Categories of enrollment
1. Orchestral music: Horn★, Bassoon★, Cello★, Viola★, Bass★, Western percussion, Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba, Oboe, Clarinet, Flute, Violin
2. Folk music: Gaohu★, Pipa★, Ethnic Percussion ★
3, dance: classical dance ★, folk dance ★, ballet ★, international standard dance ★
4, voice: American ★, ethnic ★, baritone ★
but need to pay attention to the University of the arts students enrolled in the specialty is not an art major, for the application through the arts students, the same to take the college entrance examination, and then college entrance examination scores reach The students will be admitted to the pre-admission majors if their scores are within 20 points below the submission line of Sun Yat-sen University in their own province. Particularly outstanding students college entrance examination results requirements can be reduced to their province of a control line.