1, Palace Square
A woman walked along the long tunnel, toward the front.
Crossing her back, the long tunnel stretched forward, and at the end, the late emperor's bedchamber crouched like a giant beast.
Before the palace gates, a dense mass of black dots.
The woman took one step forward.
Ahead of her, the patch of black dots grew larger and clearer as well.
That was fifty Featherwood guards.
They had black helmets and black armor, and their looks were cold, like black rocks, straddling the front of the palace gate, the steel swords in their hands glowing with cold light.
The woman stopped in front of them.
They faced each other like this.
The woman's face could not be seen, but the silent, determined figure of the woman could be seen in the pupils of the feathered guards.
"Click!" With a flush of armor, the feathered guards flashed out of the way.
2. The late emperor's bedchamber
In the darkness, the heavy door rumbled, and the light shone in from the slowly opening door carved with coiled dragons, reflecting a blurred vision of the bed and utensils in the bedchamber, and a piece of black armor next to the bed shone with a metallic luster under the light.
The woman's long figure slopes in through the door, the shadow extends to the front of the armor, and then creeps out from the boots of the armor onto the masked helmet,
The camera gazes longingly at the mask, which is shrouded in shadow.
The woman's coldly drawn voice:
"You can't hold it up!"
The mask on the helmet is lifted by a pair of hands, revealing the pale face of a man.
A mocking smile floated at the corners of his mouth as he said, word for word: "Don't say you to me, call the Emperor. Understand? Sister-in-law!"
A hint of a cold smile passed briefly on the woman's face.
She was very beautiful, very young, and a white mourning belt on her towering cloud bun was particularly piercing.
Woman: "You can't replace your brother!"
The man smiled, dropped a kiss on the helmet he was resting on, and said, "It is not suitable for me, I will have to beat a new one."
He placed the helmet on the rack of armor and turned toward the door.
Passing the woman, he said softly at her side, "I can replace my brother!"
The woman shuddered slightly
The man stepped out of the gate and turned his back on the woman, "Seal the gate!"
The two gates moved in response, the lights closing behind the woman with the rumbling of the doors.
The woman didn't move a muscle.
Through the soon-to-close doorway, the man could be seen turning to look at the back of the woman who was about to be swallowed up by the darkness, his face narrowing in the closing doorway ......
The man held out his arm.
The door creaked shut.
In the darkness, the man's arm slowly reached in along the doorway, his palm facing upwards, resting on what was left of the light.
The man's voice:
After a long moment, the woman's hand reaches out of the darkness and rests on the man's.
Woman's voice:
"It's time to call the Queen."
3. The Bedchamber
The lights and candles are brilliant.
Waves of light dreamily swayed and floated in the draperies and screens, and in the smoked cage made of gold silk, Rui Long Brain exuded a violet-misty aroma.
Linghua bronze mirror -
Reflects the woman's noble, cold face.
Also reflected in her towering cloud bun slowly withdrew, the thick, soft black hair then like a waterfall slanting down.
The man's hand rested on her bare shoulder from behind.
The woman trembled slightly, but her voice did not move, and she took off the flower inlay from her forehead. The so-called flower tin is a small, colorful and delicate pattern made of gold, platinum, ebony, and mica flakes glued to the forehead. The woman picked very slowly and carefully.
The man's hand rubbed gently over her shoulder.
The woman placed the flower tin in a jade dish and reached toward the wide array of cosmetics on the dresser.
The man's hand was quicker, placing a delicate zucchini did before her, in the woman's hand.
The woman was a little beyond, but remained silent.
She poured a few drops of amber colored liquid from within the gourd and gently rubbed it on her face.
The man's hand traveled from his shoulder to her collarbone.
The woman's hand went back to the cosmetics.
Again, the man's hand grabbed it before she did and handed her a colored vial.
The woman spoke up:
"How does uncle know the order in which I remove my makeup?"
Man: "Not just removing makeup, I know the order in which my sister-in-law bathes."
His face was hidden in the dark shadows of the lamp, and his hands were already rubbing over the woman's chest.
The woman was silent for a long time-
"Your brother trusts you too much."
Man: "I had nothing to do with the violent death of the late emperor."
Woman: "Is the crown prince still alive?"
Man: "Sister-in-law cares a lot about him?"
Woman: "I am his mother."
His hand moved to her snowy cleavage.
Woman reaches out and presses him down:
Woman: "Can uncle spare the crown prince?"
Man: "Can sister-in-law let go?"
The woman looked at her own hand in the mirror, the hand of the man she was holding down, a cold light swept through her eyes and she let go of her hand.
The man's hand slid down on the momentum ......
Man: "I thought that the gods would keep my sweet nephew."
4. Mountain Stream
The water in the stream roiled over the rounded pebbles, and bamboo leaves drifted down.
The sound of horses' hooves came from far away, and a little later, three white horses appeared, with a gnarled-bearded messenger at the head carrying a yellow satin bundle containing the Empress's decree, and two guards with swords behind them. Horses hooves tread broken mountain stream, water splash rolled up floating on the surface of the bamboo leaves splashed in all directions, long time, the water surface to return to calm.
5. Mountain Stream
A more intense sound of hoofbeats came, and the calm water was again shattered by hoofbeats, and the ebony figures of the horses galloped forward and backward through the rising mist, and more than a dozen warriors wearing black masks, clad in black armor, and with swords hanging from their waists, galloped their horses and rushed across the mountain stream.
6, the land of Wu and Yue Yeikan
What is the date of this evening
Drifting down the river in the middle of the continent
What is the date of this day
Get to boat with the prince ......
Highly throaty, clear and leisurely chanting of "Song of the Yue people," a woman wearing a mask of a face gradually filled the picture, I do not know For some reason, the mask's expression was a bit forlorn.
The masked man, dressed in a long, emerald-colored coat, is dancing with dozens of kabuki wearing various masks and long, white coats, and singing in counterpoint:
Shame is good
No shame
Heart is troubled but not broken
The prince ......
Singing, the emerald-clothed man pulls a short sword out of his pocket, and the masked woman is wearing a long, white coat. He drew out a short sword from his bosom, greenish-dark in color, not more than a foot long, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, shaped like a leek leaf; with a flick of his wrist, the short sword was split into two, turning into two thin slices, just like scissors.
A row of pink paper sketches hung down from the sky between the cuiyi singers and the kabuki people, reflecting the light, the kabuki people's performances were like silhouettes of a shadow play.
The song is clear, the emerald-clothed person's body steeply rotating, stretching arms and wrists, the sword in the hand like sharp scissors, in the paper flying swimming, only to hear "snorting" sound, the sword wind in the paper Jane cut out white traces, the line is extremely ethereal and beautiful.
Mountains have wood and trees have branches
Heart is pleased with you and you don't know ......
Song curls up, cuiyi people but steeply closed the momentum, only to see the white marks on the paper Jane into a strip of confetti, have come off, the light through the hollowed out lines through, people realized that this is actually a huge paper-cutting work, and the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work, the paper-cutting work. The silhouettes of dozens of kabuki players were instantly frozen on the paper, dancing in a wonderful, lifelike manner!
The camera pulls up, and you can see that the kabuki are in an art gallery hidden in the depths of the bamboo sea, surrounded by the swaying shadow of the bamboo.
7, the inner courtyard of the Museum of Arts, the ancient bell
Curling sound, hanging in the inner courtyard of the ancient bell issued a slight tremor, standing under the ancient bell of the cranes also slowly unfolded their wings.
8. Art Museum
The light seems to dim, and through the bamboo shadow of the swaying paper, the figure of the gnarled-bearded messenger riding on the back of a horse emerges.
A broken voice from outside the painting said, "Forbidden decree arrives!"
The kabuki men were shocked and dispersed at first, leaving only the cui-clad man standing on top of the stage.
The paper was slowly rolled up, and the messenger appeared with two guards with swords.
Through the sockets of his mask, the Cui-yi man's eyes could be seen to widen, and he gazed in astonishment at the mourning bands on the heads of the messenger and the guards before slowly falling to his knees, his body crouching on the empty stage.
Wan Hou's voice outside the picture: "Wu Luan: the country has suffered a great change, your father's violent collapse, your uncle that is the throne. Receive the letter and return immediately."
9, the bridge
Wan Hou's voice, a black warrior riding a black horse like a black whirlwind swept across the wooden bridge in the canyon, one, two, three ...... a **** sixteen.
The horses' hooves trampled over the decaying wood of the bridge, and the moss beneath it fell as the horses passed.
The sound of rushing hooves cut through the hushed silence of the canyon.
10, Art Museum
Wu Luan knelt for a long time, and a mountain wind blew, swirling the yellowed bamboo leaves in the courtyard up to fall on the theater stage.
The mask stayed on the stage board, Wu Luan slowly raised his head, it was a very young face skin.
He called out softly, helplessly,
"Father ......!"
11, Mountaintop
Sixteen warriors drove their horses through the forest and leapt to the top of the mountain.
The samurai reined in their horses and the warhorses stood in formation on top of the mountain. The camera crosses behind them, looking down on the art gallery below, hidden in a sea of bamboo.
12. Imperial Castle
The citadel of the Imperial Castle, nestled in a sea of mountains and forests.
As the sun sets over the citadel, the city is shrouded in evening mist, and a few lights appear in the center of the city.
13, the bedchamber
The curtains are low, the lights are hazy.
Leidi's wild eyes, greedy rubbing;
Wan Hou's slightly open and close red lips, moist nostrils.
After a burst of panting:
"Uncle really knows how to serve a woman!"
"How does it compare to my brother?"
"The late emperor was a wise monarch."
"You mean, he couldn't."
"No, he was majestic if he wanted to be."
"But he doesn't want to, does he? The beauty of rivers and mountains has never confused a hundred generations of emperors!"
"Uncle doesn't seem confused."
"Before tonight, I wasn't confused, because I only have Jiangshan in my heart; after tonight, I'm confused, with my sister-in-law, what do I need Jiangshan for?"
"Uncle really knows how to flatter people."
"Words are the voice of the heart."
"Then, uncle give up the throne, I with you to return to the forest, how?"
Sudden silence.
For a long time, Li Di lowly: "Sister-in-law want my life?"
Queen Wan suddenly laughed chirpily: "A playful remark, uncle will ......"
Her laughter was blocked by Li Di's lips.
The eroticism that was burgeoning again made Li Di sharply, vaguely, "If I have to live, I'll admit it, I'll give all to my sister-in-law ...... what the first emperor could ...... and... . what the late emperor can't give ...... like this! Like this ......"
Wan Hou couldn't hold herself either and moaned in ecstasy, "Uncle ......Uncle... ..."
A silhouette came silently towards the bed.
Li Di was horrified and woke up, grabbed the sword from the bed with one hand, grabbed the robe with the other hand to cover his body, jumped up and shouted in alarm:
The figure stood still.
Behind the curtain, Empress Wan but lethargic: "Is it Ling'er? The fragrant soup is placed there, you go down."
The silhouette silently placed the fragrant soup bath towel behind the screen and retreated.
First the tiny ankles, well-proportioned calves, glossy and plump thighs, Wan then slowly got off the bed, draped in a thin, almost transparent nightgown and walked towards the screen.
Li Di looked at her hot body, his mouth half-open, motionless.
The Empress Wan seemed to notice and smiled back:
"What, aren't you going to wash up? Your Majesty!"
14, the valley
Moonlight, bamboo sea floating immersed in the mountain mist. The sound of chanting sutras for overcoming the dead and the lights leaked out from the art gallery hidden deep in the bamboo forest, echoing in the valley.
15. The Art Center
The fog filled the center of the art center through rolled-up paper sketches, where Muluan and the kabuki, dressed in onyx and silver-white masks, knelt in front of the majestic portrait of the late emperor, chanting the Mantra of Sorrow in unison to help the souls of the departed.
Suddenly, Wu Luan, who was kneeling in front, raised his hand to stop.
The chanting stopped.
Wu Luan took off his mask and got up and walked to the portrait of the late emperor. One corner of the portrait was curled and wrinkled by the wind.
Wu Luan reached out and smoothed out the wrinkled corner, and couldn't help but stroke the wrinkles at the corners of the late emperor's eyes.
The late emperor gazed at him majestically.
Wu Luan did not dare to face such a gaze and covered the late emperor's eyes with his hand.
Two kabuki men came up and helped Wuluan to kneel where he was and helped him put on his mask.
The chanting began again.
16. The Art Museum, the water pavilion
The gnarled messenger and his two guards sat atop the water pavilion with their swords. The sky was covered with clouds, and the water was mirrored by the moon.
The water suddenly rippled.
The messenger and the guards simultaneously flicked out their blades and rose up.
A horse whistled, and a dozen black-shadowed warriors leapt up from the bamboo forest on the opposite bank of the pond and leapt onto the water pavilion.
The two guards swung their swords to meet them at the same time the messenger had flipped and flown into the art gallery behind them.
17. The water pavilion
The swords flashed, and the figures of Nobushi's two guards swinging their swords froze in the moonlight as the steel swords were drawn from their chests, droplets of blood spewing out of their hearts chasing the blades, which had yet to be stained with blood. Then the body of the guard flopped to the ground.
18. The Arts Hall
The scattered kabuki were cut off from the stage by the samurai who came in from all sides, splattering blood in all directions.
Four or five black-armored warriors wearing black metal masks surrounded Prince Wu Luan, who was dressed in onyx and wearing a silver-white mask, and simultaneously stabbed the steel swords in their hands--
A massacre ended in an instant.
The black-armored warriors swung their swords and settled on the stage, and at their feet were dozens of white kabuki bodies on the blood-stained boards.
19. Underwater
Wu Luan dove underwater, holding his breath as he stared at the surface. His body was pressed between the stone foundations that supported the water pavilion, his eyes horrified as he witnessed the killing that was taking place before his eyes.
A masked man's head was thrown into the water, the head dragging the blood and water sank to the bottom of the water, and then the mask detached from the head slowly floated up, that head is the gnarled-bearded messenger who went to his death for Wu Luan.
The surface of the water reflected the light of the fire, a silver-white mask rippled with the waves, overlooking Wu Luan, who was submerged in the water.
20, the Great Hall
Repair of the Great Hall, dozens of faded paint wrapped in burlap columns stand solemnly in the Great Hall under the algal well, pallets of new arch heaped in the center of the Great Hall, the sunlight slanting down in the huge corridors and columns between the cast a light shadow, the dust in the sunlight floating, hundreds of artisans kneeling in the shadows under the scaffolding in silence.
Swarthy black-armored feathered guards lashed their swords and swanned.
The Li Emperor led the officials, including the lieutenant Yin Taichang, the governor of Youzhou Pei Hong, Yin Taichang's son Yin Falcon, and the minister of the Ministry of Public Works, to stand in the center of the hall. All of them tilted their heads and looked at the towering dome of the hall along with Emperor Li's gaze.
The algae wells were dim and plain.
The hall echoed with Emperor Li's voice: "It's too outdated, the late emperor was frugal, but I can't suffer myself like this! Algae well all paste red gold flowers!"
The minister of the Ministry of Public Works: "Yes ...... I still have to ask for an order, the beams and pillars in the hall are lacquered with danzhu or xuanmo?"
Li Emperor looked around the group of ministers.
Yin Falcon stepped forward and bowed: "I think that lacquer Dan Zhu, and then red gold edging is good."
Li Di appreciated, "General Yin understands my intention. Dan Zhu is blood, and red gold symbolizes brilliance. Which glorious dynasty was not washed out with blood!" Turning to Yin Taichang: "Tai Lieutenant ah! I envy you for having such a sensible and sensible son who is well versed in both literature and martial arts. Unlike my nephew, your Crown Prince, who only sings opera."
Yin Taichang: "Your majesty has discounted the old minister! The canine son is only the light of a glowing fire, while the crown prince is the moon in the sky."
"Is that so?"
The Knight Emperor had stopped in front of a Hotep jade screen carved with a snowy mountain Xuan Leopard, pondering.
The Minister of the Ministry of Works, "If Your Majesty does not like this Snow Mountain Xuan Leopard, I will immediately send someone to replace it."
Li Emperor: "Like. This animal hides in the cave on snowy days and licks his hair, but on sunny days, he runs out with his body shining brightly. Knowing the time, it's a spiritual beast."
Yin Taichang: "I thought that the carving of the tiger is appropriate. I Ching cloud, 'adult tiger change, gentleman leopard change', the emperor is an adult, the tiger has the weather of the king."
Li Di suddenly asked Pei Hong: "Why don't you say anything?"
Pei Hong sneered, "I'm pondering whether or not I should bestow this Snow Mountain Leopard to the Lord Lieutenant?"
Li Di didn't understand for a moment, "Why?"
Pei Hong: "He knows the time!"
Some of the ministers "Pfft!" A laugh.
Yin Falcon's face turned red and he pressed his sword to go forward, but he was secretly pulled by the sleeve of Yin Taichang, who was calm and collected.
Li Di squinted at Yin Taichang and said in a single voice: "Pei Hong's suggestion is very good, I will give this Xuan Panther to the lieutenant!"
Yin Taichang: "Thank you, Your Majesty."
Emperor Li: "Then, let's carve a tiger for this screen!"
Empress Wan's voice-
"Carve the flying dragon in the sky!"
The crowd looked for the sound.