Where is Qiansan Village located

The former three villages are located in the south of Jiaoqiao Town, 2 kilometers from the town government. The village *** there are 152 households, 545 people, 32 party members, 30 village representatives, 2 villagers groups, arable land area of 1226 acres, the former three villages of the leading industries are grain cultivation and aquaculture, greenhouses vegetables have now developed to 32, pig inventory reached more than 500 head, in the development of breeding industry at the same time, the former three villages have also set up a square dance team, enriching the masses of the cultural life, and promote the prosperity and development of rural culture. In 2010, it was awarded the advanced unit of one village and one product of the town, and in 2012, it was awarded the advanced unit of social security work.

The former three villages are neighboring with Xixia Village, the latter three villages, Xinglong Village, Taiping Village, Niujia Village, Zhu Tou Village, Zhang Tou Village, Li Tou Village, the latter Dacheng Village, the former Dacheng Village, the North Duan Village, the South Duan Village, Sunzhuang Village, and Xidu Village.

There are Yuan Shou Dong Shinto Monument, Binzhou He Yan Mountain, Zouping Yellow River Water Conservancy Scenic Area, Tiandi Yuan Wine Culture Tourism Area, Daixi River Water Conservancy Scenic Area and other tourist attractions near the former three villages, and there are specialties such as Changshan yam, Zouping toon, Zouping sour pulp tofu, Qingyang millet, Xidong tofu and other specialties.