My little baby, you're not afraid to get tired, you're the best at singing and dancing, what's that song?

Title: Little Baby Singer: Qiao Qian Jin

I'm a little baby, I'm never afraid to get tired

Though I have a lot of homework

Like a little baby, I love to crave

Sometimes I have to eat a pacifier, haha

I'm a little baby, I'm never afraid to get tired

I'm the best at singing and dancing

I'm a good little baby, I can sing and dance

It's time I don't waste, and I'm not afraid of anything

The teacher says it's right.

Be a good little baby

Grandpa loves me the most, he gives me everything I want

Grandma always says, "I'm a good little baby." Hey

I'm a good little baby, I'm not afraid to get tired

I'm the best at singing and dancing

Time is not wasted, my teacher says so

Be a good little baby

I'm a good little baby

I'm a good little baby, I'm not afraid to get tired

I'm a good little baby. I'm a little baby, I'm never tired

Although I have a lot of homework

Like a little baby, I love to eat

Sometimes I have to eat a pacifier, haha

I'm a little baby, I'm never tired

I'm the best at singing and dancing

Time is not wasted, the teacher says it's right

Be a good baby

The grandfather He loves me the most and gives me everything I want

Grandma always says, "I'm a little baby,

I'm a little baby and I'm never afraid to get tired

I'm the best at singing and dancing

Time isn't wasted and the teacher says it's right

Be a good little baby

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