What are the best exercises to do to reduce stomach size?

The exercises that can best reduce the belly are:skipping rope exercise, jogging exercise, yoga moves, housework, swimming.

1, jump rope exercise

We can usually jump rope exercise in life, to develop a good regular habit of jumping rope, for the reduction of the stomach is very helpful. Rope skipping is a relatively common exercise, usually regular moderate jumping rope exercise can be very good to lose the belly meat.

2, jogging

Aerobic exercise can make the whole body muscle to get effective loosening, and jogging belongs to a kind of simple aerobic exercise, jogging can make the body fat in a period of time smooth burning and absorption, can achieve a very good slimming effect.

3, yoga moves

Doing yoga at night can not only move the whole body's muscles, but also can make their busy or irritable day of the body and mood are released, in the elimination of fat at the same time can also be achieved to achieve a happy mood and to help the effect of sleep, so we can usually develop a regular yoga habit.

4, housework

The housework is tedious, but it can be very healthy for the body to reach a slimming effect, especially in the long term to develop a good habit of doing housework, in the long run down the road will allow the body to produce a habitual effect of elimination of fat, especially in the mopping sweeping the floor will be often constantly bending down, so it will pull the small belly The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what you're doing and how you're doing it, so you can make sure that you have a good understanding of what you're doing and how you're doing it.

5, swimming

Swimming for 30 minutes can consume 1100 kilojoules of calories. Even if the person is no longer in the water, the metabolic rate is still very fast, can burn fat faster than usual. And swimming can not only tighten the abdomen, but also can shape the whole body shape. And swimming is the most weight loss aerobic exercise oh!

Slimming precautions:

Da must use scientific and healthy way of exercise to achieve the effect of slimming, rather than go to the indiscriminate use or eat some drugs, these on the body, although in the short term will not have any great harm, but the long term there will be some rebound side effects occur.

There is another kind of dieting can not do, long-term dieting will also lead to the body's internal metabolic cycle out of the wrong, not only can not play an effective weight loss effect, but also produce some counterproductive.

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