Detailed secrets and cheats for all versions (8) of The Sims 1!

This is one of my favorite games. I've looked at the tips on the internet, and I've always found that there are a lot of tricks that previous players haven't developed yet. Let's write some of my tips here, mainly for Good Life and House Party.

Newcomers at the beginning, the money is not quite enough. This is the time to pay attention, buy the cheapest land, build the smallest house, usually three rooms are enough (kitchen, toilet and bedroom). Note here that the telephone is a must, but it must not be placed in the bedroom. Make the kitchen a little bigger and make a living room, so that computers and televisions can be placed in it. Why must be placed in the living room? Simply because putting it in the bedroom will disturb the sleep of the sims, who hate to be woken up when they have not slept enough. They will protest for a long time!

With the rest of the money, buy something better: the bed has to be good. If you can't afford the $3,000 bed at the beginning, you'll have to bite the bullet and buy the $1,000 Napoleon sled bed. The bed is not good, you have to spend a lot of time to sleep, upgrading will be very slow, the loss is not worth it said ~ bathtub if you do not have the money to buy a poorer to deal with it, and so on the class, earn money and then hurry to change a. 3200 that bathtub not only wash clean, will be very comfortable. Entertainment should also spend money, "Marco" computer is very expensive (6500 dollars), but add up to entertainment very quickly. Of course, this is not affordable at the beginning, so we pay more attention to, earn money must be willing to spend, buy the best things, so that your sims have enough time to upgrade, make friends, otherwise the trivialities of life will be enough to annoy him, upgrading of course, will be slow. For food, make sure to get a food processor and a microwave at first, this will allow you to eat more for the same amount of money, it's a good deal.

The last must-have item is an alarm. Make sure you put one on every door leading to the outside world, otherwise you'll be in tears if you're burglarized! But sometimes, even though you lose some money and are rewarded with 1,000 dollars, since thieves always steal the best things (like computers) and those things depreciate the most, often that money still doesn't buy you back the same item you originally had. One solution to this is to put your best stuff furthest away from the door, which prolongs the thief's walk and allows the police aunty to arrive before the thief can do anything about it, so that, heck, you're sitting on the $1,000 big bucks! But to realize this, you need your house slightly larger, so that the road will be long enough well. Of course in the beginning, I guess you buy the most expensive thing is only a thousand dollars, how to calculate still have to make money!

Just move in a day or two, your neighbors will come to visit you (only adult neighbors), this time you can take the opportunity to get to know all of them, but there is no need to talk to each of them, say hello, get to know each other, you can ask him to go away, focus on one or two of them, and become friends with them, it is best to bring the relationship to 100, so that it will not be easy to lose friends. For every day of no contact, your relationship decreases by 2 points, all the way down to 0. So even if you say a few words to each person in the beginning, those few words of friendship will slowly fade over time because you don't have time to socialize with them right away later. In the same way, if you start out with a bad neighbor and the friendship becomes negative, you can also not pay attention to him, with the passage of time day by day, the grudges between you will be erased, your friendship will slowly become 0. From this point of view, this game is indeed very philosophical, after all, with the passage of time, what is not to be wiped out?

There is one thing to note about making friends, at the very beginning, you can only talk, this time never praise or anything, this will make the other person very disgusted, the feelings of the two will be reduced. There is also a point to note that your panel shows the feelings of the other side is not necessarily the feelings of the other side of your feelings, sometimes the feelings of the lower is one-sided, pay attention to the two communication head of the small square, generally speaking, your side of the plus one, the other side will be followed by the plus one, but if there are times when you add one and the other side of the situation of the minus one, then you have to pay attention to it, because at this time you are on the other side of the feelings of the other side of the different, do not look at your side of the feelings of all of us, do not look at your side of the feelings of all of us. The first thing you need to do is to look at your own side of the feelings are thirty-forty, rush to praise, this is not rational, because the value of this feeling is your wishful thinking feeling Oh ~

This period, your friends are also almost made, the money is also enough to pay attention to the time to slowly climb up the ladder. Upgrades are necessary. Take the time to work on your skills! Hire a maid, hire a gardener, it's cost effective! (I always hire one right off the bat, tops out at 50 or 60 bucks a day, but saves a lot of work). If you feel that the gardener is very troublesome, just build a swimming pool, the same can improve the score of the courtyard, but pay attention, do not put diving boards and steps, because sims seem to like swimming, it is hard to invite one to the home to talk, a moment did not pay attention to, she swam to go, at this time you can not take her absolutely no way to call up, can not be called up, had to watch her swim to the satisfaction of the, only to climb up, at this time! The time is also almost very late, she will propose to go home, you a night of time will be wasted. So never provide any tools that will get them in the water, you won't lose by putting a pool there for nothing.

If you've improved your cooking skills nearly enough (at least 5 points), it's time to buy a stove and come back. The advantage of using a stove is that it makes you eat more. And if you don't have enough cooking skill, the stove will catch fire, so be careful!

The layout of the house is very important, it determines the amount of time it will take you to get through the room. Nowadays, there are a lot of mansion downloads on the internet, which I've looked at are actually unnecessary. These houses are fine to look at, really living in them is a very uneconomical thing to do. Because of that big house, sims have to spend a lot of time on the walk, accordingly the time to do other things will be reduced, which is very much affect the work and study state. The house is good enough, things to buy better is the real way of home.

The location of the items in the room is also very important: next to the refrigerator on the food processor, food processor next to the stove. Don't put the refrigerator and stove in a place far away from each other, this will make sims go a lot more unnecessary way, obviously is not scientific. It doesn't matter if you buy a dining room table or not, because if you buy a dining room table, sims like to put all their bills and gifts on it, which inadvertently makes them walk a lot more. In fact, if the bed, bathtub, computer before the stool have bought the best, sims' comfort is generally very high, do not need to rely on the time to eat sitting on the stool to supplement. Standing to eat sims can communicate feelings just as well, this point please rest assured. If you're still not comfortable, get the best orange and green couch you can find (and if it has a bookshelf, make sure it's next to the bookshelf for the same reason you don't have to walk much).

Buy more expensive decorations when you earn them, you can't go wrong, it's good for improving your room score

If creativity isn't full yet, you can use a piano instead of entertainment, it's effective to kill two birds with one stone. The same applies to logic, but since chess is not as entertaining as playing the piano, sometimes it's necessary to supplement it with a little other entertainment just to maintain the state.

It's important to be in good shape for work; going to work in red-hot condition will probably not get you a promotion, even if all the conditions are met.

Family period:

This time, you should be promoted also promoted almost, the money also earn enough, how about it? Marriage, right? Find a person of interest, and she (he) to determine the relationship (of course, that is, in the relationship to eighty, ninety flirting, kissing and so on). The next day, let her come again, cook something to feed her, wait for her to finish going to the toilet, then dance with her or tell her jokes, or invite her to watch TV, are almost after, hurry to propose to it ~ generally there will be no problem, even if she was rejected, she will let you know the reason, such as: I need more entertainment; I need to socialize more and so on, you just need to satisfy her on the right, and then when you think it is almost, and then ask for it once again! , don't worry, there should be nothing wrong this time. Even if it is the constellation of the two people do not get along, as long as you meet the requirements of her is also can be courted to the wedding, huh, do not just believe in fate ah!

The love of your life will bring you some money if you are single when you move in, and if that is also a sims that you have developed well, then that's even better. Two people should have enough money to cover any expenses. Don't be in a hurry to move though, have a baby first!

Three days after you get married, you'll get a phone call around 4 p.m. asking if you want to have a baby, say yes and a crib will show up. If you can't wait, you can also have them kiss continuously when they're both in good shape, at which point one of them will ask, "Isn't it time for us to have a baby?". This will also result in a crib appearing. And then oh, you're busy~

It takes a little over three days to raise a baby. You can have your two sims take turns taking care of the baby, one for a day, because if you don't work two days in a row you get fired.

There are also some tricks to raising a baby, such as having to make another nursery with a bed in it, and then put the crib in it, so that the sims who have to take care of the baby sleeps with the baby, so that once your baby wakes up, his cries will automatically wake up your sims, avoiding the tragedy of having the baby cry for a very long time while you're still sleeping, and then eventually the baby is taken away from you.

After the baby cries there are three options to choose from: feeding, playing, and singing, usually choosing one feeding and then singing about three times is enough to put the baby to sleep.

When raising a child, it's best to have a higher level of sims. If you are a player of the good life, in the crib into a child must make the husband and wife indicators are full, at the same time the two people's feelings reach 100, so that the child into the character will be very good, is likely to be a cleanliness, social animal, compassionate and lively and entertaining also very high!

What are the benefits of this? Of course there are! A child with a cleanliness fetish will automatically do your chores for you. It saves you a lot of trouble, and it's so easy to get along with that it's easy to become friends with him, and you don't want to give birth to a problem child, do you?

But that doesn't seem to be the case with house parties, where the child's personality seems to be inherited and can't be changed.

Children are high on all indicators when they are first born, except for socialization, and that's when parents rush to bond with them if they're present! It's great to become friends with your child!

After socialization is almost done, you can start him learning. Bookshelves, computers are fine. Once your child's grades reach A+, if he still studies well, he will be rewarded with 100 dollars, but only once a day.

Remember to go to school every day! Not going to school will make his grades lower, though

To throw a party:

Well~ what else can you do when you're married and have kids?

Buy the best land and build a nice house.

If at this point you want to have a house party or something, that's fine too. However, you should be reminded that this party is only a hassle and will not help you much in making friends, because there are too many people and you are always tired of dealing with them. Hiring a chef can save you some trouble, but the chef's job is so simple that you can do it yourself, so feel free to hire him or not. The cake is loaded with dancers and dancers should not be invited, because these people always like to make fun of the opposite sex, so that people's other half of the jealousy and indignation away.

Be prepared with plenty of food, coffee pots, restrooms and entertainment. Toilets can be temporary, just build one and put a toilet and sink in it, it doesn't have to be big. Entertainment must be something you play with before your guests go up to play with it (it's very reserved).

Character choice: decency must be high, so that people get along well.

Extroverts love to socialize, and at the same time their social needs are so high that they have to socialize with people a lot to satisfy them. Similarly people with high entertainment enjoy telling jokes and at the same time they need to play often to fulfill their entertainment needs.

People high in cleanliness enjoy bathing and housework, which is a waste of time in the beginning and will save you a lot of work in the end, at the player's discretion.

Activity I haven't found to have a big impact so far. Would like to share this with you all.

Juggling Play: If you know how to use cheat secret techniques, that's great. I suggest you don't go to work yet, just fill up all your skills at home, so that going to work and getting promoted will be much easier.

Turn on the prompt box at the top left of the screen, and then just enter the following password: (Note: enter an exclamation point to repeat the last secret, and insert a semicolon between the passwords to cast the secret multiple times at once)

rosebud Gain 1,000 Simoleons

hist_add Add a new family history

write _destlist Append a list of routes to the AllRoutes.txt file

auto_level Automatically develops the level needed to complete a building appliance

import (FAM file) Automatically loads the specified FAM file

house (house number) Automatically loads the specified house

prepare_lot Checks and corrects object requirements

flush Automatically adjusts the VM file when the game is played on Windows NT

crash Destroys the game

water_tool Creates a trench or stream

shrink_text (font_size) (text) Creates a trench or stream. size) (text) Creates the shrunk_text_#.bmp archive

edit_char Creates a single-player character mode

interests Displays information about personalities and hobbies

draw_all_frames off Turns off animation

draw_all_ frames on Turns animations on

draw_origins Traces in each character's initial frame

core_dump Copies the entire memory into the core_dump_[date:time].txt file

dump_happy Copies the scoring effects of the selected character into the file

dump_mc Copies the starting contribution of the selected character to the file

debug_social Starts the debug flag to the target dialog for social impact information

sim_log end Ends the simulation log in

cht (filename) Executes the file 'file.cht'

draw_floorable off turns off the floor grid

draw_floorable on turns on the floor grid

assert forces the test to be declared

window log_animations logs animation events

map_edit off turns off the map_edit on Turns on map editing

map_edit on Moves any objects

tutorial off Turns off tutorial mode

browser_failsafe Prevents browser failures

preview_anims off turns off preview anims

preview_anims on turns on preview anims

tile_info editor status

quit quits the game

#import reads behavioral tuning constants from the Tuning.txt archive

rebuild_cp rebuilds the entire control panel

refresh_faces Updates BMP_resources to writable for all character IFF files

bitmap refresh_textures Adjusts textures for all characters and re-spawns them

restore_tut Returns to teaching mode

Rotation (0-3) Rotates the camera. rotation (0-3) rotates the camera

route_balloons off turns off the routing debugger

route_balloons on turns on the routing debugger

fam_test (opcount) performs a series of randomized operations on the hobo

save saves the executed house

history Stores the family history file

plugh says 'plugh'

porntipsguzzardo says 'porntipsguzzardo'

xyzzy says 'xyzzy'

draw_routes on Display the Selected character's lines

draw_routes off turn off selected character's lines

log_mask set event log mask

autonomy (1-100) set free thinking level

sim_speed (-1000-1000) set game speed

edit_grass (number): Sets land change value

grow_grass (0-150) Sets land gain

lot_size (number) Sets lot size

sim_limit (milliseconds) Sets the maximum milliseconds allowed in the simulator

sim_speed (-1000-1000)

sim_speed (-1000-1000) Sets simulation speed

set_hour (1-24) Sets time of day

bubble_tweak (z offset value) Sets the z compensation for 'think' bubbles

(directory path) Sets the neighboring (directory path) Sets adjacency to directory path

rotation lot_border (tl) (tr) (bl) (b) Sets upper limit of lot border

allow_inuse Sets whether or not menu is displayed

memview Displays the memory window

sim_log begin simulation of logging in

swap_houses (z offset value) p>swap_houses (house number) (house number) Swap two houses and change families

sweep off turns off the ticker

sweep on turns on the ticker

tile_info on turns on displaying info side by side

tile_info off turns off displaying info side by side

tile_info off turns off displaying info side by side

tile_info off turns on displaying info side by side

visitor_control toggles manual visitor control

report_assets toggles financial reports

auto_reset toggles automatic object reset

sim_peek toggles peeking info

cam_ mode toggle camera mode

all_menus toggle display of non-interactive character controls

music toggle music

obj_comp toggle object file compression

quats toggle quaternion variables

sound_log toggle sound log window

sound_reset toggle auto object reset

html Toggles web pages

reload_people Reloads people

soundevent Raises sound events

write_routes Stores routing packets

#export Exports behavioral constants to Tuning. txt archive

Playing The Sims is reminiscent of playing housekeeping as a child. And the game plot mesh connected, watching a small neighborhood more and more residents, living conditions are getting better and better, there is no little feeling of being God. But one thing that's really annoying is that you have to keep exercising your job skills to get promoted, and the more you get promoted, the harder it gets. The good thing is that it is a game, the big thing is to cheat ah! The following is my experience in playing the game.

1. Skill Workout

Whenever you move into a new home, the residents are always full of status. So you can start by letting your resident buy a cheaper house - it doesn't really matter - buy an item necessary for exercise, such as a mirror for practicing charisma, and then start the devil's training until he shakes his head at you and says he doesn't want to practice anymore, then evict him, and then re-move him in. Expel him, then move him back in, and he's full of form again. Of course, you can also open the secret book to adjust his state, day and night to drill him. In the meantime you can probably set the speed to maximum and you'll see that little marker over the resident's head constantly filling up, but remember it's best not to give him a chance to meet his neighbors. Moral? Scroll down to see.

2. Socialize

When you've honed your skills to the point where, well, it's time to get to know your neighbors. I don't know if you've noticed, but every time you move in, you don't have to work on the first day, and even if you do have a job, it's a vacation. And at 9 o'clock on the first day, about the same time the little paperboy shows up, one or two neighbors you don't know will drop by. You do not have to stay him to eat and watch TV, just stare at him and chat with him all day long, don't rush to pat him on the back, as long as the chat to 30-40, and then say jokes a la praise a la teasing a la, basically will not have a problem. On the first day, it's best to get to 100 with him, so you won't have to worry about it later. When he shakes his hand at you and says BYE-BYE, you should be evicted. Then it's time to move in, and at 9:00 a.m., the replacement comes. Generally speaking, 15 close friends in a family is enough. If there is not enough, have a kid, kids make friends with each other the fastest and easiest, just have them say hello, tell a joke for a while, and then the game is on, like it's glued on, and won't stop until you tell them to stop.

3, rice technology

Fear that your neighbors are not enough? Get two rice (DUMMY) family it, a family of up to eight people, you get a family of eight people thrown into a random house, depository exit. It's just a way to make up the numbers. When you're done with it, you can get it out and delete it. Anyway, you won't be downgraded after the upgrade unless you do too poorly at work. If you want to build your own house, it's also recommended that you let the rice people do it, because it's a surefire money-losing proposition. After you're done building it, you can let the main character live in it comfortably.

4. Tips for getting married

I prefer getting married to buying and selling or saving money on bills! Getting married is actually pretty simple and only takes two days at most. On the first day stay at home first learn to learn cooking skills and wait for him/her to come. Get to know him as a good friend or even confirm the relationship (by jumping out of the little red heart, of course). Let him go home, and ask him to come back the next day, because he's already a good friend and usually comes when he calls. Be careful not to call him during his working hours. When you come, talk to him, kiss him, and raise the relationship to 90+. Then let him go, see what he wants to do, cook something to feed him, don't forget to turn on the TV and ask him to watch it. Usually when he's fed, gone to the bathroom and watched TV, and talked to you enough (or made out enough ^-^), he'll laze around for a little while, which means he's content at the moment. Quick catch! Propose before his next desire arises, and more than likely he'll happily put on your ring. Quickly click buy while he's ogling the ring, spend your money until you only have a couple dozen bucks left, save some more on your wedding expenses, and just sell the thing when you're done tying the knot. Wow, money brought in too! Remember to find a single neighbor to marry, though, or there's no dowry. If you don't have enough for one time, you can get married a few more times. Get a rice man and then marry the extras and throw them in the trash together. Leave your favorite prince and princess to live happily ever after. My Eve became the king of marriages (at least a dozen times) and kissed her mouth off in order to live in the fanciest Garden of Eden - and whoever designed that expensive house also put it online for people to download. At first it was very conscientious to find a good home for the redundant, and then it got lazy and simply killed him and locked him up in a dark room to starve to death. I even read online the other day that someone said he was thrown in the pool to take the ladder off and drown him. Still, it's heartbreaking every time. Also had to sell his ashes, there are actually ghosts in the analog world!

So here's what I've learned:

Find a crappy house and get married first (it's not cost-effective to place two people directly into a family) -Hone your skills -Make friends -buying the ideal "home" -having kids -getting a job... Then just make sure you're in tip-top shape before you go to work, and hey presto, you're on your way up! The wallet is getting bigger and bigger because of the promotion, so what's the point of having money, just pick the good ones and buy the expensive ones.

Originally, it was silly, the family of four had been playing for a month, and Diana had just become a campaign councilor. Now just a week later, I have either a dean or a mayor living on my block. Queen Victoria is married to Solomon, Madame Curie is a mob boss, Adam and Eve are finally living in that posh Garden of Eden, and the next thing you know, they're waiting for house parties to go on sale to expand their turf.

How is my experience informative? It's still something you can learn from, right? Good luck making your Lilliputian kingdom a happy paradise as well.

Wizarding World Full Guide !!!!

White > red & blue, that is, lightning can overcome the waves and hurricanes;

Red > blue & black, that is, the waves can overcome the hurricanes and blizzards;

Blue > yellow & black, that is, the hurricanes can overcome the sulphur and blizzards;

Black > yellow & black. White, that is, the storm can overcome sulfur and lightning;

Yellow>red&white, that is, sulfur can overcome waves and lightning.

> Fantasy Powder: Can be obtained when the children play "Sweet Illusion".

> Beeswax: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins, or can be made at home using the Honey Maker.

> Sugar: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans.

> Elderberry: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be harvested at home using "When the land becomes fertile".

> Toasted Packets: Can be purchased with Simoleans from the Gypsy Clerk.

> Time Sand: Can be purchased from the Fairy "Mara" with Magic Coins.

> Dragon Scales: Can be purchased from Vampire Vic for magic coins; can be picked up at home by caring for your pet dragon.

> Glacier Glass: Can be obtained by completing any quest given by any NPC.

> Rubber Chicken: Can be obtained from Todd the Alchemist for Strawberry Wine.

> Pegasus Feather: Can be obtained after completing a quest from any NPC.

> Magic Beans: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins.

> Honey: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be made at home with the Honey Maker.

> Poison Mushrooms: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist with Magic Coins; can be obtained at home by opening a Mystery Packet; and can be harvested from around your home (don't tell me you haven't already got an Umbrella Mushroom Chair).

> Butter: Can be bought from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be obtained at home by opening the Mystery Packet; can be made at home with the Old Milk Churn.

> Mardi Gras Clown: Can be obtained by completing any quest given by any NPC.

> Dragon's Saliva: Can be purchased from Vampire Vic with magic coins; can be picked up at home by tickling your pet dragon.

> Toad Sweat: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins; can be obtained at home by opening the Mystic Parcel.

> Grapes: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be harvested at home by using "When the Land Becomes Fertile".

> Garlic: Can be traded for beeswax from Vampire Vic.

> Goblin Powder: You can buy it from the fairy Mara with magic coins.

> Snake Venom: You can get it from the snake charmer "Magister" in exchange for gold.

> Diamond Powder: Can be purchased from the Fairy "Mara" with magic coins.

> Sorcerer's Lash: Can be obtained by completing any quest given by any NPC.

> Camel Saliva: Can be purchased from "Todd the Alchemist" for magic coins.

> Gold Wisp: Can be purchased from the Fairy "Mara" with magic coins; can be made at home with the "Don't Prick Me Spinning Wheel".

> Clover: Can be obtained from the fairy "Mara" in exchange for honey.

Club Butter+Poison Mushroom+Toad Sweat=Toad Shape Shift

> PS: It is possible to turn family members or neighbors into toads, but there is a time limit. Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.

Peake Beeswax×3=Beauty or Beast{spell}

> PS: Can be used up to 5 times. You can choose some special skin for yourself, but the magic will disappear when you sleep or take a bath.

Honey x 2 + Leprechaun Powder = Relationship Enhancement

> PS: Enhances the relationship with your family and neighbors.

Sung Singing Wisps + Magic Beans x 2 = Horn of Plenty {Magic Spell}

> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. It can be used up to 8 times to make 5 plates of 2-3 different kinds of food (rice, chicken, bread) at a time.

Be careful with Butter+Poisoned Mushroom+Goblin Powder=Enlivening{Magic}

> PS: So far, we've found that you can enliven Grass God, Flamingo, Scarecrow, Refrigerator, and Chess. Also, be careful with the fire!

Select Witch Hazel x 2 + Camel Saliva = Cleaning Dish {Magic Spell}

> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. You can clean or create more dishes.

Borrow Honey + Grapes + Leprechaun Powder = Become Happy {Magic}

> PS: Increases all status values of others slightly. Effective on all.

Bee's wax + rubber chicken + diamond dust = Rain of Money

> PS: Can be used up to once. It can be a rain of money or a rain of indoors. You can use it up to 5 times. There is a time limit. If you fail, many snakes will appear.

Sneakers Honey+Garlic+Toad Sweat=Smile

> PS: We have friends all over the world! It works for everyone.

Beeswax+Dragon Scale+Camel Saliva=Ultimate Attraction{Magic}

> PS: Can be used up to 5 times." Even if you don't see eye to eye, you don't have to worry about your jokes going too far." However, maybe I misunderstood, and my relationship was still reduced after I tried it.

Application form Butter+Snake Venom+Garlic=Disappearance

> PS: Make annoying people disappear from your eyes! Doesn't work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.

Several Beeswax + Time Sand + Pegasus Feather = Replicator

> PS: Can be used up to 4 times. Use this spell before the bus to work arrives, or suffer the consequences!

Witch Hazel+Magic Bean+Clover=Perfect Garden{spell}

> PS: This is my favorite spell. It can be used up to 8 times. After a rain, all the flowers will come back to life. It's better than Lantern. But I've heard that if the spell creates a backfire, the grass gnomes will come back to life and trample your garden and attack your simulated character.

Beeswax+Magic Bean+Glacial Glass=Mood Boost

> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. You can use this spell for yourself or as a group. If you succeed, all status values will be slightly increased; if you don't, one of your status values will be completely zero.

Honey + Dragon Saliva + Goblin Powder = Love Adhesive {Magic}

> PS: Produces love hearts with others***. Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.

Traveler's Sweat + Carnival Clown = Hypnotize

> PS: Make another person do what you want (kiss, hug, plead, dance, praise, etc., one out of three at a time). It does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.

Further: Golden Wisp + Glacier Glass + Pegasus Feather = Summon Family Figurine {spell}

> PS: Can be used up to 4 times. If you summon your brother, everything will be fine; if you summon your sister, everything will be fine.

Classical Honey + Mardi Gras Clown + Witch's Lashes = Big Problems

> PS: It's easy to get married or live with someone. Doesn't work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.

※ Beeswax + Diamond Dust + Black Rose = Price of Fame {spell}

> PS: If you have installed The Sims: Superstar, you have a chance to get this spell. If there are any Sims experts know, please post it on Tencent BBS.

※ Butter + pet food! + Carnival Clowns = Real Friends {Magic}

> PS: Those who have installed The Sims: Life Unlimited will have a chance to get this magic. Sims who have mastered this magic can change their pets into people.

The next magic book is for children:

⒈ Mushroom×3=Beauty or the Beast for children{spell}

> PS: Same as "Beauty or the Beast" for adults.

Peake: Poison Mushroom+Dragon Scale+Dream Powder=Children's Happiness {Magic}

> PS: Same as Adult's "Become Happy".

Sung Dream Powder×2+Dragon Saliva=Enliven {Magic}

> PS: Same as Adult's "Enliven".

Sunglasses x 2 + Ambergris = Cleansing Spell

> PS: It's faster than taking a bath and gives you full hygiene.

Be careful with Poison Mushroom x 2 + Dream Powder = Cake Making Spell

> PS: It's better to call it "Toad Making Spell". I've never made a cake before.

Choose Dragon's Saliva x 2 + Dream Powder = Children's Smile Spell

> PS: Same as Adult's Smile Spell.

Borrow Poison Mushroom + Dream Powder x 2 = Invisible Friend {Magic Spell}

> PS: Not Ghost. There are good invisible friends and bad invisible "friends".

Poison Mushrooms + Dragon's Saliva + Dragon's Scales = Child Replicant Spell

> PS: Same as adult "replicants" but before the school buses arrive. Adult skin is randomized, and the skills shown on the Childhood page will not be carried over to Adulthood, but everything else will remain the same. If you die, you will be reborn immediately. Attention! When you become an adult, the game is automatically saved.

The game will automatically save when you become an adult.