All idioms starting with 色
色胆胆胆 describes a great deal of covetousness and lust.
The colorful and bold describes a great deal of boldness in coveting and lusting.
The colorful and bold as the sky describes the boldness of the lust.
The color of the eyebrows: the face, the expression. It describes a person who is very pleased and excited.
Color is emptiness is a Buddhist term. It refers to the fact that the nature (inner reality) of all color (matter) in the world is empty.
色厉胆薄色:神色. Thin: weak. Outwardly tough but inwardly timid.
Color and severity: look, appearance; severity: fierce; weakness: weak. The exterior is strong, but the interior is weak.
The metaphor of "color like ashes" is that the face is pale and ugly.
The color is as white as death. The original metaphor is that there is no expression on the face. Now it describes a very frightened look.
The color is benevolent, but the actual action is the opposite.
The color of love is slack: color, face; slack: slackness, decline. This refers to the fact that people who rely on their beauty to gain favor will be abandoned once their appearance ages. It refers to the man's fondness for the old and the new.
Color decline love bed color: refers to the posture; bed: rest, stop. A woman's favor decreases due to the decline of her beauty.
The color of the soul and the color: the color of the face; grant, with: give. Describe each other with eyes and eyes to convey love, heart to heart.
The term "color and silk" refers to the rhetoric of the absolute yarn. The poem "With the Garden of Poetry" refers to "colorful silk".
*** All kinds of things are complete.
The color and art of the perfect Lunlun: the same kind. The woman's posture and skills are superior to those of others.
The color and art of the two are perfect color and art: appearance and skill. Both looks and skills are unique and wonderful.
The color and art of a woman are both unique and wonderful.
There is no second person who can compare with the color and skill of the woman.
A hungry ghost of color is a metaphor for a person who is extremely greedy for sex.
2. What are the four-character idioms of color五颜六色
[wǔ yán liù sè]
Refers to all kinds of colors: ~'s flowery cloth. ~ of colored flags.
[wǔ cǎi bīn fēn]
Refers to a great variety of colors, which are very beautiful.
[wǔ guāng shí sè]
Describing bright colors and many patterns. In the Southern Dynasty, Liang Jiang Yan wrote "The Fugue of Lixi": "Five lights hover around, ten colors are scattered."
Wan Zi Qian Hong (万紫千红)
[wàn zǐ qiān hóng]
Describing the spring scene of a hundred flowers competing for color. In the poem "Spring Day" by Zhu Xi (朱熹), Song Dynasty, it reads, "Waiting to recognize the face of the east wind, ten thousand purples and thousands of reds are always spring."
Green Grass Like Yin
[lǜ cǎo rú yīn]
The green grass looks like a mattress on the ground. It is often used to refer to a grassy area for temporary rest. It is also called "green grass like Yin".
Black and white are clear
[hēi bái fēn míng]
Black and white are in sharp contrast. It is a metaphor for things that have a very clear line between right and wrong. It also describes clear handwriting and images.
[wǔ cǎi bān lán]
斑斓:colors are mixed, brilliant and colorful. It means the colors are very nice and quite colorful.
[huā hóng liǔ lǜ]
1. Describes the lush and colorful scenery of flowers and trees in spring.
Splendid and colorful
[xuàn lì duō cǎi]
Describing gorgeous colors.
Purple flowers and red flowers
[chà zǐ yān hóng]
Refers to flowers of various delicate colors. Ming Tang Xianzu's The Peony Pavilion - A Dream of Fright: "It turns out that beautiful purples and brilliant reds bloom all over." Yan (yān): colorful.
[qīng hóng zào bái]
Four different colors. A metaphor for right and wrong or the cause of a situation: no question ~.
[dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ]
Describing a corrupt life of pleasure-seeking, also describing the nightly bustle of a city or place of entertainment.
Green and green don't come together
[qīng huáng bù jiē]
Refers to the fact that the old grains have been eaten up, and the new grains have not yet ripened, so that the rations do not come together. It often refers to the period between spring and summer. It is a metaphor for the temporary interruption of financial, material and human resources.
[yáng chūn bái xuě]
The name of the song of Chu in Spring and Autumn. Because it was difficult to understand, few people could sing it. Later, it was used as a metaphor for elegant or uncommon literature and art works. It is the opposite of "the people in the lower class".
Yao Huang Wei Zi ( 姚黄魏紫)
[yáo huáng wèi zǐ]
Yao Huang ( 姚黄): a peony with a thousand yellow flowers, which was produced by the family of Yao Shimin (姚氏民); Wei Zi (魏紫): a peony with a thousand red flowers, which was produced by the family of Wei Ren Pu. Originally, it refers to two famous peony varieties in Luoyang in Song Dynasty. Later, it refers to the famous flowers in general.
Yellow Flag and Purple Cover
[huáng qí zǐ gài]
A cloud like a yellow flag and purple cover appears in the sky. It was a sign of the birth of the emperor.
[qī hēi yī tuán]
1. Describing very dark, without any light.
[huā huā lǜ lǜ]
Status word. Describing bright and colorful colors: the wall was plastered with ~ New Year's paintings. The girls, dressed in ~, danced in the square.
[fú cuì liú dān]
翠:青绿色. Dan: vermilion color. The colors of lime green and vermilion are flowing and floating. Describe the colors as bright and brilliant.
[bái shān hēi shuǐ]
Changbai Mountain and Heilongjiang River, referring to the northeast of China.
3. What are the four-character idioms describing colors万紫千红 Huangdaoji 日 论黄数黑 yellow thatch and white reed 黄茅白苇 yellow hemp purple mud 論黄数白 purples嫣红 灰头土脸 金壁辉白日做梦, 红男绿女, 红光满面, 红火火, 看破红尘, 紅口白璧微瑕,苍白无力, 白发苍苍苍, 白鹤亮翅, 白马王子, 白马 花红柳绿 62616964757a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333366303161、青黄不接白衣胜雪、黑白分明、碧海蓝天、面黄肌瘦、青山绿水、飞黄腾达、黄金万两 五色六色 red mouth white teeth、五光十色 白手起家、白里透红、平白无故白花花 green oil black dark blue幽幽 blue湛 2. dark green and red àn lǜ xī hóng 犹言绿肥红瘦. It describes the late spring scene when the leaves and flowers are scarce. 3. cǎn lü chóu hóng 傷綠愁红 cǎn lü chóu hóng 红、绿:指花、叶。 It refers to the broken flowers and leaves that have been ravaged by wind and rain. It's a lot.
4. 惨绿年华年 cǎn lǜ nián huá 指风华正茂的青年时期. 5. 惨绿少年 cǎn lǜ nián huá 指风华正茂的青年时期. 5. 惨绿少年 cǎn lǜ shào nián 惨绿:浅绿,指服色。 Originally, it refers to a young man who wears light green clothes. Later on, it refers to a young man who wears light green clothes. 6. chéng huáng jú lǜ orange huáng jú lǜ orange huáng jú lǜ, tangerine huáng jú lǜ. It refers to the pleasant scenery in autumn. 7. orange yellow orange green chéng huáng jú lǜ refers to the autumn scenery. 8. sad red and miserable green chóu hóng cǎn lü red, green: refers to flowers and leaves. The name is used to refer to flowers and leaves that have been destroyed by wind and rain. It's a lot.
9. 悲红怨绿 chóu hóng yuàn lǜ 红、绿:指花、叶。 It refers to the broken flowers and leaves that have been destroyed by wind and rain. The most important thing to remember is that it's not just about the way you look at it. 10. 穿红着绿 chuān hóng zhuó lǜ 英 英緒: 靚, 靚, 靚, 靚, 靚, 靚, 靚, 靚, 靚. 11. 大红大绿 dà hóng dà lǜ means richly colored. 12. 灯红酒绿 dēng dēng dēng dēng dēng dēng lǜ means richly colored. 12. dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ 灯红酒绿 dēng hóng jiǔ lǜ 光红酒色,红绿相映,令人目眩神迷. It describes the luxury of the world.
13. 纷红骇绿 fēn hóng hài lǜ 纷:纷披;红:指红花;骇:散乱;绿:指绿叶。 Fascinating. 14. 粉白黛绿 fěn bái dài lǜ 泛指女子的妆饰。 15. 红愁绿惨 hóng chóu lǜ cǎn 比喻愁思满怀,容易伤感. 31. 红男绿女 hóng chóu lǜ cǎn 比喻憂思满怀,容易伤感。 31. 红男绿女 hóng nán lǜ nǚ refers to young men and women wearing various kinds of beautiful clothes. 32. 红情绿意 hóng nán lǜ nǚ refers to young men and women wearing various kinds of beautiful clothes. 32. 紅情绿意 hóng qíng lǜ yì Describes a colorful spring scene. 33. 红情绿意 huāng qíng lǜ yì Describes a colorful spring scene. 33. 紅红情绿意 hóng qíng lǜ yì describes a bright spring scene. It also describes a bright and colorful spring scene. 34. 回黄转绿 huí huáng zhuǎn lǜ Leaves turn from green to yellow, from yellow to green. It is a metaphor for the change of the season.
35. jiǔ lǜ dēng hóng light, wine, red and green, dazzling people. It describes the extravagance of the city. 36. 柳绿花红 liǔ lǜ huā hóng describes a bright spring scene. It also describes the bright and colorful scene in spring. 37. 柳绿桃红 liǔ lǜ táo hóng Peach blossoms are red and willow branches are green. It describes the spring with flourishing flowers and trees and bright colors.
38. lù hóng yān lǜ describes the bright colors of flowers and trees. It is the same as "dew red, smoke purple". 39. lù lín dà dào means the bandits who gather in the mountains and forests. 40. lù hóng yān lǜ describes the colorful flowers and trees. 40. lù lín háo jié refers to the outstanding characters in the green forest. 41. lù lín hao jié refers to the outstanding characters in the green forest. 41. lù lín háo kè 绿林豪客 lù lín háo kè 绿林:西汉王匡、王凤为首的 "绿林軍"。 It refers to the gathering of the mountain. 42. lù lín háo shì (绿林豪士) refers to a person with outstanding skills in the green forests. 43. 绿林好汉 lù lín hǎo hàn refers to the people who gathered in the mountains and forests to rebel against the feudal ruling class. In the old days, it also referred to the gathering of people.
44. 綠林强盗 lù lín qiáng dào 指山林的强盗. 45. 绿暗红稀 lǜ lù lín qiáng dào 指山林的强盗。 45. lǜ àn hóng xī describes the scene of dark green and withered red flowers in late spring. 61. lǜ àn hóng xī describes the scene of dark green and withered red flowers in late spring. 61. ǜ bìn hóng yán (绿鬓红颜 lǜ bìn hóng yán) refers to a young woman. It is the same as "green temples and red faces". 62. 綠鬓朱颜 lǜ bìn zhū yán describes a young and beautiful face, and refers to a young woman. 63. 綠惨红愁 lǜ cǎn hóng chóu refers to all kinds of sorrows of women. The name is a reference to a woman's sorrows. 64. lǜ cǎn hóng xiāo 指妇女的种种愁恨。 It is the same as "green and red sorrows". 65. 綠草如茵 lǜ cǎo rú yīn Green grass is like a mattress on the ground. It is often referred to as a temporary resting place. 66. 绿肥红瘦 lǜ féi hóng shòu 绿叶茂盛,花渐凋谢. It is the time of the year when the spring is over. It also describes the scenery of spring.
67. lǜ jiǔ hóng dēng lǜ jiǔ hóng dēng lǜ jiǔ hóng dēng describes a life of luxury. 69. 綠水青山 lǜ shuǐ qīng shān 泛称美好山河。 70. 綠蓑青笠 lǜ suō qīng lì Green straw raincoat, green bamboo hat. It describes a fisherman's outfit. 71. 綠叶成阴 lǜ yè chéng yīn refers to a woman who has married and given birth to children. It is also used to describe a woman who has given birth to a child. 72. lǜ yè chéng yīn 比喻绿叶成荫 lǜ yè chéng yīn 百喻绿叶繁茂覆盖成荫. It is also used as a metaphor to describe the situation in which a child is born in the shade of a green leaf. 73. 绿衣黄里 lǜ yī huáng lǐ 绿、黄:古时以黄色为正色,绿为闲色。 The color green was used for clothing. 74. green-clothed messenger lǜ yī shǐ zhě 原指鹦鹉. In recent times, it was called the letter carrier. 75. miàn hóng miàn lǜ (面红面绿 miàn hóng miàn lǜ) describes the redness of a person's face due to nervousness, impatience, shyness, and so on. The flowers are red, the willows are green, the fire is pure, the light of day is lightheaded, the blue is blue, the yao is yellow, the wei is purple, the wood is dead, the ashes are dead. Are you satisfied with the above answer? Thank you.
4. What are the idioms in which the fourth character is color?
說形菜色 满脸春色 无逊色 Zhong皷之色鑒毛辨色 无声 无声无色喜行于色 一路货色义形于色 五光十色 五色五彩六色 喜形于色 乍毛变色 忿 忿覆顏色正言厉色 狗马声色疾言遽色 目迷五色 相视失色 相顾失色失色孚财好色 面不不改色 面如土色 面无人色 形形 *** Full of spring colors and beautiful lakes and mountains, the winds and clouds change colors, the water and sky are all the same. The winds and clouds change their colors, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and sky are one color, the water and the sky are one color. Panicked and frightened, changing colors, when the line is true
5. What are the four-character idioms describing bright colors万紫千红wàn zǐ qiān hóng
[释义] describes the blossoming of a hundred flowers; the scene of bright colors. Now it is often compared to the richness and colorfulness of things or the prosperity of a scene.
[语出] 宋-朱熹《春日》:"等闲识得东风面;万紫千红总是春。"
[辨形] Red; can not write "Hong".
[Near Meaning] Flowery clusters
[Antonyms] Flowing water and falling flowers, Dead wood and decaying plants
[Usage] Used in a positive sense. It is used to describe the scene of a hundred flowers competing with each other or the scene of prosperity. Generally used as predicate and determiner.
[辨析] ~ and "beautiful flowers" have the meaning of many flowers and bright colors. But ~ can not only be used to describe flowers and plants; can also be used to describe people, articles; or metaphorical prosperity; things colorful; and "beautiful flowers" is only used to describe flowers.
[Example sentence] This performance reflects the prosperity of our country's literary and artistic stage.
[English translation] a riot of color
6. Idioms by The Free Dictionary four-character idioms group what what colorIdioms with no group what what color are
Qún lóng wú shǒu
[Definition] Shou: head; extended to leader. A group of dragons without a leader. The metaphor is that there is no leader; there is no way to unify actions.
[语出] Zhouyi - Qian: "Use nine; see a group of dragons without a leader; auspicious."
[正音] 首; cannot be pronounced as "sǒu".
[辨形] 首; cannot be written as "手".
[Near Meaning] Each of them does their own thing, and they are all in a crowd
[Antonyms] One Calls for One Hundred Responses
[Usage] Used in a pejorative sense. Generally used as predicate, determiner, complement.
[Structure] Subject-verb.
[Example sentence] The teacher walked away; the classroom was like ~; a mess.
7. Four-letter idioms with colorFour-letter idioms with color :