Simple stretching action

Seven simple stretching exercises teach you to stretch clearly all over your body.

First of all, the benefits of stretching

Relieve over-stressed muscle groups and promote blood circulation, waste metabolism and nutrient transport; Prevent muscle fiber or tendon injury; It is helpful to increase the range and standard of training movements, improve the training effect and muscle growth stimulation; Enhance the efficiency of nerve recruiting muscles and improve sports performance.

But many people, stretching is not standardized, even after stretching, they don't know which muscle to target.

Second, seven stretching movements

1, neck stretching

Involving muscles: sternocleidomastoid muscle

Key points: Hands akimbo, back straight, head gently extended upward.

2. Lateral buckling and stretching of neck

Muscles involved: sternocleidomastoid muscle and upper trapezius muscle.

Key points: sit up straight, stand up straight, tilt your head to the left, look for your ears to your left shoulder, and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

3, baby back stretch

Involve muscles: back muscles

Key points: kneel down, spread your legs, sit on your heels, lean forward and try to touch the ground with your forehead.

4, camel abdomen stretching

Muscles involved: rectus abdominis and oblique muscle outside abdomen.

Key points: push your hips forward, slightly upward, and don't squeeze your waist too much.

5. Support chest stretching

Involving muscles: the widest muscles in the back and chest.

Key points: stand facing the wall, push the wall with your right hand, slowly leave the wall, and repeat on the other side.

6. Wide-angle adductor extension

Muscles involved: adductor and hamstring.

Key points: sit on the floor with your legs straight and open, with your knees not bent, lean forward and stretch your hands forward along your legs.

7, deltoid stretching

Involving muscles: lateral deltoid muscle.

Key points: stand with your arms straight, gently press to increase muscle extension, and repeat the exercise with your other hand.

Third, stretch the guide rail.

When stretching, the strength is slow and gentle, and it will not cause any pain.

Keeping stretching posture for at least 20 seconds can effectively relieve muscle tension and body stiffness. When you start stretching, breathe, breathe and hold your breath, and breathe in when you regain your posture.