Second, not to steal precepts - the precepts, from the silver and gold valuables, down to a needle and a blade of grass, not to take without consent, whether it is the three treasures of the Buddhist temple, or household goods, or unreasonably take, or steal, or swindle, and so on, is a violation of the precepts of stealing. To be able to keep away from the evils of stealing and to refrain from stealing and taking by force is called the precept of non-stealing.
Three, not obscene precepts--that is, completely prohibit lust, this precept and the precepts of monks, not the five precepts of the precepts of not obscene, so the sutra: "for the family members of the system of monks", is not obscene precepts.
Fourth, the non-delusional precepts - that is, the prohibition of telling lies, the four good karma precepts of the regent's mouth.
Fifth, the precept of not drinking alcohol--that is, the prohibition of drinking alcohol. Because when one is drunk, one is delirious and will do confusing things such as killing, stealing, lusting and deluding.
Sixth, do not apply cosmetics and perfume, do not wear flowers? Not to wear gorgeous clothes, not to play Kabuki - that is, the face is not coated with powder, not perfume painted body, not with garlands of gold and so on, should wear solid-colored clothes (usually gray clothes, monks wear monastic clothing, not in this case) do not go to watch Kabuki (including television cabaret), or to the entertainment venues to go.
Seven, do not sleep in a high mattress - not to sleep in a high and wide ornate bed.
Eighth, do not eat out of time precepts - is not the time to eat, do not eat, that is, do not eat in the afternoon.
The above eight precepts, the first seven are part of the precepts, the eighth is part of the fasting law, so the total name of the eight precepts fasting. These eight precepts of fasting are the precepts that the male and female Buddhist monks who study Buddhism at home can conveniently take in one day and one night.
The six mentioned by the owner of the six is not to wear powder and perfume, not to wear flowers? The seventh is not to sleep in high, wide, ornate beds. From "Introduction to Buddhism"