Now more and more people are joining the queue of square dancing, regardless of age and status. Maybe some people are to have fun to pass the time, and some for weight loss, square dancing has become one of the most popular activities in the night.
In my opinion, the square dance is a certain weight loss effect, because the general time to dance in the square dance is in the dinner, after dinner, walk, jump, is also good for the body, the movement in place before going to bed, the quality of sleep may also be improved, for the body's functions will have a lot of benefits.
My mom is a member of the square dance queue, every day after dinner are changed into sneakers, busy out of the house, perhaps love this sport, jumped for two years, it seems to get a little bit of weight loss effect, but jumping square dance in the end can not lose weight, or to look at the individual's physique, in case there are people because of the night activity is too much, resulting in stomach hunger, increase the night snacks, so that the weight loss The purpose will be difficult to achieve.
In the process of square dancing, all parts of the body have been movement, in the enhancement of the body coordination at the same time, will also make the various parts of the muscle to get some development, this is after all a kind of exercise, I think as long as the long term persistence, treat him as a regular exercise, it is likely to achieve the efficacy of weight loss in the exercise and diet do a good job in a reasonable planning, in the long run, the Square dancing will promote people's health, so that people maintain a good figure, like my mom loves square dancing, if every night will take out a certain amount of time, I believe that she will also be like regular people, can see the obvious effect of weight loss.
So jumping square dance in the end can not lose weight, or to rely on the individual's physical fitness and endurance to stick to it, only one piece of exercise to stick to it, I believe that those who are obese do not want to lose weight are difficult.