was a prominent representative of late Impressionism. Van Gogh 1853~1890
It is the outstanding representative of the late Impressionism
His paintings are divided into five periods
Periods Representatives Characteristics
Dutch Period Potato Eaters 1 Grayish tone 2 Peasants as the subject
Paris Period boulevard de chehy 1 Painted 29 self-portraits
The period of Van Gogh is characterized by a series of paintings, including the following. 1886~1887 the banks of seine 2 neo-impressionism
Arles period Sunflowers (not one, full of color
two of them are now in Japan)
Night Café
The Yellow House
St. Rémy's Period
IrisesCypress tree
Starry night
Auvers period
Portrait of Dr. Gachet
Church in Auvers
Crows on a wheat field
Tree roots
Last letter to his brother, Theo, on 1890.7.23
The Red Vineyard was the only painting he sold during his lifetime
(The above is an accumulation of his own knowledge) Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) was born in a Protestant pastor's home in the Dutch town of Zandertown, and worked as a clerk in the Goupil's painting store in The Hague, London, and Paris until the age of 24. He later became a missionary, preaching in the Borinage mines in southwestern Belgium, and was relieved of his duties because of his sympathy and support for the demands of the poor miners. After a period of extreme disappointment and poverty, he decided to complete his self-relief in the quest for art. 1880 onwards, he studied everywhere, seeking instruction from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium, learning from the Dutch landscape painter Anton Mauveg, but finally deciding to study on his own. He overcame all difficulties and tried to represent the world as he knew it. Before 1886, his works were all in the period of exploration, with representative works such as The Potato Eaters and The Weavers, etc. In 1886, Van Gogh came to Paris with his brother, who was a senior clerk of the Goupil's painting store, and became acquainted with Toulouse, Lautrec, Gauguin, Pissarro, Seurat, and Cézanne, as well as participated in the gatherings of Impressionist painters. Thus, his artistic horizons were greatly expanded, and he began to paint in a completely different way from the past, with strong colors and bright tones. 1888, in February, he accompanied Gauguin to Arles in the south of France for a year of sketching and painting. This was the most important period in the formation of his artistic style, the strong sunlight of the south and the sunlit towns, fields, flowers t rivers, farmhouses and churches, so that he could not help but shout over and over again: "Brighten up, brighten up some more!"
He and Gauguin by this time had diverged from the impressionist point of view, but at the same time on the expressionism or symbolism of strong interest. As a result, there were plans to establish a "Southern Impressionism" or "Impressionist Separatists". Later, their relationship deteriorated, with Gauguin leaving and Van Gogh becoming mentally disintegrated after the incident of cutting off his own ear. As a result, they did not form any group, and in 1890, after a long stay in the asylum of Saint-Rémy-des-Moiselles, Van Gogh returned to Paris, where he lived in Auvers-sur-Oise, under the special treatment of Dr. Gasset, and worked diligently on his paintings, such as "Portrait of Dr. Gasset" and "The Church of Auvers". However, on October 27, 1890, after a quarrel with Dr. Gasset, he suddenly shot himself and ended his life.
Van Gogh left behind a rich body of work that was not recognized until after his death. In these works the author prominently pursued the expression of his own spirit, and all forms jumped and twisted under the domination of a fierce spirit. 'Such art had a profound influence on 20th century Expressionism, and Soutine and the German Expressionist painters, in particular, drew a number of important principles from Van Gogh's work. He was the greatest Dutch painter of worldwide influence after Rembrandt. However, while he was still alive, only 1 painting was ever sold in a ****.
Works" Sunflowers "In February 1888, Van Gogh, who was already 35 years old, came to Arles from Paris to search for his sunshine, his wheat fields and his sunflowers in this small town in the south of France. Van Gogh created a large number of works depicting sunflowers, saying, "Sunflowers are my thing." This (see Sunflowers in Honor of Van Gogh) is one of the most famous, and is in the National Gallery in London. The news that one of Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" (still life: 15 sunflowers in a vase) had been bought by the Japanese for $39.9 million at a London auction shocked the world!
Time, March 30, 1987, "Sunflowers" sold for $39.9 million;
Later, November 11, 1987, "Iris" sold for $53 million;
Later, May 15, 1990, "Dr. Gachet" sold for $82.5 million. That's the highest price ever paid for a work of art at auction!
Later, on November 19, 1998, Van Gogh's self-portrait without a beard sold for $71.5 million.
" Iris" was completed in May 1889.
Like sunflowers, Van Gogh seems to have enjoyed painting this plant.
In 1892, Tanguy (a friend of Van Gogh's) sold the painting for 300 francs to the critic Octave Mirbeau - one of Van Gogh's earliest admirers. The painting, like many other Van Gogh paintings, continued to be bought and sold after his death.
On November 11, 1987, a sky-high bid of $53 million was called at auction.
" Night of the Stars and Moon "On May 8, 1889, Van Gogh came to Saint-Rémy, 25 kilometers from Arles, to be treated in a psychiatric hospital. He was there voluntarily, and the doctors allowed him to go out during the day to sketch. The village in this painting is Saint-Rémy, and he painted it in June, a month after his hospitalization. Van Gogh is said to have made the painting from memory and imagination. It is now in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
"Auvers Chapel" Van Gogh was in Auvers in June 1890, under the care of Dr. Gachet, while he was working on his painting, which is a masterpiece of the period. He depicted the main church of Auvers, a 12th and 13th century church, which combines Romanesque and Gothic styles. It still stands there today, with a sign next to it that reads "Church of Auvers".
More than a month later, Van Gogh committed suicide. ......
"Crows on the Wheat Fields"
"In the countryside around the town of Auvers on the Oise River, the endless, undulating farmland invites large flocks of crows to flock to the fields at harvest time. The fields, which attracted large flocks of crows at harvest time, fascinated Van Gogh. Despite his deteriorating mental condition, he continued to work tirelessly. ......"
On May 17, 1890, Van Gogh traveled to Auvers, not far from Paris, to continue his treatment. He met Dr. Gachet, an art-loving doctor. Van Gogh lived above a café. At first he was in a good mood and had good relations with others. But before long, "sadness and depression returned to his sensitive heart" and he painted "The Crow in the Wheat Field"...
A few weeks later, on July 27, 1890, he went out to paint in a wheat field as usual." By the compost heap in the farmyard, a few hundred meters from where he lived," he raised his pistol and shot himself in the chest, missing the heart. He "staggered back to his bedroom". That night, Van Gogh did not say a word with his pipe in his mouth. The next day, Van Gogh talked to Theo, who had come to see him, about his views on art. Towards the end of the night, he began to weaken. At 1:30 a.m. on July 29, 1890, Van Gogh stopped breathing ...... He was only 37 years old.
(Note: There are various accounts of the day Van Gogh committed suicide, the above is only one of them.)
His last words were: "The sadness will last forever."
After Van Gogh's death, his younger brother Theo suffered greatly. Six months later, on January 25, 1891, Theo died. They were **** buried together in the Auvers cemetery.
Vincent van Gogh chronology:
Born on March 30, 1853, in Groot Zendt, Brabant, in the south of the Netherlands, he was the eldest son of Theodorus van Gogh (1822-1885), a Dutch Protestant pastor, and Anna Cornelia Carpenter period (1819-1907).
1855 On February 17, Vincent's sister Anna Cornelia van Gogh was born.
On January 5, 1857, Van Gogh's lifelong friend and brother Théo was born.
On March 16, 1859, his sister Elisabeth van Gogh was born.
On March 16, 1862, his sister Wilhelmina van Gogh was born.
1866 First drawings at the Zuffenbergen boarding school.
1866 From his boarding in Zewenbergen, in the village of Zendt, Van Gogh enters the grammar school of Tilburg; in Paris, the painters who were to form the later school of Impressionism begin to gather at Coffer-Quarterbois.
On May 17, 1867, his younger brother Cornelis van Gogh was born.
1868 Leaves the Tilburg Grammar School in March.
1869 In March, he started working as a clerk at the Goupil Art store in The Hague, then at the Brussels store.
1871 The family moved to Herwart.
1872 He began to correspond with Théo, who was at school.
Monet creates Impression, Sunrise
1873 In May, Vincent moves to London and falls in love with his landlord's daughter, Ursula Loyer, and in June, Théo goes to work for Goupil at Brussels.
Miller creates Spring
Cézanne creates The House of the Constrictor
1874 Fails in his marriage proposal to Ursula and returns to Holland; October to December at the Goupil head office in Paris, then returns to London.
The first exhibition of Impressionist paintings was held at the Paris photographic studio of Nagourg.
1875 In May, he was transferred to the Goupil company in Paris, where he became passionate about mysticism and religion; in October, his parents moved to Eden.
1876 Dismissed from the Goupil firm in March; given prints based on Miller's Vespers; teacher in Ramsgate, England, in April, then assistant vicar in Aylworth; returns to Etten in December.
1877 From January to April he worked at the bookshop in Dordrecht, and in May he went to Amsterdam, where he stayed with his uncle Jan, and studied for the seminary.
Rodin's "Age of Bronze" is exhibited in Paris
In July 1878, he abandons his studies in Amsterdam and, after a short stay in Eden, enrolls in August in the Evangelical School of Brussels for a period of three months, but fails to obtain an appointment as pastor. He went to the mines of Borinage, near Mons, as an unofficial missionary.
1879 Dismissed from the church for over-enthusiasm in his work, a tragic experience that marked him; then began a life of wandering; read Dickens, Stowe, Hugo, Shakespeare and Mishley; admired the art of Charles de Gaulle, Rembrandt, Lustaire, the Barbizon school and the Hague school; disappointed by his poverty, he lost his faith in life; began to make drawings.
1880 A period of growing alienation from the family. Spring trip to Quimper, stayed in a miner's house, began the road; copying Miller's works. October, went to Brussels, learning perspective and anatomy. He traveled to Brussels to study perspective and anatomy. He had a relationship with the Dutch painter Van Rappard of Brussels; Théo gave him financial support.
Gauguin exhibited for the first time at the Fifth Impressionist Exhibition
1881 Etten period (April 12, 1881-December 30, 1881)
Leaving Brussels in April, he went to live with his parents in Etten; he failed to propose to his newly-widowed cousin Kaye Voss, and left home for The Hague in December after a disagreement with his family.
1882 The Hague period (December 31, 1881-September 12, 1883)
Learns to paint with his cousin Anton Mauve; begins to live with the pregnant and abandoned Krasina ("Sien") Maria Hornik, which leads to a rupture with Mauve; in August, Van Gogh's family moves to Nuenen, near Eindhoven; collects illustrations from the English press and makes many drawings and watercolors. He made many drawings and watercolors.
1883 Drenthe and Nuenen period (September 1883-November 27, 1885)
In September, Van Gogh went to Drenthe in the north of Holland with Sien to start painting. In December, he returned to Nuenen in the south of Holland, where he lived with his parents at first, but later left home to live alone.
Exhibition of Japanese ukiyo-e prints in Paris
Shura applies the rule of "simultaneous contrasts" and paints The Cleaner on the Seine
1884 Paints watercolors and "weaver's" exercises; relationship with his father is strained; becomes very close to Van Lahoonde; studies Eugène Delacroix's color theories in June; falls in love with a girl, Margot, from his village; ends tragically. The relationship with Margot, a girl from the village, came to an unfortunate end.
1885 Antwerp period (November 28, 1885-February 28, 1886)
Painted about fifty peasants' heads for The Potato Eaters; his father died suddenly on March 26, and he was y moved by Emile Zola's The Sprout and the works of other realist writers; he traveled to Antwerp in October and visited the museums; he learned about Rubens' Light and Color and Japanese ukiyo-e. Color, the bold composition of the Japanese ukiyo-e, intoxicated him; get some Japanese prints, open-minded, brighten up the tone of the board.
1886 Paris period (March 1886-February 20, 1888)
Studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp from January; went to Paris at the end of February, where he stayed with Théo; spent several months in the studio of Guilmant; depicted flowers under the influence of Delacroix and Monticelli; worked with Trek, Emile Bernard, Sinek and Gauguin, and other Impressionists. The discovery of "bright painting"; the eighth and last Impressionist exhibition, with Seurat's Sunday at the Big Bowl; Van Gogh's adoption of a new pointillist technique.
1887 Palette becomes brighter and brighter due to its proximity to the growing contemporary French art movement; fears and exhibits Japanese prints; shows his work twice in working-class cafes and on saturated walls; meets and socializes with Pissarro, Degas, Seurat and Cézanne; becomes close to Emile Bernard; y influenced by Impressionist techniques and theories of the Late Impressionists; wearies of Parisian life and longs for the sunshine. He was tired of the life in Paris and longed for the south of France, where the sunlight was brighter and the colors were more intense and magnificent. He created "Papa Tanguy" and began to paint sunflowers.
1888 Al period (February 21, 1888 - May 3, 1889)
February went to Alpes-de-Provence, lived in the Café d'Argassa, and in May moved to the "Yellow House" on the Place Lamartine; on October 20, Gauguin came to live with him; on December 23, due to mental disorders, he cut off an ear; Gauguin returned to Paris. Thanks to Théo, three paintings and several drawings by Van Gogh were exhibited at the Salon des Indépendants.
1889 Saint-Rémy period (May 3, 1889-May 16, 1890)
Théo and Joanna Bonger (1862-1925) married on April 17; Van Gogh voluntarily admitted to the asylum of Saint-Rémy in May; Sinek's visit; many paintings, mainly landscapes; began to paint silk cypresses. Gauguin organizes an exhibition of Impressionist and Synthesis paintings in Marseille. Van Gogh meets Munch in Paris.
1890 Orphée period (May 21 - July 29, 1890)
Copying works by Delacroix, Millet, Rembrandt and Gustave Doré; Théo gets a son on January 31st; Albert Aurier publishes a review of Vincent's paintings; Van Gogh's The Red Vineyard is sold at the Exhibition of the Twenty at Brussels. In May, he was discharged from the hospital, passed through Paris, rested a little, and stayed in Auvers under the guardianship of Paul Gachet; in June, he created Dr. Gachet; in July, he visited the Théaux family in Paris, and met with Lautrec and Albert Aurier; in July, he returned to Auvers, and created Wheat Crows and Town Hall of Auvers, which became more unrestrained; in July, he relapsed from his old illness on the 27th, and was taken ill. On the 27th, he shot himself and stopped breathing at 1 am on the 29th, under the watchful eye of Drs. Théo and Gachet.
1891 Vincent's death left Théo in mourning; Théo fell ill and died in Utrecht about six months later, on January 21st of the same year; Joanna Bonger moved Théo's body to Auvers, where he was buried next to Vincent's tomb.
Exhibition of Van Gogh at the Salon des Indépendants; first modern posters by Lautrec; Gauguin goes to Tahiti; death of Seurat.
1893 Van Gogh's letters to Emile Bernard and Théo begin to be published in the Mercury; Gauguin returns to Paris from Tahiti to exhibit works from the South Seas.
1901 Matisse meets Flamenck in Paris through Derain; Van Gogh's exhibition in Paris strongly influences Matisse, Flamenck and other Fauvists; Lautrec dies.
1903 Berlin Secession exhibition of works by Cézanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh and Munch; Impressionists and Neo-Impressionists exhibited at the Vienna Secession exhibition; the Autumn Salon was established as the main venue for the exhibition of painters known as the Fauves; death of Pissarro; death of Gauguin.
1905 Exhibition of Van Gogh at the National Gallery, Amsterdam, thanks to Joanna Bonger; birth of Fauvism at the Salon d'Autumn in Paris; founding of the Bridges Society in Dresden; beginning of German Expressionism; exhibition of Van Gogh in Dresden.
Biography of Picasso
Picasso, as the main representative of the French modern painting school, is one of the most creative artists, and there is almost no artist in the 20th century, especially in the West, who has not been influenced by him. Picasso's artistic achievements, in addition to painting, also involve sculpture of various materials, ceramics, book binding and other aspects. Picasso began to paint from the age of nine, and both the quality and quantity of his works are astonishing, amounting to about 60,000 pieces, with more than 10,000 pieces of oil paintings alone. Every moment of the extremely long creative activity of this artist of great genius, it seems that what he wanted to do was done to him with precision.
Father: José Luiz Blasco
Mother: Maria Picasso Lopez
Born in Málaga, southern Spain, on October 25th, 1881
1888/9 7/8 years old Painting under the guidance of his father (art teacher).
1889 Age 8 Completes his first oil painting, of a bullfighter.
1895 Age 14: Enrolls in the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Lonja in Barcelona, where his father teaches. The entrance exam was classical art and still life sketching, which Picasso completed in one day, according to the rules, which could be completed in one month.
1896 15 years old The work "First Communion" was exhibited in the Barcelona Fine Arts and Industrial Exhibition.
1897 16 years old Entered the Academy of Fine Arts in San Fernando, Madrid. However, he often did not attend classes, preferring to visit the Prado Museum. There he had access to the works of the Spanish masters: Greco, Velázquez and Goya, among others. His work "Science and Charity" received an honorable mention at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Madrid, and later received a gold medal in Malaga.
1898 At 17, he frequented the Four Cats tavern, where he became involved in the avant-garde. He became involved with Casajimas and Sabates, who became his personal secretary.
1900 19 years old First solo exhibition at the Four Cats. Travels to Paris for the first time with Casagemas and lives in Montmartre.
1901 20 years old, his friend Casagimas committed suicide because of a broken love, which triggered Picasso to paint in blue color, and the Blue Period began. Picasso held his first solo exhibition in Paris at the Galerie de la Fla, selling 15 paintings before the opening.
1902 21 years old, completed "Blue Self-Portrait".
1903 22 years old: "Life". The rich blue color indicates the suffering of poverty, old age and loneliness. 1900-1903, he returned to Spain three times.
1904 23 years old: settles in Paris in the "Laundry Boat". He met Fernande Olivier and lived with him. She meets Fernande Olivier and moves in with him. She goes to the circus and the pink period begins.
1905 Age 24: Created "The House of the Vendor" on the theme of the circus. His paintings were exhibited. He meets the Jetzuh Stein siblings.
1906 25 years old Impressed by the exhibition of sculptures from the Iberian Peninsula at the Louvre. Befriends Matisse, the master of Fauvism.
1907 Age 26: Creation of the "Maiden of Avignon". Visits the Museum of Folklore to see African sculpture. Visits two Cézanne retrospectives. Befriends Braque.
1908 Age 27 Braque holds his first exhibition of Cubist paintings.
1909 28 years old Analyzing Cubism begins. Became neighbors with Braque. Creation of the "Head of Fernande".
1911 30 First use of printed letters in a composition. Encounter with Eva Guve.
1912 Age 31 Breaks up with Fernande. Completion of his first collage, Still Life with a Wicker Chair. Collaboration with Braque on papier-maché, which led to the development of synthetic cubism.
1915 34 Ava dies of tuberculosis.
1917 Age 36: Traveled to Italy to work as a stage designer for the Ballets Russes. She meets dancer Olga Cokorova.
1918 Age 37: Marries Olga. Contacts with high society due to ballet. Group exhibition with Matisse.
1919 Age 38: meets Miró.
1921 40 years old Birth of the first son Paul (1921-1975).
1922 41 years old Creation of "Two Women Running by the Sea".
1924 Age 43 Many still lifes are painted in the decorative cubist style.
1916/7 - 1924: many designs for the ballet stage.
1925 Age 44: Creation of "The Dance", which for the first time alludes to the tension with Olga. Participates in the first exhibition of Surrealism.
1926 45 years old: "Guitar", a series of assemblages.
1927 Age 46: Encounter with 17-year-old Marie-Thérèse Waters.
1929 Age 48: Creation of sculptures and wire compositions with the sculptor Gonzalez. A series of offensive paintings of women's heads, a crisis in the marriage. Befriends Dali.
1931 50 yrs old Sculpture studio at the Chateau de Bergerac. Participates in the first exhibition of Surrealism in the United States.
1932 Age 51: Modeled after Marie-Thérèse.
1933 Age 52: Creation of etchings on the theme of the sculptor's studio (Fola series). Fernande Olivier publishes his memoirs. Fernande Olivier publishes his memoirs.
1934 53 years old Creation of a work on the theme of bullfighting. He publishes a sculpture modeled on fabric.
1935 Age 54 Separated from Olga and Paul in June; birth of Maria, daughter of Marie-Thérèse and Picasso, in September.
1936 Age 55: Meets Dora Maar, a Yugoslav photographer and painter.
1937 Age 56: Creation of Guernica.
1939 58 - Paints both Marie-Thérèse and Dora in the same pose.
1943 62 years old: Encounter with the 22-year-old Fonschwartz-Gillot. Paints the assemblage "Bull's Head".
1944 63 years old: joins the French ****anist party.
1945 Age 64 First lithographs in Moulot.
1946 65 Years old Lives with Fran?oise Giraud. Visits Matisse.
1947 66 - Fonschwartz-Giraud gives birth to a son, Claude. Makes pottery for the first time in the studio of the potter Hamillier, and by 1948*** has made 2,000 pieces of pottery.
1949 Age 68: Fonswazi Giraud gives birth to a daughter, Paloma. Creation of the "Dove" lithographic poster for the World Peace Conference.
1950 69 years old Awarded the Lenin Peace Medal.
1953 Age 72: Meets Jacqueline Roque at the Madura pottery workshop.
1954 73 Breakup with Fonschwartz-Gillot. Death of Matisse (Picasso said: "Only Matisse is a true painter"). Beginning of the series of variations on Delacroix's "Algerian Woman".
1955 74 years old: death of Olga.
1956 75 The movie "The Mystery of Picasso", made with Clouzot, is released. Writes a letter to the ****anist party protesting against the Russian invasion of Hungary.
1957 76 years old Paints more than 40 variations of Velázquez's "The Courtesan".
1959 78 years old: he works on the series of variations on Manet's "Lunch on the Grass".
1961 Age 80: marries Jacqueline, aged 35.
1963 82 years old Painter and Model series. Opening of the Picasso Museum in Barcelona. Death of Braque.
1964 83 Fonschwarz Giraud publishes his memoirs, causing Picasso to break with Claude and Palerma.
1966 85 A major Picasso retrospective is organized at the Grand Palais and Petit Palais in Paris.
1970 89 years old Donated the paintings kept at his home in Spain to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.
1970 89 years old