What is the name of the dance where men and women dance together?

The dance that men and women dance together may be international standard dance or Latin dance. International standard dance, referred to as international standard dance, comes from the folk dance of various countries, the international standard dance on the dance posture, dance step requirements are very strict. International standard Latin dance also refers to sports dance, divided into rumba, cha-cha-cha, cowboy, samba and bullfighting five dances. Association is divided into: the World Federation of Sports Dance and the World International Standard Dance Federation, China International Standard Dance Federation, China Sports Dance Federation and other associations.

Latin dance is a sports competition dance, explosive, extremely strong style, skill is its characteristics, there is a lot of competitive sports dance to play space, and now has been into the Asian Games official competition items, Latin dance on November 12, 2014 formally applied for entry into the Olympic Games, is now in the approval stage, the Latin dance every year, the highest event WDSF Association will be in the member states around the world to choose a different location.


Origin: the origin of Latin dance traced back quite complex, each of its dance originated in a different country, has a different background, history and development process, but the vast majority of them originated in the Americas, and they are the fusion of three cultures.