Dance-B HiME Zwei's Character Profile

Windbloom Kingdom

(ヴィントブルーム Kingdom Windbloom Kingdom)

The "Center of World Learning" in which the technology of the Earth Age remains among the neighboring countries. The GEM that has been passed down from generation to generation in the royal family is "Celestial Green Jade". It is based on England.

Erica Yumemiya (アリカー Yumemiya). Yumemiya (アリカ? Yumemiya Arika Yumemiya)

Taiwanese translation: Yumemiya Yumemiya. Voice actor: Kikuchi Mika

Have GEM? Title: Blue Sky SapphireOrigin: Kingdom of Windflower (Kingdom of Windbrunn)

Master: Queen of the Kingdom of Windflower - Makabe? Bran? Du? Windblum

The protagonist of this work, and also a meteorite breaker. After a fight with Makabai in the first story, she loses her ability to "rematerialize".

In the fourth episode, he and Makabu have a good understanding of each other and regain the ability of "secondary materialization" (secondary materialization).

Makabai? Bran? Duh? The name of the company is "Brannen". ヴィントブルーム Mashiro Blan de Windbloom)

Taiwanese translation: Mashiro? Blan? Duh? Windbloom Voice: Nogami Yukana

Have GEM: Blue Sky Sapphire, Neptune Emerald

Contracted HiME: Erica Yumemiya, Nina Yumemiya, Nina Yumemiya, Nina Yumemiya, Nina Yumemiya, Nina Yumemiya, Nina Yumemiya, and Nina Yumemiya. Yumemiya, Nina K. Yumemiya, Nina K. Yumemiya.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Windflower, who disappeared at the same time as Kurotani in the first story. She was in trouble with Erika for pushing for the revocation of the Minimum Wage Protection Act, and later, when Makabe told Natsuki to go back to Galdilobe, she got into a fight with Erika for not rescuing the people who were in distress.

In the fourth episode, she and Erica have cleared up their differences and regained their ability to "rematerialize" and made a pact with Nina with the Neptune's Jade.

Mikoto (ミコト(cat) Mikoto)

Voice: Ai Shimizu

The pet of Queen Makabe, who is the "eye" of the cat god, Makoto.

In the fourth episode, she helps Erika get through the storm to Cat God Mountain.

Aoi (アオイ? セノー Aoi Senoh)

Voice: Ryoko Shinya

The Queen Makabai's maid, who continues to serve as the Queen Makabai's maid after the Windflower Incident because she voluntarily jumped off a cliff to protect Makabai in the original series.

Cat God Mountain

(Kuroi Valley Black Valley)

The original Black Valley was renamed "National Park Kuroi Valley" when it returned to the present day. It is located in the desert area near Kazehana City, and is threatened by a meteorite. The mountain was threatened by a meteorite and disappeared from the world again, along with Makabai, Mitsuru and the other inhabitants.

Bustard Feather Mai (Bustard Feather Mai Mai Tokiha)

Taiwanese translation: Bustard Feather Mai Mai Voice: Nakahara Mai

Possesses the GEM? Title: Fire String Ruby Origin: Nippon Gekko

Owner: Cat God Lord Fate

Originally a princess of the Shogun's House, now in the Cat God Mountain. Originally a princess of the Shogun's House, she now runs a ramen store called "Cat God Ramen" in Mt. In the first story, she disappears at the same time as Kurotani.

Mikoto (ミコト(猫神様) Mikoto)

Taiwanese translation: Fate (命) Voice actor: Ai Shimizu

HiME (乙HiME) who has a contract with GEM (ミコト(ミコト(猫神様) Mikoto)

A young girl who lives in Kurotani, and who claims to be the Cat God (猫神)sama. She is the only Crystal HiME, and loves Maikai's cooking, and often clings to her. She is now the Cat God of Cat God Mountain, and oversees the members of Schwarz along with Maikai. Disappeared at the same time as Kurotani in the first story, and is in a deep sleep for some reason. (Sleep talk: I can't eat anymore... Maiko.)

Ribbon chan (リボンちゃん Ribbon Chan)

Voice: Minami Kuribayashi

Schwarz's girl, who helps out at Maiyori's ramen store. Later, she is influenced by B-HiME such as Nina and aspires to become a B-HiME.

Bühne Autonomous Region. Galdilobe Academy

(ビューネ Autonomous Region? GARDEROBE ACADEMY (ガルデローベ学園)

In the Kingdom of Wind Blossom, a small, autonomous, independent country centered on the GARDEROBE ACADEMY (ガルデローベ学園)

In the Kingdom of Wind Blossom, a small, autonomous, independent country centered on the B-HiME training facility.

The Five Pillars

are the Meister B-HiMEs recognized by Shinjo Nisan, and have the highest level of power among the many B-HiMEs. The masters are all True Ancestor Nisan. Hino.

The Five Pillars.

Sara Gallagher (サラダ) is a member of the Pillar of One

. Sara Gallagher (サラ?ギャラガー Sara Gallagher) ギャラガー Sara Gallagher)

Taiwanese translation: Sara Gallagher. Sara Gallagher Voice: Miyuki Sawashiro

Possesses GEM? Title: Galacticamarine (Galactic Blue Jade) Origin: Aeris*** Kazoku

Owner: Makoto Nisan. Kino

One of the legendary Five Pillars, a descendant of the Maikai, active in the land of origin, Aeris***wakoku, with the special ability of invisibility.

Helped take down Child, located in the Kingdom of Windflower, in the fourth story.

The Five Pillars. The Pillar of Two

Natsuki Kuruga (ナツキ) is a character in the Pillar of Two. Natsuki Kuruga (ナツキ? Kruger Natsuki Kruger)

Taiwanese translation: Natsuki Kruger. Kruger Voice: Sako Chiba

Possesses GEM? Title: Ice Silver Crystal Origin: Kruger's Borderlands

Master: Makoto Nizo Kino

Owner: Makoto Nizo Kino

Possesses GEM? Kino

President of the Galdi Robe School and Head of the Bühne Autonomous Region, and one of the Five Pillars.

The Five Pillars. Three Pillars

Shizuru Viola (シズズロ贝学园長)

Shizuru Viola (シズル? ヴィオーラ Shizuru Viola)

Taiwanese translation: Shizuru Viola. Ovira Voice: Susumu Shoemi

Title: Bewitching Smile Amethyst Origin: Kingdom of the Windflower

Master: Makoto Nizo Kino

Title: Makoto Nizo Kino

Title: Makoto Nizo Kino

Title: Bewitching Smile Amethyst

One of the Five Pillars, a character who supports Natsuki, and a Meister Bi-HiME who is longed for by the younger generation, and who has both talent and color.

In the first story, he was petrified by an enemy while investigating the meteorite crater.

The Five Pillars. The Pillar of Four

Juliet. Nao. The first time I saw her, I was in the middle of a fight with a woman. The first time I saw it, I was in the middle of it. チャン Juliet Nao Zhang)

Taiwanese translation: Juliet Nao Zhang. I'm not going to be able to do that. Hime Noh

One of the Five Pillars, he is a bitter rival of Shifan Yui. Yui is a bitter rival, often called her Curly Head.

Acts independently in the first two verses. Travels with Nina to the ruins of Altai in the third story, but is later petrified by the True White Diamond.

The Five Pillars. ブライス Mahya Blythe)

Taiwanese translation: Mahya Blythe. Voice actor: Yumiko Kobayashi

Title: Swirling Dance Fluorite Origin: Kadia Empire (uncertain)

Master: Makoto Nisan Kino

Title: Makoto Nisan Kino

Title: Swirling Dance Fluorite Kino

One of the legendary Five Pillars, who loves to hinder the romance between Sissy and Kazuya. Attacks by taking a pair of sand bells and controlling large monsters made of sand to attack opponents.

Helped take down the Child in Altai in the fourth episode.

The True Ancestor

2-3. Fumi Himeno (フミ? ヒメノ Fumi Himeno)

Possessing the GEM? title: Mashiro naru Kongōseki (Diamond of True White)

The first-ever B-HiME known as the True Ancestor, who appeared out of nowhere in the era of the War of the Twelve Kings and drew a halt to the wars, rests in a legendary place at the Galdirobe Spiritual Temple, as the source of the power of the B-HiMEs. As the source of the power of the A-HiMEs, he rests in the "True Ancestor Room" in the temple of Galdirobe, and serves as the "mother" that produces the GEMs. The main character is a young girl who looks like Makabai, and she is shown certifying him at the beginning of Mai-HiME 0~S.ifr. :On the first line, the True White Diamond enshrined between the True Ancestors is stolen.

Cadet personnel and students

Maria. Greystoke (マリア? グレイスバート Maria Graceburt)

Taiwanese translation: Maria Graceburt. Graceburt Voice: Matsuoka Yoko

Owned by GEM? Title: Jasper (Eternal Recurrence Jasper) Origin: Ancient Romulus

Owner: Makoto Nizo Himeji

Master: Makoto Nizo. Himekino

The oldest active B-HiME, school teacher and Natsuki's monitor, and Erica's "tutor" after the Windflower Incident, who becomes younger and has blonde hair when she materializes.

In the first story, she is petrified by the enemy that invaded the school.

Shizuko-chan. Shoutanberger (ユカリコ?) is a young woman who has been in the school for a long time. シュタインベルク Yukariko Steinberg)

Taiwanese: Shizuko Steinberg. Shoutanberg Voice: Kikuko Inoue

Possesses GEM? Title: Dazzling Mirage Lapis Lazuli Origin: Florence

Owner: Makuzu Nisan. Himekino

Meister B. HiME, a teacher at Galdilobe Academy.

Yoko Helena (ヨウココ), a young woman who was born in the city of Florence, was born in the city of Florence, and is now living in the city.

Yohko Helena (ヨウコ? ヘレネ Yohko Helene)

Taiwanese translation: Yohko Helene. Voice actor: Ashiko Kimura

Scientist and healthcare doctor working on GEM research and development at the underground research lab in Galdi Robe, and now GAL and Elena's boss.

GAL (ガル GAL)

Voice: Kikuko Inoue

One of Kurotani's men is a half-robot who speaks a mixture of English and is good at handling information, and is now a researcher at Galdi Robe and is known as Professor GAL.

Irina Woods (イリール伍兹).

Irina Woods (イリーナ? ウッズ Irina Woods)

Voice: Kumiko Bika

Erika's former classmate is now a researcher at Galdilobe, and works as an assistant to Yoko-sensei.

Elastin Hoh (エルスティトングラス) Ho (エルスティン? ホー Erstin Ho)

Taiwanese translation: Erstin Ho. Voice: Minami Kuribayashi

Erica's former classmate, who summoned a Minion to make Queen Makabe surrender, and was finally defeated by Nina.

Appears in flashback mode in the fourth episode.

Aries Republic

(エアリーズ*** and the country Aries Republic) With the strongest economy on the planet, the only economic power to depose the monarchy and implement the **** and system, the GEM passed down from generation to generation by the royal family is the "Topaz of the Pearl Island" blueprinted for the United States.


Snow. Clissande (ユキノ? クリサント Yukino Chrysant)

Taiwanese translation: Yukino Chrysant. Chrysant Voice: Noto Mamiko

Possession of GEM: Pearl Continent Topaz (Continental Orb Topaz) Origin: Iris **** and the country

Contract of the BHiME: Yukino Chrysant

Possession of GEM: Yukino Chrysant (ユキノ? Amitsugu

The president of the country of Aeris***, loved by the people and known as the "Wisdom of Aeris". He often refers to Yao as "Little Yao" (which he doesn't want to be called in public), and trusts Yao.

Yao. アーミテージ Haruka Armitage)

Taiwanese translation: Yao Armitage. Voice: Yuzuki Ryouka

Title: Continental Orb Topaz

Master: Yukino Klissander, President of Aeris*** and the Kingdom of Kazoku

Master: Yukino Klissander, President of the Kingdom of Kazoku

Title: Yukino Klissander. Clissande

BiHiME, the Brigadier General of the Iris*** Wakoku Army and the President of Yuki, was the captain of the team that led the BiHiME to break the meteorite in the first story. Although his personality is impatient, he is very courageous when it comes to important times, and he is loved by the people, and is called the "Soul of Iris". He also helped to break the meteorite in the first story, but was petrified in the second story.

Chie Hai Lade (チエ海拉德), who is also known as the "Soul of Iris", is the first person to have been killed. Voice: 斎賀みつき

拥有GEM??Title: ? (unnamed, a blue GEM)

Master: Lieutenant Colonel Borman (Brigadier General Borman)

The maid of Queen Makabe, Aoi's friend, is now working in her country of origin, Aeris***. Assisted in defeating the enemy in the second story.

Lieutenant Colonel (Brigadier General) Borman (グレッグ? Boorman )

Voice: Shinkaki Tarusuke

Possession of GEMs: Unknown, there are four (blue, pink, red, and green, respectively)

Contracted BHiMEs: There are four of them, one of which is Chie. Hellard, and the other three are members of the Aeris*** and State Peacekeepers.

Ba. Margaret (defeated) (トモエ?マルグリト) Tom Tom (トモエ? Marguerite (マルグリット Tomoe Marguerite)

Voice: Rie Tanaka

Possesses GEM? Title: Cursed Obsidian (詛诅之黑曜石)Origin: Duchy of Alta?

Owner: Valkyrie Makoto

Running for Aeris*** and the National Peacekeeping Force with Gaki Ishigami in Zwei. Ishigami who ran for President of Iris*** and the State, very violent.

Guan. Ishigami (ワッタール? Ishigarmin Wattarl?Ishigarmin)

Voice: Mariichiro Miki

Campaigning for the presidency of Iris*** and Kokoku in Zwei, alongside Baa... In Zwei, he ran for the presidency of Iris*** and was kicked out by Baa Marguerite. He is a magician who was kicked off by Ba-Margret. Used to draw head sketches I think.

Altai dukedom

(アルタイ公国 Altai dukedom) A powerful military state located in the north of the Kingdom of Windflower. Blueprinted as the Russian Federation.

Altai dukedom is the same as any other country in the world. Altai dukedom Altai (ナギ? Nagi. アルタイ Nagi.Dai.Altai)

Taiwanese translation: Za.Dai.Altai (ナギ.ダイ)

台译:飒. Voice: Akira Ishida

GEM: Ultimate Black Diamond

HiME: Nina Ong

The contracted HiME: Nina Ong

The contracted HiME: Nina Ong

The contracted HiME: Nina Ong. Weng

The former Grand Duke of the Duchy of Altai is currently in prison. He knows a little bit about the petrification of B-HiME from an ancient document he stole earlier (in this post).

He is the author of "Nagi's Smile Diary", which is currently in its twelfth book (actually his diary).

In the fourth story, he originally wanted to use the combat method to exchange terms with Natsuki, but he didn't realize that Natsuki's phone was out of service after that. ......

Manabai liked him before

Nina Ong (ニナネートリート) is a woman who has been in love with Natsuki for a long time. The company's website has been updated with the latest information on the company's website. Nina Wáng)

Taiwanese: Nina Wáng (ニナウォン Nina Wáng)

Taiwanese: Nina Wáng. Voice actor: Ami Koshimizu

Title: Ultimate Black Diamond → Neptune Emerald Origin: Principality of Altai

Owner: Grand Duke of Altai, Sa. Master: Grand Duke of Altai - Sa.

Because of his jealousy of Erika, he reacted to the Jetblack Stone and became the owner of the Jetblack Stone, but was defeated at the end of the original story.

In the third episode, he traveled with Nao to the ruins of Altai, but was ejected by an unknown force into the lake ruins of Kurotani (Cat God Mountain) at the end.

In the fourth episode, in order to protect what she wants to protect, she uses the GEM Neptune's Emerald Jade she found at the ruins to make a contract with Princess Makabai, and this destiny once again binds the three of them (Makabai, Erika, and Nina) together by means of the GEM, and they become the same body of life ****.

Sergei K. Ong (Serugo K. Ong), a former president of the United States, is the first person in the United States to be appointed to the position of president.

Sergei Ong (Serugo Ong) (セルゲル。

Sergay Weng (Serugo Weng) (セルゲイ? ウォン Sergay Wáng)

Taiwanese translation: Xue Kai Wáng (薛凯. Voice Actor: Katsuyuki Konishi

Because of the fact that he was killed by the Saha... He lost his memory after being shot in the brain by Za-Dai Altai, and is now living with Nina.

Cardair Empire (カルデア帝国 Cardair Empire) is a country that has been in opposition to Florence since ancient times, and the GEM that has been passed down from generation to generation in the royal family is "Gorgeous Onyx", which is modeled after the Babylonian Kingdom (and the Roman Empire).

And also, the Krauts (カズヤかロジーター). Claudia (カズヤ? Crauzec)

Taiwanese translation: Kazuya Crauzec. Voice: Kazuma Horie

Possession of GEM: Pure Heart Malachite

Contracted by HiME: Xi. Sowasha

The new emperor of the Cadia Empire. However, he is actually a puppet emperor, and cannot even attend the meeting to discuss the "Strategic HiME Restriction Pact".

The new Emperor of the Kadia Empire is a puppet Emperor. Akane Soir)

Taiwanese translation: Akane Soir. Voice actor: Iwao Rinko

Have GEM? Title: Pure Heart Malachite Origin: Cadia Empire

Owner: Cadia Emperor Kazuya Krajik

Owner: Cadia Emperor Kazuya Krajik

Owner: Cadia Emperor Kazuya Krajik

Currently the HiME of the Kadia Empire, he also helped to break the meteorite in the first episode. Although he was prevented from doing so by Maya, he did not give up on doing so with Kazuya, with whom he was in love.

In the fourth episode, he helps to take down Child in Cadia.


(ロリンス Florince) The GEMs that have been passed down from generation to generation in the royal family are "Malachite of Love" and "Serpentine of Spiral", which are based in Italy. ", blueprinted for Italy.

Charles Charlotte VIII (シャルル? Guccione? roi? デ? Florince VIII Charles Guinel Roy d'Florince VIII )

Voice: Iwao Mantaro

Possesses GEMs: Pure Heart Malachite (清恋之孔雀石)→ Abyssal Green Jadeite (深渊之翡翠)、 Spiral Spin Serpentine ( Spiral Spin Serpentine)

Contracted HiME: Rosalie Claudel, Shifan K. Rosalie Claudel, Shifan Yui.

King of Florence, the king threatened by Za during the War of the Winds.

Rosalie Claudel. Rosalie Claudel (ロザリー? Claudel (クローデル Rosalie Claudel )

Taiwanese translation: Rosalie Claudel. Voice actor: Takahashi Mikako

Have GEM. title: Pure Heart Malachite → Abyssal Green Jadeite Origin: Florence

Master: King Charles Charlotte VIII of Florence

Origin: Rosalie Claudel (ロザリークローデル Rosalie Claudel)

Originally the owner of Seirei's Malachite but contracted again with the Abyssal Jadeite due to Xi's elopement with Kazuya.

Has also assisted in breaking the meteorite in the first sentence. Has a habit of reading word for word at key points in his speech.

Helped bring down Child in Florence in the fourth story.

Shifan Yui (シホ.......... Yui (シホ? Uichi Shiho Huit)

Taiwanese translation: Shiho Huit (ユイット Shiho Huit)

Taiwanese translation: Shiho Huit. Voice actor: Sakura Nogawa

Possesses the title GEM. Claudiel)

Born in the Cadian Empire, B-HiME, will take over Rosalie's position when she retires. When she meets someone she dislikes, she uses the "Roll" (a kind of curse) to deal with them, and even her dancers are Tiger Roll dolls.

Help take down Child in Florence in the fourth story.

United Kingdom of Lutesia

The United Kingdom of Lutesia consists of two kingdoms, Romulus and Lemus.


(ロムルス Lutesia Romulus, the founding father of Ancient Rome)

King of Romulus (ルーテシア Carla Bellini)

Possesses GEM: Title: Rumbling Thunder Garnet

Contract of BHiME: Carla Bellini

King of Romulus, a long-haired man who was king of a friendly allied nation of Aeris*** and the State during the War of the Windjammer.

Carla Bellini (カーラ? Velini Carla Bellini)

Taiwanese: Carla Voice: Kiyoshi Asai

Has the title of GEM: Rumbling Thunder GarnetOrigin: Romulus

Owner: King of Romulus

Is the king of the friendly country of Aeris*** and the country of HiME in the War of the Winds and the Wars. friendly allied nation BHiME, contemporaneous with the Maikai.

Also assisted in breaking the meteorite in the first story.

Assisted in defeating the Child, which was located on the border of the allied kingdom of Romulus, in the fourth story.

Lutesia Remus

(レムス Lutesia Remus, younger brother of Romulus)

Romulus Lutesia Remus. Queen Remus (ルーテシア?), the younger brother of Lutesia Remus. Remus Lutesia Remus)

HiME: Lola Bianchi

Possesses GEM: Flowery Splendour Enstatite

HiME: Lola Bianchi. Bianchi

Queen Lemus, a middle-aged woman who was threatened by Za during the Windstorm War.

Lola Bianchi. Bianchi (拉ウララ? ビアンキ Laula Bianchi)

Taiwanese translation: Laura Bianchi. Bianchi Voice: Kikuko Inoue

Possesses GEM. Title: Flowery Splendour Enstatite Origin: Lemus

Owner: Queen of the Land of Lemus, Lemurus Bianchi

Owner: Queen of Lemus. Queen of Remus

BiHiME, who looks like a boy, is the same as Maiko.

Also helped break the meteorite in the first story.

In the fourth episode, he helps to take down Child, which is located in the territory of the Romulus Alliance Kingdom.


(アンナン Annam Annam, Vietnam)

The GEM that has been passed down through the generations of the royal family is the Blue Copper Mining of Wisdom, which is modeled after Vietnam.

Nyugen Bao (グエン?バオ Nyugen Bao) is a copper mine that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Wang family. Bao Nyugen Bao)

Voice actor: Eiji Miyashita

Possessor of GEM: Infinite Wisdom Azurite

Contracted to HiME: Ain Lu

The king of Annam, and the king of a country that was a friend of Aeris*** and the country during the War of the Fenghua Incident.

Ain Lu (アイン? ルー Anh Lu)

Taiwanese: Ain Voice: Ryoko Shinya

Has a GEM. title: Infinite Wisdom AzuriteOrigin: Annan

Owner: King of Annam

Is the king of Ainam, and the king of the country of Aeris*** and the country of friend and ally of the country of BHME in the war of the Wind and the Sea Incident.

This is the first time that I've seen the Gem. title: Infinite Wisdom Azurite.

Also assisted in breaking the meteorite in the first story.

Helped take down Child in Annan in the fourth story.

If you drink, you will become quite different from your usual stable image and lose your sanity.


(ジパング: Zipang, referring to Japan)

Blueprinted for Japan.

Bustard Feather Coquettish Sea Head Tadayori (鸨羽巧海頭忠頼) (ときは たくみのかみ ただより) Tokiha Takumi no Kami Tadayori)

Voice: Yūgo Takahashi

Bustard Feather Maiko's own brother, who is currently serving as the monarch of the Nippon Gekko.

Often said to be too much of a do-gooder.


(アスワド Aswad, Arabic for "black")

A group of people who are both good and evil, the power of the War of the Twelve Kings organ has caused them to suffer from a disease that causes them to die prematurely.

Bi (ミドリ Midori)

Voice: Yukari Tamura

Control Beast (子兽):愕天王

It is the leader of the Kurotani, and Yoko's classmate, who used to say, "I will always be 17 years old.

Ri Ren (ラド Rad)

Voice: Toshihiko Seki

Control Beast (subbeast): ?

Seriously injured in the battle of Cadia, she is Yoko's lover.

The Black Regiment

(シュヴァルツ Schwartz)

is an evil group. After the Windflower Incident, it was put under the management of Kurotani (Cat Shen Shan).

John? Smith (ジョン? Smith John?Smith)

Voice: Naoya Uchida

Is the leader of the Black Group, and the one who secretly helped Za, and was killed by Sergei B. Ong killed.


Miyu (ミユ Miyu)

Voice: Kiyoshi Asai

Playing a rather important role in the original, she has been a guardian of Ms. Alisha for generations, and the golden bird on her shoulder seems to be the one that has Ms. Alisha's genes, and she is able to make the 'Luna's Golden Sword', as well as open the Guiding Star. ', as well as opening the guiding star and lifting the B-type contract of the android.

In the first episode, she was petrified in order to investigate the meteorite substance that Erika had broken. Alyssa (アリッサ Alyssa)

The person and family that Fuyutsuki has been protecting for generations, she is the daughter of Lena Alyssa's grandmother and Erika's mother. She is the grandmother of Lena Sayers and the great-grandmother of Erica, and the hair of those who are related to her glows golden, and the yellow bird on Fukiyo's back seems to have Ms. Alyssa's genes.

Kagutsuchi (カグツチ Kagutsuchi)

One of the Child who was resurrected by the power of the True Ancestor. Had a sword stuck in his mouth and appeared to be a dragon in appearance. Later, the sword in his mouth was pulled out by Maiko, and he was transformed into a kitten with wings that could fly, and after Maiko captured him back, he was taken in by the Cat God Mountain.