Legal basis: Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
Article 25 Whoever commits any of the following acts from the first to the third, thus disrupting the social management order, shall be fined not more than 200 yuan or given a warning; Whoever commits any of the acts in Items (4) to (7) shall be fined not more than 50 yuan or given a warning: (1) Failing to report cultural relics found in underground, inland waters, territorial waters and other places and not handing them over to the state;
(two) the production of official seals in the lettering industry violates the management regulations and has not caused serious consequences;
(3) Deliberately defacing cultural relics and historical sites under state protection and damaging sculptures in public places, but not serious enough for criminal punishment;
(4) intentionally damaging or moving road signs and traffic signs without authorization;
(5) intentionally damaging street lamps, posting boxes, public telephones or other public facilities, but not serious enough for criminal punishment;
(six) in violation of regulations, destroying lawns, flowers and trees;
(seven) in violation of regulations, the use of audio equipment in cities and towns, the volume is too large, affecting the work or rest of the surrounding residents, not listening to stop.