How to get from Kunming Changshui Airport to Railway Station?

Kunming Changshui Airport to Railway Station? Route

Take the airport bus 2 out of the airport, 25 yuan, 15 minutes a bus, directly to the Kunming Railway Station!

Bus line: 919d, about 30.0 kilometers? 13 yuan?

1, walk about 400 meters from Changshui Airport, arrive at Changshui International Airport (terminal b1 level) station

2, take 919d, after 3 stops, arrive at Kunming Station (Station Square) station

3, walk about 120 meters, arrive at Kunming Station

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Since you have 7 hours free time, it is recommended that you take the airport bus No.1 and arrive at Cuihu Park in Kunming to visit the Yunnan Lecture Hall, free of charge! Lu Han public house, and then in the park west of the south gate,, after tasting the authentic bridge Xiangyuan Bridge Rice Noodles, to the nearby Xiaoximen by car and then to the train station, a short distance away!

Airport-Cuihu Lake

Bus line: Airport Airport 1, the full about 30.3 kilometers

1, from Changshui Airport walk about 50 meters, arrive at the Changshui International Airport Station

2, take the Airport Airport 1, after 3 stops, to the West Post Hotel Station

3, walk about 500 meters,,, arrive at the south gate of the Cuihu Park.

Cuihu South Gate-Kunming Railway Station

Bus line: 2, the whole journey is about 4.8 kilometers

1, from Cuihu Park South Gate, walk about 410 meters, arrive at the Wuhilu (Provincial Talent Market) station

2, take the 2 road, after 7 stops, arrive at the Kunming Station (Zhanqianjie) station

3, from Cuihu Park South Gate, walk about 410 meters, arrive at the Kunming Station (Station Street) station

3. Walk about 200 meters to arrive at Kunming Station