Udo Kier

List of Udo Kier's film credits: (one **** 185 film credits)

Film credits as director (number: 2)

Broken Cookies ------- (2002)

The Last Trip to Harrisburg ------- ( 1984)

Film credits as assistant director (nr. 2)

Deutsche Kettens?gen Massaker, Das ------- (1991)

Mrs. Stationmaster Bolwieser ------- (1977)

Film credits as other staff members Credits (Number: 2)

Selfie Nineteen Egoshooter ------- (2004)

Dogville Confessions ------- (2003)

Film credits as an actor (Number: 179)

Die Blutgr?fin ---- --- (2010)

My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done ------- (2009)

Metropia ------- (2009)

Washington Wasington ------- (2009)

Night of the Templar ------- (2008)

Lulu and Jimi ------- (2008)

One and a Half Knight/One and a Half Knight: In Search of Herzelinde's Beautiful Princess 1 1/2 Ritter - Auf der Suche nach der hinrei?enden Herzelinde ------- (2008)

Lone Survivor/Polar Warrior Far Cry ------- (2008)

Fall Down Dead ------- (2007)

Torture House/Mill Grindhouse ------- (2007)

< p>Tears of Evil/The Third Mother Terza madre, La ------- (2007)

Tell ------- (2007)

Halloween/Sorcery Halloween/Moonlight Panic of the Killing Green Light (Hong Kong)/New Moonlight Panic of the Heart Halloween ------- (2007)

Black Panther: Operation Cherry Pars: Kiraz operasyonu ------- (2007)

Pray for Morning ------- (2006)

Crusader in jeans Kruistocht in spijkerbroek ------- (2006)

Holly ------- (2006)

13 Graves ------- (2006)

Wit's End ------- (2005)

One More Round ------- (2005)

Children of Wax - ------ (2005)

Headspace ------- (2005)

"4 gegen Z" ------- (2005)

BloodRayne ------- (2005)

Manderlay / Variations of Fate Manderlay ------- (2005)

Anecdotes from 'Epidemic' ------- (2005)

Dracula 3000/Vampire 3000 Dracula 3000 ------- (2004)

Sawtooth ---- --- (2004)

Jargo ------- (2004)

Evil Eyes: Behind the Scenes ------- (2004)

Surviving Christmas/Who's Gonna Spend Christmas With Me Surviving Christmas ------- (2004) <

Celluloid Horror ------- (2004)

Evil Eyes ------- (2004)

Mysterious Phantom One Point O ------- (2004)

30 Days Until I'm Famous ------- ( 2004)

Picasso and Modigliani Modigliani ------- (2004)

Love Object Love Object ------- (2003)

Dogville/Earth Night Variations (Taiwan)/Human Dogville Dogville ------- (2003)

Gate to Heaven ------- (2004)

Mysterious Phantom One Point O ------- (2004)

30 Days Until I'm Famous ------- ( p>Gate to Heaven ------- (2003)

Breaking Bad "Wilde Engel" ------- (2003)

Montewood Hollyverità ------- (2003)

Mark of the Devil. Revisited ------- (2002)

Korn: Deuce ------- (2002)

He Sees You When You're Sleeping ------- (2002)

Broken Cookies ------- ( 2002)

Mrs Meitlemeihr ------- (2002)

Andy Warhol: The Complete Picture ------- (2002)

Betty - Sch?n wie der Tod ------- (2002)

Killer Sites/Horror Sites/Take A Life.COM/Don't Go In FeardotCom ------- (2002)

Pigs Will Fly ------- (2002)

Auf Herz und Nieren ------- (2001)

The Treasure of the Sanctuary. Revelation ------- (2001)

Gottesanbeterin, Die ------- (2001)

Justice League/Superman Justice League "Justice League" ------- (2001)

Nazi Manufacturing Invincible - The Last Minute ------ (2001)

The Last Minute ------- (2001)

Gods & Demons / The Omega Code 2 / Endgame II Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 ------- (2001)

Suspiria 25th Anniversary ------- (2001)

Queen's Secret Service/Queen's Secret Service/All the Queen's Men ------- (2001)

Double Deception ------- (2001)

Citizens of Perpetual Indulgence ------- of Perpetual Indulgence ------- (2000)

Bloodsucking Surprise/I Have a Date with a Zombie/Shadow of the Vampire ------- (2000)

How to Roam in the Dark Von Trier's 100 ?jne ------- (2000)

Critical Mass ------- (2000)

Doomsdayer ------- (2000)

Dancer in the Dark ------- (2000)

Red Letterhead Red Letters ------- (2000)

Just One Night ------- (2000)

Unter den Palmen ------- (1999)

Heart of Ghosts Besat ------- (1999)

The Spy Network. History Is Made at Night ------- (1999)

The Debtors ------- (1999)

Moment of Fire Final Run ------- (1999)

Nina Hagen = Punk + Glory ------- ( 1999)

Devil's End / End of Days End of Days ------- (1999)

Killer Deal ------- (1999)

The New Adventures of Pinocchio ------- (1999)

The New Adventures of Pinocchio ------- (1999)

Diebin, Die ------- (1998)

The New Adventures of Pinocchio ------- (1999)

Nina - Vom Kinderzimmer ins Bordell ------- (1998)

Immaculate Springs ------- (1998)

Blade Runner / Ghost Assassin Blade ------- (1998)

Modern Vampires Modern Vampires ------- (1998)

Schuldig ------- (1998)

The Last Call ------- (1998)

The End of the World/Extinction 天劫(港)/陨石大冲撞 Armageddon ------- (1998)

Ice ------- (1998)

There's No Fish Food in Heaven ------- (1998)

Simon Says ------- (1998 )

Hospital 2 "Riget II" ------- (1997)

Bagom Riget II og Lars von Trier: Instrukt?ren holder fridag ------- (1997)

Prince Valiant ------- (1997)

Die 120 Tage von Bottrop ------- (1997)

The End of Violence/The Violent Apocalypse ------- (1997)

Red Shoe Diaries 7: Burning Up ------- (1997)

Red Shoe Diaries 7. Burning Up ------- (1997)

Betty ------- (1997)

The Naked Agent Barb Wire ------- (1996)

The Adventures of Pinocchio ------- (1996)

"The Sentinel" ------- (1996)

"The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century" ------- (1996)

United Trash ------- ( 1996)

Duke of Groove ------- (1996)

Leigh Lea ------- (1996)

Breaking the Waves/Breaking the Waves/Breaking the Waves/Breaking the Waves in Love ------- (1996)

Dog Daze -- the first movie of its kind in the world. ----- (1995)

Gebrüder Skladanowsky, Die ------- (1995)

Paradise Framed ------- (1995)

Ausgestorben ------- (1995)

Nur über meine Leiche ------- (1995)

Defending Secrets/Extraordinary Spies/Johnny Mnemonic/Extraordinary Missions Johnny Mnemonic ------- (1995)

Unter Druck ------- (1995)

Unbekannte Deserteur, Der ------- (1994)

The Sleuth I/Pet Detective/Ace Ventura Ace Ventura: Pet Detective ------- (1994)

Tod eines Weltstars ------- ( 1994)

Hospital Rumble "Riget" ------- (1994)

Rotwang mu? weg! ------- (1994)

Little Life Protector/ Little Life Protector/ It's All About Money For Love or Money ------- (1993)

Three Shake-a-Legs Steps I/ Pet Detective/ Ace Ventura. Three Shake-a-Leg Steps to Heaven ------- (1993)

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues ------- (1993)

Pl?tzlich und unerwartet ------- ( 1993)

Jack Reed: Badge of Honor ------- (1993)

Josh and Sam Josh and S.A.M. ------- (1993)

Terror 2000 - Intensivstation Deutschland --... ----- (1992)

Europa/European Express Europa ------- (1991)

Deutsche Kettens?gen Massaker, Das ------- (1991)

My Own Private Idaho/Indolent Skies/Half of a Man is Still a Man/My My Own Private Idaho ------- (1991)

Triers element ------- (1991)

The Making of 'Europa' ------- (1991)

100 Jahre Adolf Hitler - Die letzte Stunde im Führerbunker ------- (1989)

Mutters Maske ------- (1988)

Medea ------- (1988)

The Temporal Plague/Plague Epidemic ---- --- (1987)

Schlacht der Idioten, Die ------- (1986)

Egomania - Insel ohne Hoffnung ------- (1986)

Am n?chsten Morgen kehrte der Minister nicht an seinen Arbeitsplatz zurück ------- (1986)

"Gespenstergeschichten" ------- (1985)

Der Unbesiegbare ------- (1985)

Einsteiger, Die ------- (1985)

Temptation: Cruel Women Verführung: Die grausame Frau ------- (1985)

The Last Trip to Harrisburg ------- (1984 )

Hur und Heilig ------- (1984)

Soviet Comrades Moscow on the Hudson ------- (1984)

The Tiger's Mouth Rouge Insel der blutigen Plantage, Die ------- (1983)

Wilden Fünfziger, Die ------- (1983)

Pankow '95 ------- (1983)

Lola/Lola Lola ------- (1981)

Lili Marleen Lili Marleen ------- (1981)

Docteur Jekyll et les femmes ------- (1981)

Berlin Alexanderplatz "Berlin Alexanderplatz" ------- (1980)

Nárcisz és Psyché ------- (1980)

Lulu ------- (1980)

Deutschland privat - Eine Anthologie des Volksfilms ------- (1980)

Victor ------- (1979)

Third Generation Dritte Generation, Die ------- (1979)

Magyar rapszódia ------- (1979)

Fünfte Gebot, Das ------- (1978)

Allegro barbaro: Magyar rapsz ódia 2 ------- (1978)

La deuxième femme ------- (1978)

Krétak?r ------- (1978)

Katonák ------- (1977)

Despite the crime Quel maledetto treno blindato ------- (1977)

Gloomy winds/fidgety Suspiria ------- (1977)

Mrs. Stationmaster Bolwieser ------- (1977)

Exposé ------- (1976 )

Goldflocken ------- (1976)

Spermula ------- (1976)

Erinnerungen an die Leidenschaft ------- (1976)

Letzte Schrei,. Der ------- (1975)

O Nymphet's Tale/The Story of O/Nymphet Histoire d'O ------- (1975)

Devil's Blood Dracula cerca sangue di vergine... e morì di sete!!! ------- (1974)

Pan ------- (1973)

The Walking Dead Flesh for Frankenstein ------- (1973)

The Salzburg Connection ------- (1972)

Oi erotomaneis ------- (1971)

Proklisis ------- (1970)

Devil's Mark Hexen bis aufs Blut gequ?lt ------- (1970)

"Tatort" ------- (1970)

Stagione dei sensi, La ------- (1969)

Schamlos ------- (1968)

Road to St. Tropez ------- (1966)