fee, or establishment fee related to admission to the kindergarten.

Six, nursery education

34, kindergartens should be in accordance with the "nursery school kindergarten health care management", "nursery school kindergarten health care norms," the implementation of the policy of combining education and health care work in good faith. Together with the health care department, they shall do a good job of physical examination for children of school age, regular physical examination for children in kindergartens, checking of vaccination certificates, prevention of infectious diseases and health education. They shall do a good job of sanitary epidemic prevention and food hygiene and safety in accordance with relevant regulations. Shall provide young children with sufficient drinking water that meets hygiene standards, and ensure that food hygiene and safety, reasonable matching, and nutritional adequacy.

35, the kindergarten should be based on the physical and mental development of young children and seasonal characteristics, to develop a reasonable system of day-to-day life of young children. Under normal circumstances, to ensure that young children daily outdoor activities of not less than two hours (boarding system of not less than three hours), of which one hour of physical activity (boarding garden two hours) or more.

36, the kindergarten to implement the "kindergarten work regulations", "kindergarten education guidance program (for trial implementation)" and "3-6 years old children's learning and development guide", respect for the personality and rights of young children, follow the law of the physical and mental health of young children to grow up, with the game as the basic form of activity, education, education, and pay attention to the individual differences in young children to guide the children to The school is committed to the healthy development of young children's overall personality.

37. Kindergartens should emphasize the creation of the environment, set up a variety of regional activity space, equipped with game materials, to meet the needs of young children's games.

38. Kindergartens are not allowed to teach the contents of primary education in advance, and are not allowed to carry out any activities that are contrary to the laws of growth of young children, and are determined to prevent and correct the trivialization of kindergarten education.

39, the kindergarten should make full use of the family and community conditions, rich and expanding educational resources, strengthen the contact with parents, realize the home **** education.

Seven, garden management

40, kindergartens conscientiously implement the "kindergarten management regulations" and "kindergarten work regulations", correct the ideology of running a school, standardize the behavior of running a school, according to the law to the local education administration department to register, and consciously accept the local people's government and the education administration department's guidance, management, annual inspection and inspection.

41, the kindergarten director of the system of responsibility, the establishment of the garden committee, the staff congress, parent committees and other mechanisms of democratic management, the establishment of sound rules and regulations and management files, and strengthen scientific management and democratic supervision.

42, kindergarten organizers to provide a stable environment for the development of kindergartens, to ensure the relative stability of the director and the teaching staff, shall not be arbitrarily replaced, dismissed the director and teachers.

43, kindergartens should develop a scientific annual work plan, regular deployment, summarize the work. At the end of each school year shall report to the educational administration, and at any time when necessary.

44, kindergartens should strengthen the daily safety management. Strictly implement the safety management regulations, strengthen the "three prevention" construction, strengthen the kindergarten safety capacity building, strengthen the teachers and children safety education, regular organization of safety drills, to achieve full coverage of job security responsibilities, solid security risks investigation and rectification, strengthen the home and family communication and contact, to ensure that young children in the park safety and health.

45, the kindergarten should establish a system of teaching and research, support and encourage teachers to participate in teaching and research, continuing education, business training and external exchanges, to improve the level of childcare and education, and promote the professional growth of teachers.