Indian customs and traditions

India is a nation of manners, but also a country where East and West **** exist. Some Indians wind to foreigners, can use the standard English greeting "hello" and some with the traditional Buddhist gestures - hands together. Hindus meet and say goodbye to more hands together salute, and greet each other to wish good luck. Bend down and touch the feet of the elders when performing the salute. Indians in the hands together, always raise their hands to the face before counting together. This kind of greeting, seems to be more noble than shaking hands, elegant, people have a kind of "fairyland" feeling. You must pay attention to is, never in the hands together when, also at the same time nodding (foreigners in India often have this action, easy to cause the locals to snicker), that will destroy the atmosphere of cordiality and gas, seem a little unorthodox.

In India, when welcoming a guest of honor, the host offers a garland of flowers, set on the neck of the guest, the wife sends her husband out of the house, the highest courtesy is to touch the heel and kiss the foot. Now, men and women in the city to meet has been more practiced handshake, expressed intimacy when also embrace. In most places it is more common for men to shake hands when they meet or part. Men should not shake hands with Indian women; they should fold their hands and bow gently. Men should not touch women, even in public **** occasions do not talk to women alone, women rarely show up in **** places.

Indians consider whistling to be an offensive act and a sign of lack of upbringing. They consider it inhuman to bathe a child in a tub. This is because water that does not flow is stagnant and the child will suffer and die after bathing. Indians like to talk about cultural achievements, Indian traditions as well as foreign affairs and the lives of foreigners.

Indian women like to point in the middle of the forehead with an auspicious mole, its color is different, different shapes, in different situations means different meanings, it is a symbol of joy, good luck. Indian men and women have the habit of wearing all kinds of decorations.

Indians have a hierarchical status, and attach great importance to identity. A a high B a grade, A B will not be able to sit on an equal footing, the requirements are quite strict.

In Mumbai, India, 60% of the people are vegetarians Therefore, when banqueting Indian businessmen, it is necessary to confirm the customs of the other party beforehand, whether they are vegetarians.

In India, if you want to enter the Hindu temple, the body can never wear to cowhide manufacturing things, wear cowhide manufacturing things, will be regarded as a violation of the prohibitions, leather shoes, leather straps, belts, handbags and other cowhide products are not allowed to enter the door of their temples. Indians remove their shoes before walking into a temple or kitchen. They believe that if you wear shoes in, neither polite, nor holy. No matter men and women, young and old, all the shoes on the door, barefoot into.

Indians love tea, mostly black tea. A variety of gatherings, intermediate breaks are also equipped with tea, entertaining guests needless to say. In the Indian family dinner, guests can bring some fruit, sugar as a gift to the host, but also to the host's children to bring some gifts. Many women do not talk to their guests or eat with them.

Indians love the numbers 3, 7 and 9. They believe that the color red signifies life, vitality, vigor and enthusiasm, and blue indicates sincerity. The sunny yellow color indicates radiance and magnificence. Green means peace and hope. Purple indicates tranquility of mind. Indians prefer red, yellow, blue, green, orange and other bright colors in their lives and clothing. Black, white and grey, are seen as negative and undesirable colors. Roses are disliked and in offices and business organizations, writing desks are preferred to be placed in the northeast or southwest corners.

When visiting a company business or government office for the first time in India, it is advisable to wear western clothes and make prior appointments. Appointments, try to be on time. Indian businessmen are good at drilling, eager to make quick profits, convenient, like to trade on the basis of samples, negotiations should be more samples, widely introduced affordable varieties. Indian businessmen, many people in the United Kingdom and the United States educated, because this is the way to show concern for friendly. Business negotiations they tend to study in detail, taking a long time. When negotiating, it is important not to talk about India's abject poverty, huge military expenditures and foreign aid in front of the Indians. When entering customs in Mumbai, it is advisable to apply for a license to drink alcohol at customs, as there is no alcohol available in Mumbai. Indians often take you to private clubs to drink.

Indians use plates for most of their meals, and it is important to note that when eating, you are only allowed to pass food with your right hand and not with your left. When you come into contact with an Indian, do not hand anything to him with your left hand. Because they believe that the left hand is dirty and the right hand is clean. Eating with the right hand to grab, not only to eat rice with their hands, even porridge can be grabbed with their hands in the mouth. In India, the left hand is not used except to go to the restroom. Stretching out the left hand is an insult to others, or they will smash the things you pass with the left hand, and in a rage, may also be stink driving you a pass.

Don't touch a child's head, in India, such as touching a child's head, the other side will definitely flip. The most easy to lead people to misunderstand is that the Indian people usually express agreement or affirmative action is to shake his head, or first slightly tilted his head to the left, and then immediately return to the original state, said "Yes", "know", "good", and we nodded our heads to show that we are not the same.

Business activities to visit New Delhi is best to choose October to June each year, visit Mumbai is best to choose September to October, to avoid the heat or rain. India's major national festivals include New Year's Day on January 1, National Day on December 26, a "Wine and Red Festival" (also known as the Water Festival) in March-April, a Brother and Sister Festival in August-September, a paper-burning festival in September-October, Independence Day on August 15, the Father of the Nation's Gandhi Salivary Anniversary on October 2, and the Festival of Lights (celebrated three years earlier) in October-November, and the Festival of Lights (celebrated three years later) in December. celebrated 3 years early), December 26 is Christmas. And the Hindus. Sikhs, Muslims, Bakhis, stirrup Mirs ...... each have different holidays, each port also has a separate holiday, when never trade, therefore, visit India, be sure to know the other side of the holiday first.

Jewelry is an indispensable adornment in the daily life of Indians. Even women from poor families have to wear some worthless metal or plastic jewelry. Since ancient times, Indians believe that the gift of jewelry to the woman is a man's obligation, the woman should also be fully and with jewelry to dress themselves. India has the "moon", "home of the mango", "the country of gold", "diamond trade kingdom", "Golden Treasure", "the jewel in the crown".

Indian Customs rules allow 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of tobacco on entry. Wine 1 quart. Foreign currency is not limited, the first amount reported, can be carried back out of customs.

Tipping is free in taxis. Hotels and restaurants add a 10% tip to the bill. Other services can pay 2 or 3 ROUPEE each time.