Is there hope for China's square dance to become an international sport too?

There is hope that it will become an international sport.

1. There are many people dancing in square dance in China, and it is a popular sport among the people. China is now more than just the traditional big moms dancing square dance, even young people have joined the square dance team, which all fully explains the unique charm of square dance. The first thing that an international sport should satisfy is that it should have enough people's participation and be liked by people. Square dance in our country to participate in a large number of people, everywhere in the land of China, people are dancing square dance, square dance to participate in the people feel happy, is everyone's favorite sport.

2, square dance is in line with the spirit of sports, often dance healthier. The purpose of the movement is to show the beauty of the human body, so that participants in the body healthier, often jump square dance people and do not jump compared to the people, often more energetic. This is particularly evident in the elderly group, around many older people before the dance, the body has a variety of problems, but after a period of time after the square dance, the waist does not hurt, the legs are not sore, the square dance to bring their body changes, very obvious.

3, square dance can go out of the country, but also by other countries people's favorite. Square dance has many advantages, in addition to strengthening the body, bring joy to people, but also can enhance the feelings of community residents, especially for the elderly, can let them go out of their homes to meet more friends. Since the square dance in China by people's favorite, that go to foreign countries can certainly be liked by foreigners, such as Chinatown in the United States, under the leadership of the Chinese, many Americans have joined the team of square dance, other countries now also have a lot of square dance, square dance is becoming more and more international.