Representative works of Xu Shan Yun

Picking Pomegranate

Phoenix in Flight

The Character of Tolerance

Small Cowherd

Old Age is Difficult

Daughter's Heart in Waiting to Get Married

Five Shifts in Any Event

Four Seasons of Traveling and Spring

Six Great Loves

Eight Sections of Brocade

Ten Flower Blossoms

Ten Conceived in October

Ten Sends a Child to the Mother

December Talks to the Mother

December Talks to the Mother

Ten Sent to the Lang

December Counseling the Lang

December Visiting the Sister

December Visiting the Mother

December Talking about Plum

December Floating

Thirty-Six Docks

Wang San Sister Living in a Cold Kiln

Wang Tian Bao Going Down to Suzhou

Wang San Sister Catching a Fair

Worshiping the In-laws

Small Baldy advises his wife

Small Resignation Shop

Small Baldy haunts the bridal chamber

Small Big Sister wants to be in-laws

Small Second Sister pours money into the house

Ala Meizi goes down to Yangzhou

Hands on the railings