People have a lot of prejudice against social dancing, which is normal. After all, this kind of movement only men and women together only double dance; only the tacit cooperation of both sides can dance beautifully. Dancing occasions are different, dancing objects and mentality is some difference.
Social dance is generally divided into three main places: morning practice, evening square and ballroom. Here to talk about the morning exercise ballroom dancing:
1. It should be said that this is the morning exercise in a very good way to exercise.
(1) First of all, the morning choice in the park or square open space, the air environment is better; dancing is the whole body work, the muscle activity exercise more comprehensive, and the amount of exercise by their own choices, jumping a few songs is jumping is resting by their own control.
(2) morning dancing men and women, general physical condition, habits and hobbies, basically are middle-aged and elderly, retired is the main body. The quality of the dancing team, there is a difference between different geographical venues. Such as xx lake square, a few years ago, the number of morning exercise in reaching 60-80 people, of which 1 / 3 is the agency school retirees, there are urban-level organs of the higher level of cadres, business executives, senior workers and teachers, and so on.
Overall the quality of the morning exercise and the atmosphere is not bad, the old comrades dance a few songs off to exchange exchanges. This combination of static and dynamic free movement, conducive to health, especially for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease is good.
2. The morning practice of ballroom dancing is to talk about the rules, civilization.
_I traveled to Nanjing on business and listened to a ballroom dancing class in the morning. Lecture is a nearly 30-year-old female dance teacher, she told the students of the morning dance rules:
(1) morning dance is exercise, the environment is different from the night and ballroom, pay attention to the impact. Men and women dancing body interval to maintain a fist, hands should be standardized to put good, do not embrace and put down?
(2) invite dance partners to be civilized and polite, morning practice is mostly acquaintances and friends, pay attention to friendly treatment.
3. Dance partner in the morning practice dance.
(1) The morning practice dance is more people in general men and women with the appropriate dance. Sometimes two women dance is also appropriate, because sometimes more women, some two good friends to dance a song, some are older and other reasons. But two big men jump, big inappropriate almost no men and men jump.
(2) there is always a difference between people and human character, people are divided into groups of lunch companion is also a choice. Dancing is roughly divided into three kinds: one is "specialized (1) dance" partner, men and women fixed, not with others. The second is the "main players" partner, there are three or four main partners to dance two songs, and then with the non-main players to dance a song. The third is the "partisan", neither a dedicated dance partner and no main dance partner, who have the time to invite who dance, spontaneous and simple.
Is there much gossip about social dancing? Where there are crowds, there are always stories of men and women, and there are fewer and fewer stories about the place of ballroom dancing. But the morning practice of ballroom dancing, perhaps _ people see limited, so I think the basic okay. The current popular discussion of lovers, red-faced acquaintances, in the dance team can certainly have, perhaps most of the morning dance in front of the door, this kind of situation is not much. But before and after people say this and that, in the land of China is rare. Perhaps people's words can be feared, perhaps people's habits are changing, around the dance ballroom dancing morning team is decreasing, can ballroom dancing men and women in the decline!